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Authorized Requestors User Group April 5, 2016 Financial Systems Solutions Client Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Authorized Requestors User Group April 5, 2016 Financial Systems Solutions Client Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authorized Requestors User Group April 5, 2016 Financial Systems Solutions Client Services

2 Agenda  Concur  ROPPA (Responsibility of Purchasers, Preparers and Approvers)  New Client Services Website – demo  CADM IT Integration  MFR Update  PWC Audit Update  HERCULES (Eureka Replacement)  Chart of Accounts Disable Process changes

3 Concur (Travel & Expense Project)

4 Project Overview Implementation of a scalable end-to-end electronic expense management solution (Concur T&E) for the University beginning with Harvard Business School and the Graduate School of Education Key business drivers Deliver school/department requested solution to replace current manual intensive and inefficient processes Deliver tool that provides utility for stakeholders and end users including mobile device capabilities; imaging and workflow Deliver a replacement for the Web Reimbursement functionality that will be obsolete and need replacement in an estimated 2-3 years with the Oracle EBS 12.2 upgrade Enhance reporting capabilities supporting the identification of optimization opportunities, sponsored program requirements and sustainability reporting efforts Support HUIT objective of SaaS for applications

5 Concur’s T&E Solution and Timeline Concur is the leading vendor in this space by both market share and Gartner analytics Concur provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that is centrally hosted, with configurable business rules and utilized on a transaction basis Concur provides an automated expense reporting system from expense capture to reimbursement –The system can import credit card charges which will automatically associate to the appropriate expense report –Users can also quickly add cash expenses to an expense report, or capture and upload receipts with a smartphone camera –The system will provide enhanced reporting capabilities HBS and GSE pilot schools going live end of April Reviewing roll out plan for the rest of the University 5

6 Business Process Leveraging existing process and role of the Authorized Requester to coordinate Concur access requests for: –Adding / Deleting: Non-Harvard employee Approver Delegate submitter (backup documents are required before granting this access) NOTE – Users are systematically set up based on their job code in PeopleSoft 6

7 ROPPA (Responsibility of Purchasers, Preparers and Approvers)

8 Policy Prerequisite Recommendation: as of 7/1/2016, new staff users must take online ROPPA training before they can gain access to certain systems –Timed to coincide with rollout of HERCULES –Existing users will be grandfathered, although some schools are rolling out to all staff –Training for new faculty users is at each School’s discretion Recommendations to be confirmed with Fin Deans this spring 8

9 Business Process for Prerequisite Users get a certificate when they pass the online ROPPA assessment They must attach the certificate to their request for access Alternately, ARs can run a Course Completion Report in HERCULES to determine if the user has taken training 9

10 ROPPA Training Prerequisite Plan by Role 10 RoleRequirement HCOM Approvers Take the “Approvers” track in the online ROPPA training HCOM Shoppers Take the “Purchasers” track in the online ROPPA training HCOM Preparers Take the “Preparers” track in the online ROPPA training Web Reimbursement/ Concur Approvers Take the “Approvers” track in the online ROPPA training Web Reimbursement/ Concur Preparers Take the “Preparers” track in the online ROPPA training PCard Reviewers Take the “Approvers” track in the online ROPPA training PCard Holders Take the “Purchasers” track in the online ROPPA training Corporate Card Required at each School’s discretion; to be revisited when Concur is stabilized

11 Appendix: Online ROPPA Training 11

12 Client Services Website (demo)

13 CADM IT Integration

14 Goals 14 Deliver more nimble and effective IT services: More integrated and seamless IT experience for our stakeholders Faster delivery of services by breaking down barriers and leveraging the collective skills and knowledge of other IT colleagues Provide greater support for CADM IT staff : Develop critical common IT skills (ITIL, Agile, project management) in the rapidly evolving IT professional landscape Increase opportunities for professional growth and career mobility while ensuring talent retention Preserve and build on critical relationships with current work groups

