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Sonia Escamilla Kayla N-G. Discuss two errors in attributions (for example, fundamental attribution error, illusory correlation, self-serving bias)

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Presentation on theme: "Sonia Escamilla Kayla N-G. Discuss two errors in attributions (for example, fundamental attribution error, illusory correlation, self-serving bias)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonia Escamilla Kayla N-G

2 Discuss two errors in attributions (for example, fundamental attribution error, illusory correlation, self-serving bias)

3 Command Term Discuss: Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

4 Fundamental Attribution Error Fundamental attribution error: People overestimate the role of dispositional factors in an individuals behavior and underestimate the situational factors. Dispositional factors: personal (internal factors) Situational factors: external factors Ex. George Clooney

5 Study Lee et al. (1977) Aim: To see if student participants would make the fundamental attribution error when actors were playing a role. Results: Most people ranked the show host as more intelligent.

6 Illusory Correlation Illusory Correlation: The making of faulty associations between variables. “Grain of Truth” Ex. More sleep is better for you.

7 Study Schappel sisters Attached to the side of the head Both claim to be happy with no desire of seperation.

8 Studies Conway, di Fazio and Mayman 1999 Aim: Does money affect peoples level of happiness (questionnaire) Participants: Random sampling of 159 men and women. Results: Higher status people perceived to be more happy, less angry and less stressed. Conclusion: Persons love life, opinion/feeling, definition of happiness plays an effect.

9 Work Citied N&biw=1639&bih=790&tbm=isch&tbnid=jNjoMCXPZysnDM:&imgrefu rl= GqXgvhqZKJTM&imgurl= 3/wld1.jpg&w=161&h=249&ei=nNogT6LHCIHp0QGXmcT8CA&zoom=1 &iact=hc&vpx=760&vpy=145&dur=5774&hovh=198&hovw=127&tx=57&t y=66&sig=115210227050260246171&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=88&start=0 &ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 N&biw=1639&bih=790&tbm=isch&tbnid=jNjoMCXPZysnDM:&imgrefu rl= GqXgvhqZKJTM&imgurl= 3/wld1.jpg&w=161&h=249&ei=nNogT6LHCIHp0QGXmcT8CA&zoom=1 &iact=hc&vpx=760&vpy=145&dur=5774&hovh=198&hovw=127&tx=57&t y=66&sig=115210227050260246171&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=88&start=0 &ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 Psychology Book

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