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Practical Exam 2015 Dominic Gruijters. Format of the Practical Exam Question 1 40 marks SQL Question 2 80 marks Java and Delphi Programming No change.

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1 Practical Exam 2015 Dominic Gruijters

2 Format of the Practical Exam Question 1 40 marks SQL Question 2 80 marks Java and Delphi Programming No change in mark allocation between sections Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters 2 07 February 2015

3 Continuation of Problem Solving CAPS emphasises a problem-solving algorithmic approach General vs Specific Algorithms Simple objects more problem-solving oriented combination and interaction between objects Simple parts with complex glue NO OOP INHERITANCE Last question will be able to be solved with inheritance but won’t be compulsory 3 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

4 CAPS – Taxonomy Level 1 (30%): Reproducing a learnt algorithm without application 4 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

5 CAPS – Taxonomy Level 2 (40%): Learned generic algorithms applied to simple situations String functions (length, extraction, searching within) Declaration and instantiation of objects OOP modelling under direction: method declarations (simple accessor, mutator methods), few parameters and returns Learned (generic) algorithms applied to simple situations Complex tasks using multiple 'simple application'-type skills (e.g. string manipulation and sort, or multiple elements of string manipulation) Adapting learned algorithms to new scenarios (specific algorithms) Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 5 07 February 2015

6 CAPS – Taxonomy Level 3 (30%): Unseen/unprepared problems requiring students to adapt learned algorithms significantly, or to create a unique solution to a problem. Unseen/unprepared problems requiring students to adapt learned algorithms significantly, or to create a unique solution to a problem. OOP modelling from problem definition, unguided Problems focusing on efficiency and code elegance (e.g. 'marks will be awarded for efficient solutions'). SQL: statements involving more than two of joined tables, SQL functions, multiple logical operators, grouping (with or without GROUPs) Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 6 07 February 2015

7 Algorithms and Data Structures The focus on efficiency and data structures will continue Efficiency may be expected in other areas of the paper not just the last question Data structures for problem solving Strings can also be data structures Arrays of basic types Arrays of objects 7 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

8 Question 1 7 – 10 SQL Questions 40 marks 3 or 4 table database SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 8 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

9 SQL – 2015 Focus JOINS Join three tables Random number generation HAVING Nested Queries DATE functions INSERT using SELECT (see next slide) Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 9 07 February 2015

10 INSERT using SELECT Ever wanted to duplicate a row in a database table with slight different values? Here’s how: 07 February 2015Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 10 PrisonerIDPrisonerName tblPrisoners 1Harold 2Gary 3Peter tblVisits VisitIDPrisonerIDVisitorNameVisitLengthVisitDate 13Susan302015-01-31

11 INSERT USING SELECT INSERT INTO tblVisits (PrisonerID, VisitorName, VisitLength, VisitDate) SELECT PrisonerID, VisitorName, VisitLength, NOW() FROM tblVisits WHERE VisitID = 1 Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 11 VisitIDPrisonerIDVisitorNameVisitLengthVisitDate 13Susan302015-01-31 23Susan302015-02-07 07 February 2015

12 INSERT USING SELECT INSERT INTO tblVisits (PrisonerID, VisitorName, VisitLength, VisitDate) SELECT PrisonerID, ‘Joan’, VisitLength, NOW() FROM tblVisits WHERE PrisonerID = 3 AND VisitorName = ‘Susan’ Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 12 VisitIDPrisonerIDVisitorNameVisitLengthVisitDate 13Susan302015-01-31 23Susan302015-02-07 07 February 2015

13 Some Juicy Nuggets Nested Queries SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM tblTeachers This will give you the actual salary R2100.00 But what if we want the name of the teacher? SELECT Name FROM tblTeachers WHERE Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM tblTeachers) SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM tblTeachers ORDER BY Salary DESC 13 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

14 Some Juicy Nuggets What if we wanted all the teachers who earn above the average salary? Would this work? SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE salary > AVG(salary) This is the solution SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM tblTeachers) 14 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

15 Some Juicy Nuggets SELECT * FROM tblParents WHERE ParentID IN (SELECT ParentID FROM tblChildren) SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE Grade IN (8,9,10) 15 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

16 Dust Off Your SQL ROUND INT CONCAT or & RANDOM MOD NOW() Let’s play 16 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

17 Dust Off Your SQL SELECT num/10 FROM tblNumbers SELECT ROUND(num/10, 2) FROM tblNumbers SELECT INT(num/10) FROM tblNumbers SELECT INT(num/10) & “ cm” FROM tblNumbers SELECT ROUND(INT(num/10) & units FROM tblNumbers 17 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

18 Dust Off Your SQL SELECT YEAR(NOW()) – YEAR(DOB) FROM tblPpl (what about people who haven’t had a birthday yet) SELECT NOW() – DOB FROM tblPpl SELECT SUM(salary) / COUNT(salary) FROM tblPpl SELECT SUM(cost * unitprice) FROM tblSales GROUP BY ProductType SELECT COUNT(cost * unitprice) tblSales (NO) 18 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

19 Dust Off Your SQL SELECT LEFT(name, 3) & RIGHT(surname, 3) & INT(RND*100) FROM tblPpl INT ((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * RND + lowerbound) 19 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

20 Joins SELECT Name FROM tblParents INNER JOIN tblChildren ON tblParents.ParentID = tblChildren.ParentID SAME AS SELECT Name FROM tblParents, tblChildren WHERE tblParents.ParentID = tblChildren.ParentID 20 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters 07 February 2015

21 Question 2 - Overview 80 marks Java and Delphi Programming One or Two different object classes Manager Class Array(s) of objects Counter More attributes related to the manager class Some functionality User Interface 1 problem solving questions (open-ended) 21 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters 07 February 2015

22 Question 2 - Specifics Class Diagrams No protected (but it is # just for reference) double means real, double, float Class diagrams are a bit of a frankenstein – mix between UML, Java and Delphi Output and Interface will remain very simple 22 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

23 Question 2 - Specifics Marks allocated to problem solving question and possibly another question Marked using an open-ended rubric (rubric moderation is critical! Please keep contributing) Think out of the box Encourage students to attempt it in a creative way 23 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

24 Important Concepts to Cover Objects as Parameters Objects as Class Attributes Objects as Return Types Arrays as Parameters Arrays as Class Attributes Arrays as Return Types Objects Interacting with one another Processing a second file 24 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

25 Important Concepts to Cover Class methods that take parameters of the same class public class Person { …. public boolean equals(Person p) { if (idnumber == p.getIDNumber) { return true; } else { return false; } 07 February 2015Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 25

26 Important Concepts to Cover Person p1 = new Person(‘John’, ‘Smith’, ‘8205045201085’) Person p2 = new Person(‘John’, ‘Smith’, ‘7509085003083’) if (p1.equals(p2)) { System.out.println(“Same person!”); } else { System.out.println(“Different person!”); } Portfolios – Dominic Gruijters 26 07 February 2015

27 Practical Exam Submissions Draft marking guide first Mark a sample Standardisation Meeting in clusters Final marking guide released MARK SCRIPTS Fill in electronically (and indicate where you assigned marks on print outs) Print out (with checksum) Submit all scripts with electronically filled out and printed marking guides Don’t forget barcodes! 27 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

28 Questions? 28 Practical Exam – Dominic Gruijters07 February 2015

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