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Advanced Differentiation: Advanced Learners at Burroughs Teri Emery, Advanced Differentiation Specialist and Maggie Smith, MPS Elementary Talent Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Differentiation: Advanced Learners at Burroughs Teri Emery, Advanced Differentiation Specialist and Maggie Smith, MPS Elementary Talent Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Differentiation: Advanced Learners at Burroughs Teri Emery, Advanced Differentiation Specialist and Maggie Smith, MPS Elementary Talent Development Facilitator

2 What are your experiences with gifted education?

3 Changes in Gifted Education Terman Study of the Gifted- IQ Assessment Lulu Stedman establishes the first “opportunity room” for the gifted A Nation at Risk report published Neuroscience, equity: need for broader definition gifted 1916 1918 1983 Pull out programs predominate! 1990’s 1998 Treffinger responds with a talent development model: The Levels of Service

4 Why Talent Development?


6 Levels of Service Model for Talent Development:

7 Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IV DESCRIPTION ALL emphasis on classroom differentiation for interest and learning profile, and enrichment MANY (anyone might, not everyone will) SOME Meets the needs for more rigor and challenge. Emphasis on advanced classes, differentiation of core content with depth, complexity, novelty and ascending intellectual demand FEW Emphasis on subject or grade acceleration and/or individual learning plans WHO All studentsStudents who show an interest, propensity, or achievement in a particular area as evidenced by assessed performance Students identified with advanced learning needs Identified advanced learners whose needs surpass curricular enhancements/ extensions available in a grade level or subject area WHAT Exposure to and opportunities to explore possible interest areas into, through and beyond the core curriculum Other enrichment opportunities: field trips, service learning, guest speakers, residencies. Clubs & specialized groups Interest projects Competitions Enrichment Clusters Core curriculum and instruction qualitatively differentiated specifically for advanced learners Classroom teachers trained to meet cognitive and affective needs of advanced learners Grouping for core instruction Learning Targets for Advanced Learners Full grade or single- subject acceleration Mentorships/ Apprenticeships Individualized learning plans Participation in advanced coursework through university partners and other agencies Learning Targets for Advanced Learners Enrichment Pedagogy Advanced Differentiation Talent Development & Advanced Learner Education All students recognize and develop their talents as a result of enrichment and appropriately challenging learning opportunities. Levels of Service

8 Who are Advanced Learners? 15% of Population Advanced Learners 3-5% of Population: Traditional Gifted 3-5% of Population: Traditional Gifted

9  Advanced learners are students from all cultural and socioeconomic groups who perform at, or show the potential for performing at an outstanding level when compared with others of same age, experience or environment. They have cognitive and affective needs that require a differentiated and challenging learning environment. * Based on MDE GT Definition MPS Definition

10 Advanced Learners Demonstrated high performance Strong academic achievement Creative producers Underdeveloped performance Twice- exceptional Low-SES Culturally/linguistically diverse Underachievers Supports (self, family, school) Inhibitors (self, family, school) 10

11 For example… Parents and early teachers thought he had a mental disability because he was slow to learn Hated the “rote” learning style of schooling at the time; dropped out at age 15 Failed the entrance exam to the Polytechnic University in Zurich Even at University, he continued to struggle; many professors thought he was slow, strange, and cocky and doubted he would graduate

12 Vs. Neil Degrasse Tyson Born and raised in the Bronx, always achieved top scores on assessments and the highest grades ; obsessed with astronomy from an early age Editor and chief of Physical Science Magazine; qualified and attended prestigious Bronx Science High School Became well known in physics community for giving lectures on astronomy by the age of 15 Majoring in physics, attended Harvard; Received a PhD in physics from Columbia

13 Burroughs AL numbers Kindergarten4 1 st grade20 2 nd grade39 3 rd grade30 4 th grade46 5 th grade59 Total (April 2016)198

14 Level III Services For Advanced Learners

15 District-Level Supports for Schools Grouping: Professional Development (site and district level) Research Database and Position Paper Trained Teacher: Certificate in Advanced Learner Education Support for Specialists: Advanced differentiation, math, literacy, instructional Advanced Differentiation: Curriculum Guides K-5Library of Resources Advanced Math Pathways Leadership for Talent Development

16 Do different MPS schools have different Advanced Learner Programs? Levels of Service Site Plan: Training and Development Levels of Service Site Plan: Unique to each building

17 If a student is determined to be an Advanced Learner what differences would a student see in curriculum/environment? Core Curriculum Depth Complexity Novelty Open-ended Interest-based Increased independence

18 Purposeful grouping practices are essential Differentiated instruction is essential Training is essential Training must include skills for facilitating and managing small group instruction With such a range of abilities, how is it possible for each student to make a year's worth of progress in each subject?

19  The process teachers use to plan learning experiences which intentionally respond to learner differences. Students would have opportunities to work at their levels of readiness (assessed levels of skills and knowledge), in preferred and varied learning modes/styles, and engage their interests in order to achieve curricular goals. What is differentiation?

20 IS NOTIS Just for students with labelsFor every student Individualized instructionFocused on the learning needs of individuals, small groups and whole group Something extra added to the lesson Integral to the core lesson Certain set of strategiesFlexible approach to use of space, time, materials, groupings, and instruction Something that happens all day every day Something that happens when there is a need for it TrackingFlexible grouping based on readiness, interest, choice, learning preference, etc. Incompatible with the standardsAn approach to ensure all students success with standards Differentiated Instruction … From The Differentiated School by Tomlinson, Brimijoin and Narvaez

21 Core StandardAdvanced Tier Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (1 st grade) I can ask and answer interpretive questions about key details in a fairytale. Determine which information is most important in a text. (3 rd grade) I can prove with evidence my inference about the author’s intent in a Socratic Seminar. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (5 th grade) I can annotate a text to find evidence of the themes power, change, and human rights. Examples of Tiered Learning Targets

22 4 th grade Social Studies parallel project

23 Report Card: Academic Standards for ALL learners I can prove and disprove ideas using evidence from credible sources. I can apply multiple perspectives to address complex issues and problems. K-12 Overarching Targets for Advanced Learners

24  Is our program similar to other public school districts in the state?  What resources are available to parents?  How do you ensure our children are making continuous progress at school? Questions?

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