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The Financial Crisis Act I: Mortgages. The Actors home buyers banks rating agencies investors construction industry Fannie Mae The government.

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Presentation on theme: "The Financial Crisis Act I: Mortgages. The Actors home buyers banks rating agencies investors construction industry Fannie Mae The government."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Financial Crisis Act I: Mortgages

2 The Actors home buyers banks rating agencies investors construction industry Fannie Mae The government

3 It Can Only Go Up

4 Effects USA, population 300m $9.9T owed in mortgages ($33k/person)‏  (end of 2006) by households for homes for <= 4 families 6% of jobs in construction (2006)‏ Home equity loans ($750B=$2.5k/person in 2005)‏ Expansion of suburbs

5 On Wall St. Mortgage Originators (local banks etc.)‏ sell them to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and big banks Mortgages bundled and sliced (~60%)‏ Rating agencies rate the best slices as AAA Sold to investors ~$24B in Wall St. bonuses (2006)‏

6 Why the crash?

7 Homeowners house prices expensive  $740k median home price in Santa Clara Co. (Dec 2007)‏ ARM, Option-ARM, teaser rates liar loans Leverage / Speculation (22% for investment purposes)‏

8 Ratings Agencies Only looked at historical data Ignored correlations / accuracy of info Paid by bank creating the mortgage pool  No payment if you don't like the rating Competition S&P email “Rating agencies continue to create and even bigger monster—the CDO market. Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters."

9 Banks Could create AAA bonds that paid more than regular AAA bonds Fees Kept a lot of it on their books (for capital requirements)‏ Mark to market

10 Investors These AAA bonds paid more than regular AAA bonds Restrictions on types of assets Need returns  Some pension funds were underfunded  Hedge funds need to justify fees Leverage

11 Effects

12 Foreclosures (9.2% delinquent or foreclosed, Aug 2008)‏ House values drop (27% from peak)‏ Hard to sell Real Estate and Construction jobs lost Property Tax (and income and sales tax) revenues go down

13 Effects on Wall St. Investors lose money  losses of entire crises >$10T Banks lose money ($435B in July, now $1T?)‏ Wall St. bonuses fell 37% to $18.4B

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