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The Jeopardy Review Game was created in PowerPoint. To play it you must view in slide show mode. From the game board on the first slide, click a desired.

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Presentation on theme: "The Jeopardy Review Game was created in PowerPoint. To play it you must view in slide show mode. From the game board on the first slide, click a desired."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jeopardy Review Game was created in PowerPoint. To play it you must view in slide show mode. From the game board on the first slide, click a desired number level under a category. Try to answer the question on your own without your book or notes. To get the correct answer, click anywhere on the screen except on the book cover. To go back to the game board, click on the book cover. To exit, press the Escape (ESC) button on your keyboard (in upper left area).

2 Jeopardy ACRO- NYMS DIETARY TOOLS NUMBER FUN FOOD LABELS MyP & DG Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question ACRONYMS What does DRI stand for?

4 $100 Answer ACRONYMS Dietary Reference Intake

5 $200 Question ACRONYMS Where are DRVs and RDIs used in the food industry?

6 $200 Answer ACRONYMS Food Labels

7 $300 Question ACRONYMS What is a UL?

8 $300 Answer ACRONYMS Upper Tolerable Safety Level for a nutrient. It is a safe level to consume but intakes higher than this level have been shown to cause adverse reactions and potential toxicity signs and symptoms.

9 $400 Question ACRONYMS What is the EER and what factors affect it?

10 $400 Answer ACRONYMS Estimated Energy Requirement. It is calculated based on gender, height, weight, and physical activity level.

11 $500 Question ACRONYMS What are the AMDRs for Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat?

12 $500 Answer ACRONYMS The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges are: Carbohydrate: 45-65% of Calories ≤25% for sugar Protein: 10-35% of Calories Fat: 20-35% of Calories fatty acids: linoleic (5-10%) & alpha- linolenic (0.6-1.2%)

13 $100 Question DIETARY TOOLS Which dietary tool shows the chemical composition of foods?

14 $100 Answer DIETARY TOOLS Food composition databases and tables

15 $200 Question DIETARY TOOLS Which MyPlate Food group provides a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein?

16 $200 Answer DIETARY TOOLS Dairy

17 $300 Question DIETARY TOOLS What are the 4 directives of the Dietary Guidelines 2010?

18 $300 Answer DIETARY TOOLS 1.Reduce overweight and obesity. 2.Eat a more plant-based diet. 3.Reduce excess sodium, solid fat, added sugars, and refined grains. 4.Be physically activity.

19 $400 Question DIETARY TOOLS Provide 4 characteristics about DRIs.

20 $400 Answer DIETARY TOOLS They are based on: 1.Life stage (age) 2.Gender 3.Healthy People 4.Elite scientist committee review of relevant credible literature

21 $500 Question DIETARY TOOLS What are the 4 nutrients of concern identified by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines?

22 $500 Answer DIETARY TOOLS 1.Fiber 2.Calcium 3.Potassium 4.Vitamin D

23 $100 Question NUMBER FUN A food is provided 33% of its Calories from fat. Is this food considered a high fat, moderate fat, or low fat food?

24 $100 Answer NUMBER FUN Moderate

25 $200 Question NUMBER FUN What is the MyPlate recommendation regarding intake of whole grains?

26 $200 Answer NUMBER FUN Half of grain intake should be whole grain

27 $300 Question NUMBER FUN What % DRV on a food package label means a nutrient in that food is ‘low in’?

28 $300 Answer NUMBER FUN 10% or less

29 $400 Question NUMBER FUN What is the DRI for adults for protein, fiber and physical activity?

30 $400 Answer NUMBER FUN Protein: 0.8 grams/Kg body weight. Fiber: 1.4 grams/100 Calories consumed. Physical activity: 60 minutes cumulative per day.

31 $500 Question NUMBER FUN What are the American Heart Association’s recommendations for cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat intakes?

