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 Mrs. Tatum’s Classroom. GGet to class before the bell rings! EEnter the classroom quietly, go directly to your assigned seat and begin the daily.

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Presentation on theme: " Mrs. Tatum’s Classroom. GGet to class before the bell rings! EEnter the classroom quietly, go directly to your assigned seat and begin the daily."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mrs. Tatum’s Classroom

2 GGet to class before the bell rings! EEnter the classroom quietly, go directly to your assigned seat and begin the daily Warm-Up. CCome into class ready to learn!

3  If you get to class after the bell, you are tardy.  Report to the Tardy Sweep teacher and get your tardy.  Quickly and quietly, return to class and begin Warm-Up.

4  First 5 minutes of class = QUIET TIME  Write assignments in your planner.  Complete the warm-up.  When you finish the warm-up, read independently.  During this time ONLY, you may leave your seat to use the pencil sharpener or get any supplies you don’t have.

5  You may use the electric pencil sharpener at these specific times: o During the FIRST 5 MINUTES of class o During the 5 MINUTE BREAK o OR During independent time

6  You will generally do a Warm-Up every day. o In addition, you will copy each day’s agenda in your student planner. o There will be planner checks!  It is your responsibility to bring your student planner and an AR book EVERY DAY.  Complete Warm-Ups quietly and then wait for instruction to begin. Use any extra time to read your AR book.

7  If you need to use the restroom or go to your locker, do this during the 5 minute break between our first and second hour together. (Of course, emergencies are the exception!)  If you get to class and forget any necessary supplies (planner/AR Book), you will need to punch your card.  If you are given permission to leave the room during class time, fill out the orange hall pass and go quietly.  Return as quickly as possible!

8  Ex: You do not have a pencil/paper o Address the issue within the first 5 minutes! o Borrow from a neighbor. o Punch your card and go to your locker.

9  Do not talk or get out of your seat while I am instructing or making announcements.  If you have questions or need assistance, please wait to raise your hand until after I have finished instructing.

10  When working in groups or pairs: o Talk to group members only o Stay on topic! o Talk in low “inside voice” o Be co operative o Raise your hand for help

11  If you have something to share, quietly raise your hand and wait to be called on.  State your answer or opinion loud enough for everyone to hear.  There is no reason to make any comments other than your answer.  Do not call out answers unless given permission to do so!  Do not interrupt others who are answering a question.

12  Check to make sure your NAME and HEADING are on your paper.  Quietly pass your paper to the person to the right of you. I will collect papers from each cluster.  Remain facing front ready for instruction. Turning in Work

13  Talk to me during first 5 minutes of class. o There will be notes/worksheets for you from the day you were absent. o It is in your best interest to attend tutoring before or after school. o Return make-up work to me within designated time frame.

14  Warning (This is your chance to correct the behavior)  Document - Parent/Guardian Contact  Office Referral  “3 Strikes ---You’re out!”

15  You can EARN Longhorn Pride Awards for various reasons. Examples include: o Following Longhorn Pride/Classroom Rules o Random Acts of Kindness o Class Participation o Spirit Shirts on Fridays o Good Grades/Grade Improvement o Many More!!

16  You may redeem my Longhorn Prides for points and privileges in the classroom.  LHPs must be given and signed by me in order to be redeemed by me.

17  2 = Small bag of candy  2 = Package of paper  5 = Big bag of candy  1 = Candy (after School)  10 = Leave class 1 minute early!  10 = 5 Points on a Test (1 test/six weeks)

18  You may checkout a book from my library in addition to the school library. o Remember: Check that your book is AR!

19  Wednesday Morning- 7:50 – 8:25  Wednesday Afternoon– 4:05 – 4:30

20  No one leaves the room until dismissed by the teacher, NOT the bell.  The bell is a signal for teachers, not students!  You will not be dismissed until area is clean and you are seated.  If you are tardy to your next class, it is your responsibility unless you are given a note by the teacher.

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