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Background and Introduction The purpose of my research is to demonstrate the core values that a student encompasses after earning a degree in Liberal Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Background and Introduction The purpose of my research is to demonstrate the core values that a student encompasses after earning a degree in Liberal Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background and Introduction The purpose of my research is to demonstrate the core values that a student encompasses after earning a degree in Liberal Arts but more particularly English. Students are often turned away by a major in the humanities because of the negative stigma that surrounds these subjects. Methods of Research Results A study done by the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce proves that on average a Liberal Arts degree is not an outlier for unemployment. In the information provided it is evident that the Unemployment Rates for recent college graduates who earned degrees in the Humanities and Liberal Arts matched relatively closely with that of degrees in fields such as: computer and mathematics, psychology and social work, and social sciences. Conclusions Research Objectives References Erin Condon, University of New Hampshire Advisor: Molly Campbell, University of New Hampshire Acknowledgements A big thank you to both my advisor and my professor, Molly Campbell. I would not have been able to complete this research fully and accurately without her guidance. Contact Information Redefining the English Degree  To establish security for perspective, future, and current English majors  Discredit the negative stigma attached to English degrees  Demonstrate the important values a student completing a degree in English acquires  Reinstate the advantages an English degree offers in the workplace Figure 1: Unemployment Rates in Correlation to College Degrees 1.Filtering through 30+ websites relative to my topic 2.Analyzing past reports published on the success surrounding English degrees 3.Personal experience developing my own website on the matter 4.Extensive audience analysis Students completing degrees in the humanities develop qualities that allow them to excel in the work place:  Social connections  Critical thinking and analysis  Communication skills  The ability to proficiently conduct research  Creativity  Time management  Resilience: the ability to engage in constructive criticism The skills that English majors acquire are both vital and valuable in job categories such as Marketing, Publishing, Journalism, Sales, Law, Politics, Communication, and so many more. 1.Martinuzzi, Bruna. “Why English Majors are the Hot New Hires.” OPEN Forum. American Express, 11 July 2013. Web. 13 April 2016. 2.Weissmann, Jordan. "The Best Argument For Studying English? The Employment Numbers." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 25 June 2013. Web. 13 Apr. 2016. 3.“Reports.” Georgetown University. Center on Education and the Workforce. Web. 13 Apr. 2016. "When I look at where our business is going, I think, boy, you do need to have a good technical understanding somewhere in there, to be relevant. But you’re really differentiated if you understand humanities.” –Bracken Darrel, CEO of Logitech Problem Due to the damaging association majoring in English has with unemployment, more and more undergraduates are straying away from their passions. E-mail: GSS Box: 4953 Granite Square Station Durham, NH 03824

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