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L. Hill 12th May 2016.  Option of taking 8 or 9 IGCSE subjects.  ALL pupils sit Cambridge IGCSE examinations at the end of Form Four.  Some subjects.

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Presentation on theme: "L. Hill 12th May 2016.  Option of taking 8 or 9 IGCSE subjects.  ALL pupils sit Cambridge IGCSE examinations at the end of Form Four.  Some subjects."— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Hill 12th May 2016

2  Option of taking 8 or 9 IGCSE subjects.  ALL pupils sit Cambridge IGCSE examinations at the end of Form Four.  Some subjects may structure classes with rough streaming, but will be mixed ability groups.  Tend to focus attention on smaller groups in Form 4 when we have identified areas of weakness. L. Hill 12th May 2016

3  Before Half Term the girls will have examinations in most of their subjects.  From these examinations we will consider which pupils we advise to do;  - 9 IGCSE subjects rather than 8.  - Sciences subjects.  At half term, the girls will bring home subjects choice slips for parents to complete.  These are due the 4 th July. L. Hill 12th May 2016

4  English or Shona Language* (1 st Language)  English Literature  Mathematics  French (2 nd Language)  Biology ALL pupils take five compulsory IGCSE Subjects;  Plus all continue with their ICDL course L. Hill 12th May 2016 * Zimsec examination

5 L. Hill 12th May 2016 Mathematics & Biology have both core and extended options. A grade ‘C’ is the maximum grade in the core paper. A ‘C’ is easier to achieve in core than extended. E.g. In maths, 3 circle theorems are taught for core & 7 for extended. In all both subjects a C grade is needed for many University entry requirements. There is no distinction on the final certificate. BUT, if your daughter is taking either Chemistry or Physics she MUST take extended Mathematics.

6 Chemistry OR Business Studies History OR Geography OR Art Accounts OR Physics OR Geography OR 8 Band Supplementary Subjects Art OR Fashion & Fabrics OR Food & Nutrition OR Information and Communications Technology OR Physical Education L. Hill 12th May 2016 Currently no 2-year Sixth Form option at Chisi.

7  All of our pupils qualify for this ‘overall’ certificate demonstrating a broad education.  Requires a first & second Language, Mathematics, a Science, a content subject and a vocational subject (plus 2 other subjects).  ALL the subjects offered (except Phys Ed) are recognised for matric exemption. L. Hill 12th May 2016

8 Doing 8 subjects gives many girls more time on essential subjects i.e. Maths, Biology & French.  Many pupils need to get C’s in Maths, Bio & English for College & University- 8 or 9 subjects makes no difference.  Groups make no difference to A level acceptance; IGCSE grade and work ethic are the prerequisites.  Sensible subject choices, however, are essential for ALL the girls. L. Hill 12th May 2016

9  CIE state that this must be the ‘candidates normal way of working’.  Psychologist reports have a great deal of detail on HOW to help girls with learning differences find coping strategies NOW. L. Hill 12th May 2016

10  Pure science subjects are only open to those who achieve good results in Mathematics and Science and are recommended by their science teacher.  Chemistry is essential for anyone wishing to do any medicine related course.  No prerequisites for Law.  No prerequisites for Accounting Firms. L. Hill 12th May 2016

11  Remember- these options are current- we cannot promise that they will be the options available in 3 years time  Your daughter may not stay at Chisi. L. Hill 12th May 2016

12 Mathematics Literature in English ChemistryAccounting English Lang AS level only Literature in English PhysicsBusiness Studies Biology Phys Ed AS level only Think Sk & Global English Lang & Lit AS level only GeographyHistoryGeography ArtFrench Travel & Tourism IGCSE & AS level Dip in Food Prep & Patisserie Advanced ICDL & AS ICT Sociology IGCSE & AS level English Lang AS level only English Lang & Lit AS level only Phys Ed AS level only L. Hill 12th May 2016 AS & A Levels Vocational Subjects

13  Sixth form courses are very varied and offer further education for ALL levels of ability.  A good grade at IGCSE is a prerequisite for ALL A level courses at Chisi- except Business Studies A level and Phys Ed, Thinking Skills & Global AS levels.  The Sixth Form Food option is a City & Guilds course not an A level. L. Hill 12th May 2016

14 ‘The challenge that faces us all is to educate today’s learners for tomorrow’s world. It is forecast that the top ten jobs that will be most in demand in 2010, didn’t exist in 2004’ CEO Cambridge Assessment L. Hill 12th May 2016 It is estimated that young people currently entering the workforce will experience 10-14 major career changes in their professional lives. Center for Strategic and International Studies

15  University entry requirements vary dramatically.  The global job market is continually and rapidly changing.  New careers are being created everyday.  Opportunities are rarely predictable.  Focus on a solid education that gives your daughter the ability to adapt and change. L. Hill 12th May 2016

16  The girls should take what they ENJOY- whilst achieving a balanced and globally accepted set of qualifications.  They must take courses that they can achieve and want to achieve in.  Parents need to offer advice and be involved in the decision, however, it is your daughters’ strengths and weaknesses that are most important. L. Hill 12th May 2016

17  Encourage your daughter to analyse her own achievements, interests and skills to make realistic choices.  Discuss with her the options available. L. Hill 12th May 2016

18  advice/ 17 Sept 2013 1342   Rhodes University Prospectus  Matric Exemption Board, South Africa  U.S. Public Affairs Department  Guy Claxton- ‘The Learning Powered School’  Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2010. Educating Globally Competent Citizens- A tool kit for teaching seven revolutions, s.l.: s.n. L. Hill 12th May 2016

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