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Brain stem section 國防醫學院生解科 授課教師: 黃雍協
Brain stem components Ascending tract Descending
Fiber connecting with the cerebellum Cranial nuclei and nerve Integrative center---reticular formation (monoaminergic neuron) dopamine, catecholamine, and serotonin
Ascending tracts Descending tracts Fibers connecting with cerebellum
spinothalamic tract (STT) Medial lemniscus system Spinocerebellar tract (dorsal and ventral) ICP and SCP spinal trigeminal tract Descending tracts Tectospinal tract Rubrospinal tract Reticulospinal tract Vestibulospinal tract; Medial longitudinal fasciculus Corticospinal tract Central tegmental tract Fibers connecting with cerebellum cerebellar peduncles (superior, middle and inferior) superior cerebellar peduncle decussation
Cranial nuclei and nerve
7個功能模組 延腦包括全部 一般體感覺(GSA) (from skin and muscle) 一般內臟感覺(GVA)(頸部以下的內臟) 特殊體感覺(SSA)(視聽平) 特殊內臟感覺(SVA) (嗅味) 一般體運動(GSE) (CN 3,4,6,11,12) 一般內臟運動(GVE) (CN 3,7,9,10) 特殊內臟運動(SVE)(咽弓發育而來的頭頸部骨骼肌) (CN 5, 7, 9, 10)
Cranial nuclei 7個運動核 oculomotor nu.and trochlear nu. in the midbrain
trigeminal motor nu. in the pons facial motor nu and abducens nu. at the potomedullary junction ambiguus and hypoglossal nu. in the medulla 4個副交感神經核(CN3,7,9,10) Edinger-Westphal nu. Superior salvatory nu. Inferior salvatory nu. and Dorsal nu. of vagus 4種感覺核(主要在延腦) Trigeminal nu. (GSA) Solitary nu.(GVA) (rostal part is the gustatory nu. (SVA)) in the medulla two cochlear nu. (SSA) in the medulla Four vestibular nu. (SSA) in the potomedullary junction
Blue—sensory nu. Red---motor nu.
Cranial nuclei and nerve
6. Upper pons: SCP, locus ceruleus, M5T
Anatomy of the brain stem (external features and larger internal structures). 1.Spinomedullary junction: S5N, pyramidal descussion 2. Closed medulla: Pyramidal decussation (at the most caudal level) Internal arcuate fibres (at a more rostral level) 3.Open medulla: Inferior olivary nucleus 4. Lower pons: Abducens nucleus Fibres of facial nerve 5. Mid-pontine level: Trigeminal nerve, Pontine nuclei Medial lemniscus 6. Upper pons: SCP, locus ceruleus, M5T 7. Caudal midbrain(下丘): Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles 8. Rostral midbrain(上丘): Red nucleus Oculomotor nerve
Close medulla (Caudal medulla)
23 Close medulla (Caudal medulla) Sensory nu. and tract Nucleus gracilis (2) Nucleus cuneatus(3) Fasciculus gracilis(23) Fasciculus cuneatus(4) Internal arcuate fibers(19) Lateral (accessory) cuneate nucleus (5) S5N(6) and S5T(7) Solitary tract and nucleus(21) Motor nu. Hypoglossal nucleus(17) and nerve(18) Dorsal motor nucleus of X (1) vagus nerve fibers(20) Nucleus ambiguus(10) Ascending tract ML(15) ALS(9) Reticular formation Raphe nu.(14) Tracts Pyramid(13) Other MLF(16) Posterior spinocerebellar tract (8) Anterior spinocerebellar tract (11) Inferior olivary nu.(12)
Open medulla (Rostal medulla)
Sensory nu. and tract Nucleus cuneatus (7) Lateral cuneate nucleus (8) Internal arcuate fibers(14) S5T(24) and S5N (25) Solitary nucleus(5) and solitary tract (6) Inferior vestibular nucleus (26) Medial vestibular nucleus(27) Motor nu Hypoglossal nucleus (3) and nerve (15) Dorsal motor nucleus of X (4) and fiber(13) Nucleus ambiguus(11) Ascending tracts Medial lemniscus(18) ALS(12) PSCT entering the ICP(10) ASCT(23) Tract: pyramid(16) Central tegmental tract (21) Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) (2) Other: Raphe magnus nu. (17) Inferior olivary nu.(medial accessory nu. (19), (principal nu. 20, dorsal accessory nu. 22) Olivocerebellar fibers Inferior cerebellar peduncle(9) (includes dorsal spinocerebellar and cuneocerebellar trs.)