15 CADM IT Integration Project Team Structure 15 Service Scrum Teams Foundation Scrum Teams HR IT PO: Rita Moore (HHR) PO: Steve King(HUIT) SM: Randy Ellis Finance IT PO: Mitch Rogers (FSS) PO: Mike Landino (HUIT) SM: Matt Walton Campus Services IT PO: Ben Gaucherin (CS) PO: Peter Baskette (HUIT) SM: Thomas Townsend Finance PO: Leslie Schaffer (CADM) SM: Tom Price Human Resources PO: Karen Pemstein (CADM) SM: Tamara Larsen Communications PO: Steph Gumble (HUIT) SM: Acacia Matheson Executive Committee Nicole Breen, Melissa Brown, Marilyn Hausammann, Tom Hollister, Anne Margulies, Amy Nostrand, Meredith Weenick Project Coordination Team Nicole Breen, Alex Dicenso, Ellen Gulachenski, Stephanie Gumble, Tamara Larsen, Brian McDonald, Joya Sengupta  Provide direction and oversight for project  Lead and champion change within their organizations  Make decisions on matters escalated to them  Ensure thoughtful approach and implementation using Agile principles  Ensure collaboration between Scrums  Represent HUIT and incoming service teams  Provide knowledge of current HUIT processes and frameworks  Provide service and customer knowledge from each business unit  Define/adapt HUIT frameworks  Provide subject matter expertise to ensure that each of their frameworks serve the incoming departments and their customers  Implement any necessary changes to people, technology, process and financial model  Design and implement process for onboarding people PO = Product Owner: Defines & orders backlog (work) and accepts complete work SM = Scrum Master: Removes roadblocks,raises issues, and ensures team is following Scrum Responsibilities

16 Project Roadmap Service Scrum Teams Foundation Scrum Teams Executive Committee Human Resources IT Finance IT Campus Services IT Update IT Service Catalog Offerings Processes Tools and Architecture Implement Changes Define KPIs Migrate Current Finance Components to Future Financial Model Agree on Case for Change Project Backlog FY2016FY2017 Implement Governance Model Professional Dev Program Space Configuration Onboarding New Family Tracking and Reporting July 1 Go Live Feb. Announcement Evaluate Organizational Structure Support Executive Committee in Defining Org Structure Assess Skills of Staff and Map Positions Define Process for Filling Open Positions Develop Communication Strategy Define Principles and Outreach Plan Execute Communication Plan Create Announcement Project Team Advise on Leadership Appointments Design Ongoing Governance Process Sprint 0 Identify Positions In Scope Finance Human Resources Communications

17 Project Communications For more information on the project, visit: Email your thoughts and questions to: 17

18 MFR Update

19 MFR Project Update 19 8 Grants Dashboards  8 grants dashboards available at schools where engagement council has signed-off. Client Services is working with ARs to activate users  Grants Financial Dashboard (PER replacement) is currently being piloted with 100 users. It is targeted for a wider release in mid-April  CREW Grants decommissioning is scheduled for November 1, 2016  Development of Financial dashboards (including detail listing) is underway  University-wide financials pilot targeted for Fall 2016  Full-scale roll-out targeted Spring 2017 (CREW will still be available for fiscal year-end 2017)

20 PWC Audit Updates Reminder that PWC will be performing the annual audit in the June They will be taking a sample of YAR returns –If you are called upon, you will need to provide requested backup from the 2015 YAR

21 Hercules presentation April 5, 2016 Authorized Requestor Meeting

22 PeopleSoft Training Admin LawRoom State of learning at Harvard

23  Multiple, disconnected systems  Cumbersome, manual processes  Inability to push and monitor required training  Cannot fully support new training initiatives  Lack of a single people-centric system  Existing systems aging and experiencing outages Why a new Professional Learning Management System?

