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Chapter 3 The Structures of Music Melody. Key Terms Melody Tune Motive Theme Phrases Balance Parallelism Contrast Sequence Climax Cadence Form.

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1 Chapter 3 The Structures of Music Melody

2 Key Terms Melody Tune Motive Theme Phrases Balance Parallelism Contrast Sequence Climax Cadence Form

3 Melody Often the primary bearer of musical meaning and interest; the structure most likely to move the listener An organized series of pitches Usually coherent, makes musical sense In succession, one note at a time (you can sing it!) A structure that combines pitch and rhythm

4 Tune A special kind of melody Simple Easy to sing Often catchy Familiar May be a folk song, dance, pop song, patriotic song, or a Christmas carol

5 Characteristics of Tunes Divides into phrases Phrases often correspond to lines in the text Phrases are often 2, 4, or 8 measures long, about as long as you can comfortably sing without breathing Breaks between phrases give you a chance to breathe

6 Characteristics of Tunes Balance between phrases Phrases are often all the same length  In the blues all phrases are four bars long Due to “normal” phrase length, occasional longer or shorter phrases feel different  “Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave” Creates a sense of proportion

7 Characteristics of Tunes Parallelism Repetition of phrases; strengthens sense of balance, unity Can be exact repetition  Of Phrase 1: “Whose broad stripes and bright stars” Or partial repetition  Of Phrase 2: “That our flag was still there” Or repeat only the rhythm  Compare Phrase 2 with Phrase 1 Or use a sequence, repeating patterns at higher or lower pitch levels  “rockets’ red glare” and “bursting in air”

8 Characteristics of Tunes Contrast Parallelism creates a sense of logic and coherence: everything fits together Contrast provides variety and interest, avoids monotony Contrasting phrases may be higher or lower, shorter or longer, and use different rhythms or melodic shapes Tunes use both parallel and contrasting phrases

9 Characteristics of Tunes Climax Good tunes have form, a strong sense of shape and direction A clear, purposeful beginning A feeling of action in the middle A distinct high point, or climax A sense of winding down at the end Tune builds toward climax, then relaxes Often an emotional high point “O’er the land of the free”

10 Characteristics of Tunes Cadence (not the kind a drum line plays) Stopping, pausing, or breathing places Used to end phrases, sections, and entire pieces Many shades of finality are desirable Can be strong, with great finality  Useful to end sections and pieces; full stop  “And the home of the brave” Or weak and less conclusive  Useful for internal cadences; needs to go on  “That our flag was still there”

11 Motives and Themes Motive Short, distinctive fragment of melody Can be as short as two notes Used to construct tunes, melodies, or themes Can be repeated, transposed, reversed, turned upside down, or fragmented Rhythmic motive—when only the rhythm is repeated

12 Motives and Themes Themes The basic subject matter for a piece of music Almost anything can be used as a theme, but it’s usually a melody Can be a phrase, a motive, a tune, or a long melody

13 Melody Listening Things to listen for: Phrases and cadences Repetition and contrast Motives and sequence Balance, shape, and climax Is it a tune? Melodic character and emotional quality

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