32 $500 Answer NUMBER FUN Cholesterol – less than 300 mg per day Saturated fat – less than 7% of kcals Sodium – intake between 1500 and 2300 mg per day

33 $100 Question FOOD LABELS This food appears to be health promoting, true or false. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 bar(130g) Amount Per Serving Calories 250Calories from Fat 110 Total Fat 12g 18% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Trans Fat 3g -- Cholesterol 30mg 10% Sodium 470 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 5g -- Protein 5g -- Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 2% Calcium 20%Iron 4% Percent of Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet % Daily Value

34 $100 Answer FOOD LABELS False. It provides unhealthy fats (trans fatty acids & saturated fatty acids), excess sodium, no fiber, and few nutrients.

35 $200 Question FOOD LABELS This food is nutrient dense for: Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 bar(130g) Amount Per Serving Calories 250Calories from Fat 110 Total Fat 12g 18% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Trans Fat 3g -- Cholesterol 30mg 10% Sodium 470 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 5g -- Protein 5g -- Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 2% Calcium 20%Iron 4% Percent of Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet % Daily Value

36 $200 Answer FOOD LABELS Calcium

37 $300 Question FOOD LABELS What are the percent of Calories from fat in this food? Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 bar(130g) Amount Per Serving Calories 250Calories from Fat 110 Total Fat 12g 18% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Trans Fat 3g -- Cholesterol 30mg 10% Sodium 470 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 5g -- Protein 5g -- Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 2% Calcium 20%Iron 4% Percent of Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet % Daily Value

38 $300 Answer FOOD LABELS 110 fat Calories divided by 250 total Calories x 100 = 44% (this is a high fat food)

39 $400 Question FOOD LABELS What is the percent fat based on weight for this food? Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 bar(130g) Amount Per Serving Calories 250Calories from Fat 110 Total Fat 12g 18% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Trans Fat 3g -- Cholesterol 30mg 10% Sodium 470 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 5g -- Protein 5g -- Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 2% Calcium 20%Iron 4% Percent of Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet % Daily Value

40 $400 Answer FOOD LABELS 12 fat grams divided by 130 total grams x 100% = 9.2%

41 $500 Question FOOD LABELS The RDI for vitamin C is 60 mg. How many mg of vitamin C are there in 1 serving of this food? Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 bar(130g) Amount Per Serving Calories 250Calories from Fat 110 Total Fat 12g 18% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Trans Fat 3g -- Cholesterol 30mg 10% Sodium 470 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 5g -- Protein 5g -- Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 2% Calcium 20%Iron 4% Percent of Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet % Daily Value

42 $500 Answer FOOD LABELS 60 mg x 2% divided by 100 = 1.2 mg vitamin C per serving.

43 $100 Question MyP & DG According to MyPlate, eggs are in the ______ food group.

44 $100 Answer MyP & DG Protein (meat and beans)

45 $200 Question MyP & DG What are the Dietary Guidelines’ recommendations for cholesterol and sodium intake?

46 $200 Answer MyP & DG Cholesterol: consume less than 300 mg/day Sodium: consume less than 2,300 mg/day but also meet the DRI for the nutrient (1,500 mg for adults)

47 $300 Question MyP & DG Foods in which MyPlate food groups may reduce heart disease risk?

48 $300 Answer MyP & DG Grains, vegetables, & fruits

49 $400 Question MyP & DG Name 4 MyPlate food groups that can be a source of empty Calories (solid fat and added sugars).

50 $400 Answer MyP & DG Dairy, Protein, Grains, Vegetables (this is because they are high animal fat sources or are process or prepared with solid fat and/or sugars)

51 $500 Question MyP & DG Being physically active is included as a recommendation in which dietary models/guidelines?

52 $500 Answer MyP & DG MyPlate, Dietary Guidelines 2010, American Heart Association Dietary Guidelines, & American Cancer Society Dietary Guidelines.

53 Final Jeopardy What are 5 approved health claims that can be placed on food labels?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Calcium and osteoporosis Fat and cancer SFA, TFA, cholesterol and heart disease Fiber and cancer or heart disease Folic acid and neural tube defects Sodium and high blood pressure Potassium and blood pressure and stroke Fruits/vegetables and cancer

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