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Chapter 2 Analyzing the Selection. Structural Components Denotative meaning Explicit meaning Connotative meaning Suggestions, overtones Persona The narrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Analyzing the Selection. Structural Components Denotative meaning Explicit meaning Connotative meaning Suggestions, overtones Persona The narrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Analyzing the Selection

2 Structural Components Denotative meaning Explicit meaning Connotative meaning Suggestions, overtones Persona The narrator Locus Physical & psychological state

3 Structural Components, cont’d Climax Logical content Repetition Rhyme Emotional content

4 Aesthetic Components Unity What hold the piece together Ex. Persona, Locus Connectives: and, then, later… Harmony Sentence structure layout

5 Aesthetic Components, Cont’d Variety Associations are similar, but different (ex. Twins) Contrast Associations are opposite/different (Ex. “the Quiet noise”

6 Aesthetic Components, Cont’d Balance & proportions Rhythm Stressed & Unstressed syllables Rhythm Content

7 Technical Challenges Preparing script Using Excerpts Placing action Introduction Author of selection Prepare audience for events Establishes persona Adopting author’s language

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