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FAKULTET POLITIČKIH NAUKA, Beograd The representation of relevant contents for working in the area of social policy, social work social pedagogy in the.

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Presentation on theme: "FAKULTET POLITIČKIH NAUKA, Beograd The representation of relevant contents for working in the area of social policy, social work social pedagogy in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAKULTET POLITIČKIH NAUKA, Beograd The representation of relevant contents for working in the area of social policy, social work social pedagogy in the study programs at the faculties of the University of Niš Jasmina Petrović Marina Matejević Faculty of Philosophy in Nišu

2 2 The subject of analysis  Study programs at the basic (BA), master (MA) and doctoral (PhD) studies at some faculties at the University of Niš who educate professionals to work in the area of creation, implementation and evaluation of social policy measures and social service provision (that is, in a broad area of social protection and social policy) – sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues (Faculty of Philosophy), as well as jurists (Faculty of Law) – whose engagement is indisputable in the mentioned areas.

3 The goal of the study program analysis is  to identify and present the content of the courses which are significant for performing the activities of social policy, social work and social pedagogy.  In other words, having in mind the purpose of the work in these areas, it is necessary to determine whether the analyzed study programs have the contents that allow the students to acquire certain competences. 3

4  The basis for the separation of competences within the observed contents were the Global Standards for Education and Training in Social Work issued by the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), but also the concept of social policy itself, understood as the key public policy created in order to influence the sustainable development of the society and prevalence of social risks as well as the rehabilitation of the consequences of unequal allocation of social welfare (Puljiz et al., 2005).  The competences are listed in their basic form, in several impoverished contents, in order to make a suitable schema for the content analysis in a wide range of available courses within the analyzes study programs. 4

5 The presence of contents directed towards the following competences was analyzed: 1. the knowledge of social inequality mechanisms that resulted in the unequal use of social and cultural resources by the members of one community (economic, class, educational, gender,…); 2. the introduction to the concept of social exclusion, marginalization, stigmatization, as well as with the concept of social inclusion; 3. the familiarity with different social issues and social deviations that require the work with individuals, families, groups and communities; 5

6 4. the knowledge of the corpus of human rights and national normative framework within which the rights of individuals and some groups that require additional legal protection are being exercised; 5. the knowledge how the society and the key social institutions/organizations function which, among other things, allow the understanding of the context in which it is possible to plan the social policy measures and achieve certain social goals (such as, the social inclusion of all community members, poverty reduction, allocation of some resources, achievement of gender equality, etc.). In other words, the knowledge based on which it is possible to recognize the possibilities for the change of structural conditions that marginalize individuals, groups, communities in the community (society) including the normative frameworks for society functioning; 6

7 6. the knowledge to shape, direct, implement and evaluate social policy measures in certain areas (education, media, labor market, gender relations, resource allocation) in accordance with the ethical principles of the community and the national normative frameworks; 7. the knowledge of the cultural resources (the cultural matrix of a society, tradition, customs, religion,…) and the manner in which they may become resources and/or obstacles to the general social growth and development; 8. the acquisition of knowledge on the structure and development of personality, as well as psychological triggers of behavior in order to explain and understand the behavior of (potentially) vulnerable individuals and groups ; 7

8 8 9. the acquisition of knowledge and skills that can facilitate the inclusion into the society of marginalized deprived, vulnerable individuals or social groups (support and activation of individuals, families, groups and communities to increase their well-being and their potentials to solve problems; representation of persons in the state of social need…); 10. the possession of knowledge and psychological and social skills for the provision of assistance in crisis situations (immediate psychological and consulting support,…); strengthening the capacities and directing the potentials of persons in the state of social need in order to overcome that circumstance in an easier was and be included in the community in a more efficient manner; awakening of the repressed strengths of users and the immediate social environment in order to take responsibility for their own social safety; the competences to provide help for re-socialization;

9 9 11. the competences to represent and directly work with persons who are not in the position to do that for themselves, for example, children without parental care, elderly, etc. who require care, treatment, education, etc.; persons with severe forms of mental illnesses or disability, etc., and to do all that in accordance with ethical standards and regulations; 12. the competences to help users (beneficiaries) develop competences for the participation, responsibility and independence, as well as to provide support to users for the activation of potentials for independent fulfillment of the needs, productive life in the community and the preclusion of dependence on social services;

10 10 13. the competences to develop a pro-social personality orientation and to encourage the development of social responsibility of individuals and groups, as well as to encourage (individuals and groups) people to initiate addressing issues that are important for the adequate community functioning at the local, regional and national level; 14. the competences for the representation of initiatives for solving problems that are important for the functioning of socially marginalized and vulnerable individuals and groups at the local, regional, national or international level.

11 11 THE RESULTS OF SYLLABI ANALYSIS – SUMMARY – Faculty of Law  By analyzing the current study programs at all study levels at the Faculty of Law in Niš, we conclude that there is a number of courses at all study levels that, from the legal perspective, deal with the topics significant for social policy and social protection, as well as with the widely-understood area of social inclusion (or more precisely, with its legal presuppositions).  In that sense, 41 relevant courses were identified ( 18 at basic, 12 at master and 11 at doctoral studies), whereby it is a significant fact that a large number of these courses have an elective character, and that would mean that the knowledge the analysis was focused on are acquired optionally, depending on the student’s choice.