Lower pons Sensory nu. Solitray nu. and tract(9)
Spinal trigeminal nu. (11) Superior olivary nu.(22) Lateral vestibular nu.(26) Medial vestibular nu.(28) Motor nu. abducens nu.(5) and fiber (8) facial motor nu. (23) and nerve(25) internal genu of facial n.(29) Reticular formation raphe magnus nu. (4) Ascending tracts Spinal trigeminal nu. and tract(10 and 11) (S5N & S5T, 10,11) ML(20) ALS(14) LL(13) Trapezoid body(19) Tract CST, CBT, CPT(16) Other: MLF(3) CTT(21) SCP (6) MCP (2) ICP (7) pontine nu, (18)
Mid-pons 22 Sensory nu. SCP Trigeminal main sensory nu. (6)
and trigeminal nerve(10) M5N and M5T(5)[mesencephalic] Superior vestibular nu.(20) Superior olivary nu.(16) Motor nu. Trigeminal motor nu.(7) Reticular formation Superior central nu.(19) Ascending tracts: ML(9) ALS(8) Trapezoid body(14) LL(17) ASC(4) Tract: MLF(2), CTT(15), Pyramidal(12) Pontocerebellar fiber(11) SCP Other: SCP(3) MCP (18) Anterior spinocerebellar tract(4) Pontine nu.(13) Superior medullary velum (22)
Upper pons 1 2 5 Motor: Trochlear decussation (1) Sensory: M5N and M5T
(mesencephalic nu. and tract)(2) Reticular formation Locus ceruleus (3) Dorsal raphe nu. (4) PAG (periaqueductal gray)(5) around 4th ventricle Basal pons: Pontine nu. (6) Pontocerebellar fibers (7) Descending system (8) Corticospinal, corticobulbar, cortireticular, cortiopontine 13 3 4 11 12 14 10 9 7 6 8 Ascending tracts: Medial lemnicus (9) spinal lemnicus (10) lateral lemnicus(11) Other tracts: MLF (12) SCP (13) central tegmental tract (14)
Caudal midbrain--inf. colliculus level
Sensory nu: Inferior colliculus (5) M5N and M5T (15) Motor nu.: Trochlear nu (3) and fiber (4) Substantia nigra (10) Reticular formation Dorsal raphe nu(2) PAG (16) Ascending tract ML (8) ALS (7) LL (6) Cerebral peduncle: (9) descending tract: corticospinal, corticobulbar(and corticoreticular) Corticopontine(位在兩側) Other: Central tegmental tract(13) MLF(14) decussation of SCP(11)(cerebello-rubro thalamic pathway) Pontine nu. (12) Cerebral aqueduct(1)
Rostal midbrain—sup. colliculus level
Sensory nu: Superior colliculus (3) M5N and M5T(4) Motor nu: Oculomotor nu.(18) and nerve(11) EW nu. Substantia nigra(compact part,9) (reticular part, 10) Red nu.(15) Ascending tract ML(7) ALS(6) Brachium of inferior colliculus (5) Cerebral peduncle(8) MLF(16) CTT(17) Reticular formation PAG(2) Other: Ventral tegmental area(13)
Special somatic sensory nu.
Four vestibular nu. Two cochlear nu. The level of Cranial Nerve VIII and IX looks a lot like a butterfly. “Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems.” (Haines 117). The level of Cranial Nerve VIII and IX looks a lot like a butterfly. “Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems.” (Haines 117).
Reticular formation Monoamergic system
dopamine, serotonin and noradrenalin Pain inhibitory center periaqueductal gray
Dopaminergic neurons
Serotonergic neurons
Noradrenergic neurons
Pain inhibitory pathway
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