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FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz1 Welcome to CPPM ! 欢迎光临法国 ! 欢迎光临马赛 ! I won’t be able to make a comprehensive review of our activities. Apologies for those.

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Presentation on theme: "FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz1 Welcome to CPPM ! 欢迎光临法国 ! 欢迎光临马赛 ! I won’t be able to make a comprehensive review of our activities. Apologies for those."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz1 Welcome to CPPM ! 欢迎光临法国 ! 欢迎光临马赛 ! I won’t be able to make a comprehensive review of our activities. Apologies for those not covered.

2 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz2 Our Goal at CPPM: Understand the Universe! Particle Physics: Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond understand particles, forces, mass generation, CPV,... Astroparticles: Study of the Universe with High Energy Messengers (neutrinos) Observational Cosmologie : characterize Dark Energy using SN Interdisciplinary: imaging, GRID computing, and under-water technologies

3 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz3 How it works... in a nutshell! Ministry of Higher Education and Research Universities UMR6550

4 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz4 CPPM in numbers permanent positions term positions physicists PhD students ITA Grand Total: 151

5 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz5 CPPM in numbers Area (m 2 ) Offices1330 Workshop, clean room,...1000 Research areas418 Yard7600 Library130 Hall, Cafeteria, Amphi384 Meeting rooms166 Particle Physics Astroparticle Cosmology Interdisciplinary

6 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz6 Particle Physics at CPPM 2006 20072008200920102011 start of data taking ATLAS H1 end of data taking: D0 end of data taking? - inclusive measurements - search for new phenomena - diffractive physics - search for new phenomena - search for Higgs boson - Level 0 muon trigger - Core software: DIRAC - Physics: - trigger impact - b tagging - BSM physics

7 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz7 ATLAS pixel detector EM calo endcaps High Level Trigger - b tagging - EM-ID - e + e - resonances - top properties - Higgs searches: ttH(bb) ttH(WW) tbH +

8 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz8 CPPM Physics at Energy Frontier Accelerators HERA at DESY 320 GeV ep 1992 – 2007 Tevatron at Fermilab 2 TeV pp-bar 1985 – 2009/10 LHC at CERN 14 TeV pp collider from 2008 on... International Linear Collider ~0.5 TeV e + e - collider extending LHC discovery reach R&D for ILC? R&D for a new pixel detector at SLHC

9 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz9 AstroParticles at CPPM 2500m First successful step towards a KM3 CPPM is the host lab for ANTARES ANTARES Demonstrator for an Undersea Neutrino Telescope

10 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz10 AstroParticles at CPPM already 10 lines connected avec neutrino hunting has started! last 2 lines connected very soon interdisciplinarity: sismology oceanology bioluminescence ANTARES under-water permanent laboratory cos  number of events Downward going cosmic ray muons Upward going neutrinos

11 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz11 Observational Cosmology at CPPM completing data analysis Measure cosmological parameters to determine the nature of Dark Energy using supernovae design, production, tests of a demonstrator spectrometer based on slicer technology Study of possible intermediate programs between SNLS and SNAP Renoir SNLS SNAP Looking forward to SNAP approval

12 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz12 Computing GRID Develop intensive distributed computing (GRID Tier 3/2) to support programs at the lab and in the community Participation to EGEE and strong involvement on DIRAC & LCG Long term computing plan (CPU and storage) Some data storage shared with biologists (IBDM, CIML)

13 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz13 Main Goal: develop new generation imaging detectors using technologies developed for Particles Physics detector design and production simulation development build a PET/CT scanner Image fusion positron electron X-Ray CT (anatomy) PET (function) spin-off from ATLAS hybrid pixel detectors

14 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz14 Some Goals for CPPM... make sure to: succeed in our technical commitments get a strong scientific payback take a leading rôle in the projects we take part in (35% of CPPM physicists have high level responsabilities) launch new ambitious research strategies promote interdisciplinary developments linked with physics projects keep improving training (students and personnel) communication international collaborations... CPPM is the French Administrative headquarter for it

15 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz15 But, CPPM is more than just an administative headquarter for FCPPL... involved in a common projects (ATLAS and Dark Energy) part of a successful exchange program - André Tilquin: 3 mo - Zuxuan Qian: 2 mo - Charling Tao: 3 wk should be at least as good in 2008! 2007 China->France 2007 France->China * co-directed PhD * *

16 FCPPL CPPM 15/01/08E. Kajfasz16 I wish you... a nice stay in Marseille (apologies for the rain!) a very fruitful workshop and even more fruitful collaborations in the years to come...

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