12  The results of the analysis suggest that it is about the programs that primarily equip future professionals in the area of social policy and social work with:  general theoretical knowledge that allow the students to be familiar with the normative dimension of function of social institutions; in most areas, it is not just about studying the national legal framework, but also relevant international regulations, and that allows the students to assess the achieved legal standards in the area op application of human rights as well as a series of special categories of rights, including social; 12

13  solid knowledge that analyze the scope of work of social institutions at the local and republic level, and that can be important in the strategic planning of social policy measures in certain areas – primarily, in the development of their normative dimension;  by studying labor and social rights or even certain civil-legal or public-legal disciplines, the students are being trained for either to directly work with clients or to plan and create certain social policy measures (in the normative domain), as well as to monitor and evaluate the existing measures. 13

14  That also creates a basis for identifying opportunities for changing the structural conditions which marginalize individuals, groups and communities in the community (society).  The materials at the highest study level also includes competences to design changed and/or innovate the regulations in certain areas;  according to the selection of appropriate elective courses at the basic studies, that is, by selecting the offered modules, nine of which are at the master studies, the jurists can also acquire specific competences for the application of their legal knowledge in the area of social policy and social work that are essential for directly working with clients, that is, for planning social policy measures in certain areas; 14

15  a lot of elective courses within certain modules give the opportunity to more deeply acquaint the issue of protecting certain sensitive social groups. For example, as a part of the criminal law module at the basic studies, and then within the same module at the master studies, a partial specialization is allowed for the issues of criminal victimization, legal and broader issues of juvenile delinquency, family violence or the protection of the rights or children, persons with disability, unemployed persons, etc. 15

16  Generally speaking, what is missing in the analyzed programs is to acquaint the students with some basic concepts that are significant for the work in the analyzed areas, such as the concepts of social inequality, social exclusion, social inclusion; what is also missing is some courses is referring to a broader theoretical perspective that would allow a more functional connection with the detailed knowledge of legal mechanisms. 16

17  Innovations in the new programs (Social Security Systems / Social Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution,…) 17

18 Faculty of Philosophy – Department of Sociology  By analyzing the current study programs at the Department of Sociology, it was determined that there are courses that cover the topics relevant for social policy, social protection and social inclusion (16 mandatory and 6 elective at the basic studies, 5 elective at the master studies and 3 elective at the doctoral studies). 18

19 These are the programs that allow the students to:  acquire general theoretical knowledge on how the society functions and on the main institutional and structural changes, and that allows them to understand the context in which it is possible to plan the measures of social policy and meet certain social goals;  gain insight into the mechanisms of social functioning and basic sources of social dysfunctions and social issues;  the acquired knowledge allows them to recognize social actors and to understand structural constraints of social action; 19

20  be familiar with the mechanisms of social inequalities the consequence of which is also the unequal use of social and cultural resources by the members of a community (economic, class, educational, gender,…); to gain understanding of the phenomenon of unequal division of social resources and to develop skills to measure and compare inequalities and poverty; the students are being trained to analyze certain measures and social policy systems and to understand the reform of the social policy system in the countries in transition from the perspective of its goals and consequences; 20

21  get acquainted with different social issues and social deviations, the concept of social inclusion, marginalization, stigmatization and social inclusion; to acquire new knowledge and skills they can use to facilitate the inclusion of marginalized, deprived, vulnerable individuals or social groups into the society;  gain analytical competences (at higher study levels) that include the ability to analyze social phenomena, the ability to use the results of social research, the ability to formulate measures in order to meet the set social goals and the ability to monitor and evaluate state, local and business policies; 21

22  have the ability to employ analytical and synthetic ways of thinking (at higher study levels) and the ability to compare, critically assess arguments and evidence; the ability to independently conduct original and relevant scientific research; the ability to solve problems and innovate in professional and academic work in complex situations; 22

23  have the strategic planning ability in different areas of social life;  have the ability to analyze and reflect on social norms and relations, and to understand the mechanisms and their changes;  have the ability to operatively interact in managing changes in a complex environment; have the ability to creatively react to social, scientific and ethical issues in professional and academic activities; 23

24  elective courses provide an opportunity to deeply acquaint certain sensitive social groups (juvenile delinquency, family violence, school violence, unemployment,…).  Generally speaking, it can be noticed that practical content is missing. In addition, in the analyzed programs, the issues of minority groups as well as the issues of older people are marginally contained. Also, some areas of social exclusion are not sufficiently covered. 24

25  Innovations in the new study program BA / Sociology of minority identities, Sociology of aging, Introduction to romology, Violence, children neglect in upbringing and abuse.  Also, some courses have been innovated with relevant content (Sociology of upbringing and education, Education and social selection, Political sociology).  We expect the decision of the Commission for Accreditation on the new proposal of MA studies (social policy module) with a lot of relevant courses that deal with analysis: Social inequalities in education, Social prevention of school violence, Social networking of a school, Social issues of children and youth, Social policy: theoretical foundations, Analysis of social policy measures, Pension systems, social care for the elderly and social protection, Labor market policy and educational policy, Family policy and healthcare policy, Social inequalities and poverty, Social inclusion and the policy of social inclusion, Demographic changes and population policy, Sociology of marginal social groups. 25


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