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HW#18 RB 262-267 due Tuesday HW#19 P. 267-271 and the questions due Wed. Test Thrs!

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Presentation on theme: "HW#18 RB 262-267 due Tuesday HW#19 P. 267-271 and the questions due Wed. Test Thrs!"— Presentation transcript:

1 HW#18 RB 262-267 due Tuesday HW#19 P. 267-271 and the questions due Wed. Test Thrs!

2 A. Truman’s Fair Deal 1. Attempt to strengthen the New Deal 2. First attempt at Nat’l Healthcare fails

3 B. Eisenhower decentralization 1. reduces federal spending A. foreign aid B. defense 2. keeps some New Deal programs A. Social Sec. B. Dept. of Health C. Dept. Ed D. Dept. Welfare

4 B. Baby Boom 1. Increase in Homes 2. Consumer Economy A. Incomes rise 3. Growth of Suburbs A. Interstate Highway Act 4. Migration to Sunbelt C. Farmers subsidies 1. Similar to AAA

5 A. TV 1. Advertising 2. culture 3. politics B. Rock n Roll 1. Elvis 2. Chuck Berry (R&B) C. Nuclear Family D. Healthcare improves 1. Vaccines 2. Anti-biotics E. Increase in religion

6 1. Beatniks 2. Poverty (50 million people) A. Cities – minorities seeking jobs B. Rural farmers 3. Great White Flight A. Middle-class moves to suburbs B. Decrease in tax revenue 4. Urban Renewal 1. Gov. attempts to help cities A. Infrastructure Projects B. Backfired

7 A. Jackie Robinson B. Truman desegregates military C. Brown v. Board of Ed Kopeka, KS 1. Thurgood Marshall (NAACP) 2. Earl Warren and SC overturns Plessy v. Ferguson

8 Do Now: Describe the Jim Crow Laws impact on your life based on your role? 1. You wish to marry someone of the opposite race. 2. You are an African-American who wants to find a leisure activity 3. You are an African-American trying to escape poverty. 4. You are trying to travel to another state to visit relatives. 5. You are trying to dine at a restaurant. 6. You are a criminal or have a disability.

9 D. Little Rock 9 1. Federalism E. Emmitt Till F. Montgomery Bus Boycott 1. Civil Disobedience 2. Rosa Parks A. Claudette Colvin 3. MLK G. Civil Rights Act of 1957

10 A.Sit-ins 1. SNCC B.Freedom Rides A.Boynton v. Virginia B.CORE C.James Meredith – Ole Miss D.Birmingham 1.Bull Connor 2.George Wallace

11 E. March on Washington F. Civil Rights Act of 1964 1. filibuster for 80 days G. Freedom Summer H. Voting Rights Act of 1965 I. 24 th Amendment J. Urban riots - Kerner Commission K. Malcolm X L. Black Panthers 1. Stokley Carmichael

12 Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

13 A. Latinos – similar struggles as Afr.-Amer. 1. Puerto Ricans A. Inner city B. Limited employment C. Poor education 2. Mexicans A. Braceros taken advantage of B. migrant farming B. Native Americans 1. termination policy A. Ends tribal gov’t B. Move Natives to cities

14 C. Women - feminism 1. Betty Friedan 2. NOW 3. ERA 4. Gloria Steinem 5. Phyllis Schlafly D. Asians 1. AAPA 2. “yellow power”

15 E. Latinos 70s 1. UFW 2. Cesar Chavez 3. Strikes & boycotts

16 A. JFK’s New Frontier – econ/social improvements 1. education 2. healthcare 3. civil rights 4. improve the economy

17 1. Medicare 2. Medicaid 3. 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act 4. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 5. HUD – Housing and Urban Development

18 Answer questions in the margins

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