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Periodic Reporting Europe 2 July 2003, UNESCO Headquarters, Room VI.

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Reporting Europe 2 July 2003, UNESCO Headquarters, Room VI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Reporting Europe 2 July 2003, UNESCO Headquarters, Room VI

2 P rogress report Agenda item 2: Overview of the European Periodic Reporting Process

3 Number of States per Region

4 Sites per region

5 Periodic Reporting Europe and North America (currently 375 World Heritage sites, 50 States Parties) 42 States Parties with sites inscribed until 1998: natural sites: 38 mixed sites: 7 cultural sites: 252 Total: 297 sites until 1998

6 Section I (State Party information): refers to the legislative and administrative provisions and action taken by the State Party to implement the Convention Section II (site information): State of conservation of specific World Heritage properties Periodic Reporting Sections

7 States Parties with no sites inscribed or inscriptions after 1998 only fill in Section I 1.Andorra 2.Belgium 3.Azerbaijan 4.Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.Iceland 6.Israel 7.Monaco 8.San Marino

8 Periodic Reports for Europe and North America be examined by the World Heritage Committee in 2005 and 2006 Periodic Reporting YearSection ISection II 2005Europe & North America North America 2006---Europe

9 Strategy and timetable overview SECTION I SECTION II PHASE I (2002/03) data collection national coordinators; prepare web-site and meeting schedule national coordinators to establish list of site managers and contact them PHASE II (2003) training of national focal points through web-site and meetings; Site managers to start process

10 PHASE III2004 review of draft reports for Section I Organization of sub- regional meetings in 2004/05 PHASE IVCompletion of Section I (December 2004) 2005 finalization and review of all reports for Section II PHASE VCommittee in June 2005 Completion of Section II (December 2005) PHASE VICommittee in June 2006

11 Phases I and II (2003) PHASE I (2002/03): collection national focal points; 2.prepare web-site and meeting schedule 3.Focal points to establish list of site managers and contact them PHASE II (2003) 1.Training of national focal points through web- site and national/sub-regional meetings; 2.Site managers to start process

12 1. Focal Points Circular letter 27 November 2002: Request to appoint national focal points for cultural and natural heritage sites to coordinate the Periodic Reporting exercise in each of the States Parties (letter reference: CLT/WHC/14/02) A reminder was sent on 21 May 2003

13 Countries that did not appoint focal points yet: Armenia Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Cyprus Estonia Former Macedonia Georgia Ireland Luxembourg Malta Moldavia Netherlands Romania San Marino

14 2. Website: Information on: background documents: the Format for Periodic Reporting and the Operational Guidelines, the questionnaires used by other regions, the timetable of the reporting exercise, models for filling in Sections I and II of the Periodic Report, A tool for the electronic completion of the report is under development.

15 3. Training meetings National meetings took place in the UK and Italy, and are being prepared in Germany and France Sub-regional meetings are foreseen in Russia and Hungary Other meetings will be organised for South Western Europe and South Eastern Europe

16 Phases I and II in States Parties For the completion of phases I and II of the Periodic Reporting exercise, -States parties are requested to appoint a focal point as a matter of urgency if they haven’t done so; -Focal Points: -Should start collecting information for section I -Should start contacting site managers to prepare section II and give them the CD-Rom information on nominations -Site managers are requested to start collecting the information concerning their sites.

17 NICOSIA 2003 Agenda item 3: Results of Joint European and World Heritage network meeting Nicosia, Cyprus, 7-11 May 2003

18 1. Working group The meeting agreed to establish an open Working Group to provide advice and support throughout the whole Periodic Reporting process. -Chairman: Tamas Fejerdy -Rapporteur: Christopher Young -Secretariat: Europe Unit WHC -Participation State Parties and advisory bodies

19 2. Web Pages The meeting: welcomed the development of a web page at the WHC for the dissemination of information, requested the Centre to add relevant supporting documentation requested the establishment of an on-line discussion forum through the website

20 3. Questionnaires The meeting requested the Centre to put the Asia/Pacific/LAC questionnaire on the web page for comments in order to contribute towards the development of a questionnaire for Europe.

21 4.CD-Roms The meeting also requested the Centre to distribute all the CD-Roms with information on the nomination files of each of the State Parties. Several focal points received the CD-Rom in Cyprus. Other already appointed focal points received it by mail one week later.

22 5. HEREIN Co-operation The meeting encouraged co-operation and integration of all on-line tools to simplify the work of the State Parties in entering data. Specifically, the ongoing HEREIN/WHC co-operation was encouraged.

23 6. Sub-regional meetings The meeting endorsed the proposal for sub- regional meetings (Central Europe, Russia and CIS countries, German speaking countries, Nordic countries, Western Europe, South Eastern Europe) and welcomed invitations already made by States Parties.

24 7. Timetables The meeting encouraged individual States Parties to establish national timetables for Periodic Reporting.

25 UK national meeting Agenda item 4: Results of national meetings

26 Principal stages in preparation of part One Report Stage No Stage descriptionDurationLead partners 1Agreement on formatStates Parties, WHC, ICOMOS, IUCN 2Preparation of draft responses 3 monthsGovt, national agencies, ICOMOS UK, IUCN UK 3Govt prepares and clears final draft with national agencies 3 monthsGovt, national agencies, ICOMOS UK, IUCN UK 4Completion of part One synthetic report for Europe 9 monthsStates Parties, WHC, ICOMOS, IUCN

27 Draft timetable for UK Periodic Report



30 Funding requests from International Assistance countrymeetingamountapproval Russian Federation Sub- regional meeting 30 000 $Approved by Bureau 2003 HungarySub- regional meeting 20 000 $To be approved in 2004

31 Thank you for all your efforts!

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