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What do you know about Canada ? Task : Brainstorming.

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3 What do you know about Canada ? Task : Brainstorming

4 Reflective Thinking: Why is the title called “The True North”? 1. It’s position : the northern North America 2. The name of the train 3. A line from Canada National Anthem

5 O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Canada National Anthem( 国歌 )

6 Reading : “The True North ” from Toronto to Montreal Toronto Montreal

7 1st Reading: Draw the traveling route of the two girls and tell what they can see. on the train in the morning on the train at night in Montreal at dawn the next morning on the train that night in Toronto around noon

8 G1:What season was it when they traveled? How do you know? G2:Why was there good Cantonese food in Toronto? G3:Why couldn’t they go to the capital city, Ottawa? G4:What three things show us that Montreal has a French culture? 2nd Reading : Answer the questions

9 Listening Task : The Overview of Canada

10 size weather history energy geography language Population resources artagriculture sports Task: Odd the man out! Which is not mentioned here?

11 The capital of Canada is ______. A. Toronto B. Ottawa C. Vancouver D. Washington 2.Canada lies in _________. A. southern North America B. northern North America C. southern South America D. northern South America 3. The population of Canada is _______. A. 29 billion B. 5,500 million C. 29 million D.5,500 billion 4. Canadians speak ________. A. English B. French C.Russian D. both A and B 5. Canada is the ______ largest country in the world. A.second B.third C. forth D.\ choose the best answers

12 Using simple words to sum up the main ideas of each part Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 size population language history resources Weather

13 Canada is in the northern half of the North America Continent position

14 the beautiful sight of Ottawa – the capital city of Canada capital

15 the largest country in the worldthe second largest country in the world size reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth the distance from east to west is 5,500 kilometers and covers six of the world’s 24 time areas. 3rd 4th

16 the French-speaking province ----Quebec languages Official languages: English and French the TV and radio in French ; French restaurants ; teaching in schools be done in French.

17 England France settlers from France settlers from England settlers the first settlers arrived from England in _______. settlers from France reach Canada in_____. 1497 1534

18 weather different from area to area (as in china ) in the north winters long and hard ; snow for six months ; -60 ℃ Ottawa: winter --- -10 ℃ Summer --- 21 ℃ west coast warmest January : 3 ℃ July : 18 ℃

19 resources of Canada fresh watercoaloilnatural gas forests fish

20 fresh water the five great lakes other lakes one third of the world’s supply of fresh water

21 coal, oil, natural gas a great deal of coal, oil, and natural gas

22 forests much of the country be covered by forests ; wood be cut and sold all over the world ; biggest producer of the kind of paper used for newspapers

23 fishing : important for Canadians ; fish form east and west coast : be sold to many other countries

24 Grammar Reflection The Noun Clause 名 词性从句

25 1. ____you told me is very useful. A. That B. What C. Whether D. Which 2.Have you heard the news ____ Beijing won in the bid? A. why B. that C. what D which 3.The problem is not _______we leave, but ________ we can get there. A when, how B when, where C how, which D where, when Grammar Exercises

26 4. ____________ frightened us _________ two lights appeared suddenly in the darkness. A. It was, that B. What, most was that C. It, most what D. What, most was that 5. He asked me ________ with me. A. what is the trouble B. what wrong was C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is Grammar Exercises

27 Homework : Writing 写一篇加拿大的有关情况,字数 100 左右。 要点如下: 1 、加拿大是世界第二大国,约占世界四分之一 陆地面积。 2 、人口稀少,全国人口不到三千万。居民主要 讲法语和英语。 3 、气候多变。 4 、多湖泊,淡水资源丰富。 5 、丰富的森林资源,是世界最大纸张出口国。

28 Thank You! Well done ^_^

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