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Warm-Up Friday 10/16 To keep an empire together, a ruler must deal with forces both inside and outside of their empire. In your decision, which area is.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Friday 10/16 To keep an empire together, a ruler must deal with forces both inside and outside of their empire. In your decision, which area is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Friday 10/16 To keep an empire together, a ruler must deal with forces both inside and outside of their empire. In your decision, which area is more important to control? Think about the problems in France (chaos, mobs, king be-headed, The Great Scare, food shortages).

2 Maximilien Robespierre Now that the King is dead, tries to wipeout all traces of France’s past monarchy and nobility. Leader of the Committee of Public Safety and finds who the enemies of republic are. Governs France like a dictator………….Reign of Terror Wants to ensure people stay true to the ideals of the Revolution (What the revolution stood for)

3 Reign of Terror Most famous victim of the Terror was Marie Antoinette. “Enemies of the Revolution” even included fellow revolutionaries that challenged his authority. Courts order death sentences on the very people who set up the republic. People turned their backs on friends out of fear of being accused as an “enemy” as well.

4 Short Response: You watch thousands of your French countrymen and women get sentenced to die by the guillotine. These are the very same revolutionaries that fought side by side with you to help France win it’s freedom. Things seem very bad as Robespierre seems to go too far. Now he has just accused your best friend of being an “enemy of the state”. Write a 2 paragraph response ( Using complete sentences) writing to Robespierre asking to prove their friend’s innocence. Do you: Stand up and defend your friend? Deny your friend out of fear?

5 Thousands of deaths Thousands of people were sent to death over the littlest things Ex. Tavern Keeper selling sour wine to revolutionaries was killed. Over 3,000 people-40,000 were killed 85% killed were peasants – Why does this seem so hard to believe? Irony? Why was the revolution eventually fought?

6 End of the Terror National Assembly knew it was a matter of time before they might be accused. Had Robespierre arrested and the next day he died at the guillotine. People were tired of the Terror Drew up 3 rd Constitution 2 house legislature and executive body of 5 men known as The Directory

7 Napoleon Bonaparte Chosen by Directory to led as General. Hero from an early age defending delegates at the National Convention. Napoleon and Josephine (wife) take control of France after returning from Egypt. Takes control of the Directory through a coup ( sudden takeover of power)

8 Still a war going on…….. Napoleon was able to get British, Austrian, and Prussian diplomats to sign peace agreements. France has order and stability Kept ideals of the revolution including equality and equality in taxation. Set up an efficient tax system and efficient national bank. Set up government run public schools called lycees. (Train for public office based on qualifications vs. who you knew that could get you a job.

9 Napoleon’s Reform Signed Concordat, or agreement, that recognized the influence of the church but separated them from control of France. Napoleonic Code-Gave the country a uniform set of laws and eliminated injustices Limited individual rights created under The Declaration of Rights of Man and Women Restricted freedom of speech and press.

10 Napoleon “The Emperor” Makes himself Emperor. Voters supported him. Wanted France to be the top power in Europe

11 New World Territories Word of the Revolution reached Saint Dominque (colony) and wanted the same privileges as France. Slaves in the colony demanded their freedom also. Civil war broke out and slaves overtook the colony. Napoleon sent troops to regain island but lost 23,000 men….. Sold Louisiana Territory to President Jefferson to the United States for 15 million.

12 Warm-up for: Monday October 19th The French Revolution is seen as many different revolutions within a revolution……….. -Please write the two revolutions within the French Revolution that we have learned so far. Tell me: 1- What did the French people fight against? 2- Who did the French people fight against?

13 Let’s review: The king has been executed by the people. ___________ took over and wiped out all traces of France’s past monarchy and nobility by executing thousands during the ___________ of ________. Eventually he is executed also by the ________________. Napoleon Bonaparte takes over by organizing a ____________. He sets up a national bank, schools, and the Napoleonic ___________. He makes himself __________________ and begins his conquest of ______________. To earn money for this to happen, Bonaparte sells _________________ to America.

14 Conquering Europe Britain gets fearful and persuades Russia, Austria, and Sweden to join in the fight against France. Napoleon crushes his opponents forcing them to sign peace treaties. Britain had powerful navy which was used to defeat French navy at Battle of Trafalgar. British navy was undefeated for hundred years and forced Napoleon to find another way to beat Britain.

15 Think/Pair/Share Napoleon just conquered Italy, Switzerland, and Austria Netherlands. He has declared himself Emperor and has ambitions for domination of Europe. What do the countries need to do to prevent Napoleon from going further with his conquest of Europe? Prediction: As France’s biggest enemy, and long time rival, what do you think Britain will do or not do?

16 Review Answer the questions from Napoleon Song.Napoleon Song I will play a few times if you would like. Use complete sentences. Do at the end of class as your ticket out the door.

17 Warm-Up for Wednesday 10/21/15 Robespierre wants to wipe out all traces of France’s ________________ and chooses who is an enemy of the _________ Robespierre sentences them to the ____________. This is called the _______________ ___________ The Terror is over officially when _____________ is executed. The country drafts a new ______________ The Directory makes Napoleon Bonaparte general. He takes control of the __________ and takes control through a ________. First thing he does is create the Napoleonic ___________. Then he crowns himself_________ making him more powerful than _____ He then decides to attempt to conquer all of ___________. He conquers all but _________ and then loses _________ battle at the Battle of Trafalgar.

18 “I love power as a musician loves his violin” Think/Pair/Share What does this quote say about Napoleon as a person and leader? Do you think this drive for power can effect your judgement? Is there such a thing as too much power?