24 A single, user-centric system for Faculty, students and staff to access and track the learning they want and need. What success looks like? Professional Learning Environmental Health and Safety training Lab Safety training Research Compliance training Regulatory and University Required training Local training Career Development

25 What is happening and when? FY14Discovery phase FY15Planning FY16 & FY17Implementation July 2016 Professional Learning (Eureka/PeopleSoft) Regulatory and University Required training EHS Lab Safety training (TMS) Fall 2016Research Compliance training Spring 2017Local Training Administration Training based on Job Profile and Competencies

26 Guiding Principles and Benefits  Keep system as simple and as open as possible  No barrier to access, but need a HarvardKey  Limit duplication of data entry, integrate with other systems whenever possible Easy navigation, catalog browsing Manager access to her team All current and historical training in one place Reduce duplicate data entry Reduce administrative burden on Faculty Streamline on-boarding Integration with, CITI, HR data Ability to push required training to specific groups Ability to support sophisticated learning programs Completion reports by manager, groups, department Email notifications

27 27  Keep system as simple and as open as possible  No barrier to access, but need a HarvardKey  Limit duplication of data entry, integrate with other systems whenever possible Benefits

28 Applications training (Oracle, PeopleSoft, CAADs, etc) IT Academy Universal Manager Training Leadership courses ManageMentor  Career Development and Professional Learning Systems being retired Eureka PeopleSoft Training Admin registration Programs web sites in HERCULES: IT Academy Universal Manager Training Leadership courses Seamless integration ManageMentor July 2016 What is it?What is changing?When? Easy navigation Manager access Catalog browsing All historical training in one place Streamline on- boarding Seamless integration with Benefits Staff and Managers Who?

29 HIPAA Title IX PCI IT Security Level 4  Regulatory and University Required training Systems being retired Eureka PeopleSoft Training Admin registration What is it?What is changing? Ability to push required training to specific groups Completion reports by manager, groups, department Benefits July 2016 When? Faculty Students Staff and Managers Who?

30 EH&S training for Campus Services Lab Safety training General Lab/ Chemical Laser Microscope Biosafety Radiation  EHS Lab Safety training Systems being retired TMS Lab Rosters will be in PeopleSoft Ability to add non employees to rosters PI or authorized users to maintain data What is it?What is changing? Email notifications Completion reports for PIs and Lab Directors Catalog browsing All historical training in one place Integration with HR data, reduce duplicate data entry Benefits July 2016 When? Faculty and PIs Students, Researchers, Campus Services Staff, Hospital Affiliates, POIs Who?

31 School specific training New employee orientation Leadership courses Some Title IX  Local training Systems being retired None Manual and paper processes will slowly be replaced by HERCULES (over time) What is it?What is changing? All current and historical training in one place Eliminate duplicate data entry Improve local processes Benefits Spring 2017 When? Faculty Staff and Managers Who?

32 CITI courses AALAS courses NIH and NSF grant required training  Research Compliance training Systems being retired None Manual and paper processes will slowly be replaced by HERCULES (over time) Future integration CITI AALAS ESTR GMAS What is it? What is changing? Reduce administrative burden on Faculty Integration with CITI with SSO Catalog browsing All current and historical training in one place Benefits Spring 2017 When? Staff, Managers Who?

33 Who is involved? Sponsors  Marilyn Hausammann, VP HR  Ara Tahmassian, University Chief Research Compliance Officer  Pam Caudill, Chief Research Operations Officer, HMS

34 Professional Development Bill Ganzenmuller Susan Spinelli Talya Hoffmann Gabi Guiterrez EHS Required Training Will Tonery Rich Griffiths Karen Sardone Pat Zudeck Adrienne Naylor Local training administration Mark Seibring Audrey Harmon Research Compliance Amy Maltzan Talent Management / PeopleSoft Integration Shekhar Kasarle Isabelle Modiano Technical team Prabhakar Ramakrishnan Rebecca Blanchard Sirish Aramandla Shanti Muppirala Jon Polaski Change Management Julie Wilson User Experience Seth Meriam EDUCE team Griffin Fernandez Brandon Williams Thomas Hur IT Academy Deidre O’Shea Jonathan Sutton Ara Tahmassian, Pam Caudill, Marilyn Hausammann & Melissa Brown, Peter Baskette, Michael Monaghan Sponsors & Steering Committee Isabelle Modiano & Bill Ganzenmuller Project Managers Working Group

