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Fingerprint Pattern. Main Group of Fingerprint Patterns Arch Group Loop Pattern Whorl Pattern.

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Presentation on theme: "Fingerprint Pattern. Main Group of Fingerprint Patterns Arch Group Loop Pattern Whorl Pattern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fingerprint Pattern

2 Main Group of Fingerprint Patterns Arch Group Loop Pattern Whorl Pattern

3 Arch Group Patterns (5%)‏ No counting No tracing No focal points Flow from left to right

4 Types of Arch Plain Arch Tented Arch

5 Plain Arch Ridges enter on one side of the pattern Flow towards the other side With a slight rise/ wave at the approximate center No delta, core or recurving ridge

6 Tented Arch Majority of ridges form an arch One or more ridges at the center  Shape a tent in outline giving a 90 o or less  Upward thrust having an angle of 45 o or more  Pattern similar to a loop but lacking one or two of essential elements

7 Types of Tented Arch Tented arch with up-thrust Tented arch with angle Tented arch resembling to a loop

8 Loop Group Patterns (60%)‏ One or more ridges enter on either side of the impression Then turn around (recurve)‏ Passing or touching an imaginary line drawn between the delta and the core Flow toward the same side of impression from where the ridges enter

9 3 Elements of Loop A delta and core Sufficient recurve and its continuance on delta side until an imaginary line can be drawn between the delta and the core Must have at least a ridge count of one

10 Types of Loop Radial Loop Ulnar Loop

11 Radial Loop Downward slope or flow of ridges is toward the thumb

12 Ulnar Loop Downward slope or flow of the ridges is toward the little finger

13 Whorl Group Patterns (35%)‏ Two or more deltas Ridges recurve in a circular manner forming a circle, spiral, oval or any variant of circle around the core

14 Types of Whorl Plain Whorl Composite Whorl

15 Plain Whorl Two deltas One ridge makes a turn through one complete circuit An imaginary line drawn between the two deltas must touch or cross at least one of the recurving ridges within the pattern area

16 Composite Whorl Central Pocket Loop Double Loop Accidental Whorl

17 Central Pocket Loop (1)‏ Two deltas  Consequence delta (inner delta)‏  Outer delta One or more recurving ridge forming a complete circuit, oval, spiral, circular or any variant of circle An imaginary line drawn between two ridges must NOT touch or cross any of the recurving ridges within the inner pattern area

18 Central Pocket Loop (2)‏ Two deltas One or more recurving ridges With obstruction at right angle to the inner line of flow An imaginary line drawn between two ridges must NOT touch or cross any of the recurving ridges within the inner pattern area

19 Double Loop Two separate loop formation Two separate distinct sets of shoulders Two deltas

20 Types of Double Loop Lateral Loop  Entrance and exit of recurving ridge is the same Twinned Loop  Entrance and exit of recurving ridge is different

21 Accidental Whorl Combination of TWO different types of pattern Exception of plain arch Two or more deltas

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