19 Napoleon has Problems Napoleon needs an heir ( son who will eventually be king ) Divorces Josephine because she couldn’t produce a son

20 Marries Marie Antoinette’s grand-niece….Any problems in this? Has a son, names him king of Rome

21 Napoleon’s 3 Costly mistakes Mistake #1 Forces a blockade (forcibly closing down the ports) preventing all trade and communication with Britain and other European nations Continental System- Intended to destroy Britain’s commercial and industrial economy

22 Foreign smugglers still got into the ports. Britain also started an embargo and could enforce it with their stronger navy. Taxed French ships Backfired-hurt France’s economy worse

23 Napoleon’s Costly Mistake #2 The Peninsular War Portugal was ignoring the blockades. Napoleon sent an army through Spain to invade Portugal Removed the Spanish King and put his brother in power

24 Upset the people as they were loyal to their King. Upset Catholics who feared same results from French revolution

25 Peninsular War Peasant armies called guerillas would ambush French troops and then go into hiding. 300, 000 French soldiers killed Nationalism swept over Europe…..Germans, Italians, and other conquered people turned on France

26 Napoleon’s Costly Mistake #3 The Invasion of Russia The Invasion of Russia Napoleon and Russia both wanted to invade Poland. Napoleon invades Russia Russians retreat back to Moscow. Scorched-Earth Policy-Burned grain fields and slaughtered cattle so the enemy had nothing to eat.

27 Starving soldiers deserted the army to look for food. Napoleon is able to capture Moscow, only to see it in flames and no Russian army. 5 weeks in city- too late to advance and too late to retreat.

28 Napoleon orders starving soldiers to go back. “Many of the survivors were walking barefoot, using pieces of wood as canes, but their feet were frozen so hard that the sound they made on the road was like that of wooden clogs” 30 degrees- so cold birds fell dead from the sky. Only 10,000 soldiers were left to fight

29 Warm-up for Friday 10/23/15 What were the events that led from Napoleon being an powerful Emperor and conqueror of Europe to his eventual downfall….In other words…How did he go from this…….. To this

30 Let’s Review Napoleon made ___________ very costly mistakes that lead to him giving up his throne. The first mistake was ordering a ____________ which prevented __________ ships from trading in French ports. This backfired because Britain had a more powerful navy than the French. The second mistake was invading Portugal by going through the country of ________________. The people there rose up and fought a ______________ war. This was called The Peninsular War. Over 300, 000 French soldiers were killed. The third mistake was when Napoleon decided to invade ____________ so close to the approaching cold __________. The Russians used a ___________ ___________ policy by destroying any food sources for the French to use and setting fire to the city of __________. The bitter cold killed all but 10,000 of Napoleons once Grand Army. Seizing on Napoleon’s weakness, Napoleon’s enemies joined together to defeat Napoleon.

31 Napoleon’s Downfall Enemies quick to take advantage of Napoleon’s weakness. Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden (along with Austria) joined up against France Defeated Napoleon, gives up his throne Banished him to a small island off the Italian coast called Elba.Elba


33 Farewell my brave soldiers, my eagles adieu; Stung with my ambition, o’er the world ye flew: But deeds of disaster so sad to rehearse I have lived–fatal truth for to know the reverse. From Moscow to Lipsic; the case it is clear I was sent back to France with a flea in my ear. A lesson to mortals regarding my fall: He grasps at a shadow, by grasping at all. My course it is finish’d my race it is run, My career it is ended just where it begun. The Empire of France no more it is mine. Because I can’t keep it I freely resign.

34 The Journey from a modern hero to the island of Elba 1) Why do you think Napoleon is riding on a donkey? 2) What does the broken sword symbolize? 3) Does it look like Napoleon is able to even control his donkey? What does this symbolize of his power? 4) “The greatest events in human life is turn’d to a puff’ seems to come from where on the donkey? 5) What is the mood of the British soldiers marching behind Napoleon? 6) Who do you think drew this cartoon and why?

35 Cause and Effect Cause Effect 1)Napoleon needs an heir 2) Forces a blockade (forcibly closing down the ports) preventing all trade and communication with Britain and other European nations 3) Napoleon sent an army through Spain to invade Portugal for ignoring the blockades and Continental System

36 Warm-up for: Monday 10/26 Knowing what you know about Napoleon’s need for power and need for war, how was it no one stepped up to Napoleon? Why didn’t anyone or any group oppose him like such men in previous revolutions?

37 Cause Effect 4) Napoleon removed the Spanish King and put his brother in power as King of Spain 5) Napoleon and Russia both wanted to invade Poland. Napoleon invades Russia 6) Russia retreats leaving behind a scorched- Earth policy 7) Napoleon is able to capture Moscow, only to see it in flames and no Russian army.

38 Warm-Up for Wednesday 10/28 In your eyes (opinion) do you see Napoleon as a hero of France or a villain? Why?

39 Cause Effect 8) Napoleon waits too long for the Russians to find him and offer peace. He can either advance or retreat 9) Only 10,000 surviving soldiers of his once Grand Army were left to fight 10) Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden (along with Austria) joined up against France and defeated Napoleon, forcing him off the throne

40 Story board

41 Beginning of French Revolution Comic Book 8 boxes to tell the story of the beginning of the French Revolution Each box must include: Images Dialogue Caption Box Start of The French Revolution – National Assembly You must include in order: Peasants are starving King and Queen/Nobles living lavish lifestyle Bread Riots Women Take Palace National Assembly


43 Robespierre takes control of France Robespierre names list of “Enemies of the State” Robespierre tries to eliminate all traces of the monarchy called “The Reign of Terror” King Louis is be-headed…a year later Marie Antoinette Robespierre goes too far. He is arrested and shortly is taken to the guillotine Robespierre leaves a position to fill. Napoleon has a coup against The Directory and becomes dictator

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