35 Who to contact? Questions? You can send us a request to be added to our mailing list for updates.

36 When is it happening? 36

37 Chart of Accounts Disable Process Changes

38 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process Presentation is a follow up to the 2/26/16 email sent to all ARs that provided an update on changes/improvements that have been made to the disable process as it relates to fund disable requests and the new review now being done of the Balance Forward attributes of those funds. Changes made in an attempt to clean up the General Ledger by reducing the number of journal lines incorrectly carried year to year because of improper fund disables. Areas where this issue has shown up are:  Petty cash entries for a closed petty cash fund  Balance forward entries  Payroll coding stored in PeopleSoft

39 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process (con’t) Historically when Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) received a Fund Disable request a Disable Impact report would be run to make sure the fund’s GL balance net result was $0. More recently it was discovered that one had to take the fund’s balance forward (BF) attribute into consideration to make sure that the fund is zeroed out at the level that it carries to in the next fiscal year. Otherwise we end up with multiple valueless balance forward lines in the General Ledger (GL) the next fiscal year and for years to follow.

40 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process (con’t) The new process FAR is now following when a Fund Disable request is received:  FAR determines the Balance Forward attribute. This will tell how the fund’s balance is being carried forward to the next fiscal year: if it is at the org level only (BO), at the org and activity level (BOA), at the org, activity and subactivity level (BOAS), at the org, activity, subactivity and root levels (BOAR) or basically at any other combination of chart values ( and root values (BOR)).  FAR runs a Summary Actual report using as parameters the Balance Forward DFF. As an example, if the Balance Forward DFF on Fund X was BOAR you would sort your data as follows:  Primary Sort Criteria:Org  Secondary Sort Criteria:Activity  Third Sort Criteria:Root You would subtotal at each criteria to ensure everything zeroes out as needed at each change in the org, activity, root accounting string.

41 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process (Con’t)  If there is an amount still outstanding on the fund one of two possible scenarios exists:  If the request is a new one in the current month the Fund Disable request is returned for edit to the AR with a comment about the issue to resolve.  The AR resubmits the request once the issue has been resolved. FAR repeats its disable report running process. If everything looks good the request is approved. OR  If the request is one that failed the prior month end disable process an email is sent to the AR informing him/her of the issue and the resolution.  The issue is resolved.  The AR notifies FAR via an email that the fund is ready to be disabled. FAR repeats its disable report running process. If everything looks good the request is approved.

42 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process (Con’t) Process tubs should follow when disabling a fund value Determine the fund’s Balance Forward (BF) DFF. Run a Summary Actuals report in CREW using the BF DFF as a guide for setting the report’s parameters (i.e. BO, BOA, etc.). Process the necessary entries to zero out any code combinations that do not net to zero based on the BF DFF. Rerun the Summary Actual report to ensure the entries processed zero out the code combinations. Review the Pre-Disable Checklist for Tubs document to learn of any issues that might be relevant.  Go to ABLE  Go to Financial Applications Support  Choose CSMA  On right side of page choose Disabling Segment Values  Select Pre-Disable Checklist for Tubs  Clear any issues.  In particular, make sure that the value being disabled is not stored in PeopleSoft in job costing lines. PS users can run the Employee Chart Disable Impact Listing report to check. Run a Disable Impact report in CREW to determine if there are any remaining issues with the fund. Resolve any issues. Rerun the Disable Impact report. If the Disable Impact report is clear process a CSMA request to disable the fund value.

43 Changes to the Fund Disabling Process(Con’t) For review, Exhibit 1 Examples of Correct and Incorrect Fund Disables.  Example 1 shows what happens when a fund with the BF attribute of BOAR isn’t zeroed out at that level  Example 2 shows what happens when a similar fund with the same BF attribute of BOAR is correctly disabled Exhibit 2 Fund Example with 6-30-15 overall $0 balance but BF entries in FY16 shows the major effect of not correctly disabling a fund has on the GL.  196 Balance forward entries are generated, spread over three tubs. These entries will carry forward year after year unless the fund is re-enabled, the CCIDs re-enabled, journals done to reverse the 198 lines, the CCIDs disabled again and the fund disabled.


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