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HIGHLIGHTS.  Human Resource Policy Review  Sick Leave Policy  Wellness Policy  AODA  Building Continuity/Office Closure.

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Presentation on theme: "HIGHLIGHTS.  Human Resource Policy Review  Sick Leave Policy  Wellness Policy  AODA  Building Continuity/Office Closure."— Presentation transcript:


2  Human Resource Policy Review  Sick Leave Policy  Wellness Policy  AODA  Building Continuity/Office Closure

3  Training Committee  Wellness Committee  Joint Health and Safety  Bill 168 Sub-Committee  Labour Management  Joint Job Evaluation Committee  Building Continuity/Office Closure Committee

4 2010 REPORT2011 REPORT  9 Grievances Reasons:  5.02 (Management Rights) (2)  7.01 (Grievance Filing) (2)  12.02 (Dismissal) (1)  14.01 (Sick Leave) (2) 18.03 (Overtime) (1)  22.07 (Accommodation &Transitional Work) (1)  Resolutions (4 @ Step 1; 5 @ Step 2)  5 grievances (carry forward from previous year) Reasons:  14.01 (Sick Leave) (2)  5.02 (Management Rights) (2)  22.07 Accommodation & Transitional Work) (1)  Policy Grievance, did not proceed  No new grievances filed

5  Step 1- Violation of the Health and Safety Policy and Rules of Conduct Policy  Employee has since asked to have discipline removed due to good behaviour, integration of feedback provided and demonstration of insight resulting from this issue. Request has been granted.







12 HIGHLIGHTS  Anti Oppressive Practice  Bridges out of Poverty  Crisis Prevention Institute- Foundation Module  Engaging Maltreating Fathers in Protection Practice

13 Tried, Tested and True  Children who Foster, Car Seat Clinic& Behaviour Management, Court Training, PART Loss  When Foster Children Leave: Loss, Change and Impact Medical  Adult Mental Health, Photography- Investigative Techniques Special Interest  Child Abuse Forensics, Understanding Addictions, From Chaos to Calm, Bridges out of Poverty, Anti- Oppressive Practice Cultural  Mennonite 101

14  At the end of 2011 we had 13 staff working towards professional development programs or certificates. With a FTE of 103 we have 12.5% of our staff working towards professional development initiatives.  Support is offered to staff to undertake continued educational by way of: financial support, educational leaves, flexible work arrangements and hosting of staff internships  In 2011 we supported a total of 5 Student Internships (CYW, SSW, Master’s of Forensic Child and Youth Care & BSW)

15  Healthy Workplace Award “Gold”  Lunch N’ Learns: Heritage Health Care Clinic & Holistic Nutrition, St. Thomas Health and Wellness Center to do speak re: services they offer (massage, stress management, fit test  Boot Camp, 3 sessions  Spin Classes  “Healthy Breakfasts” before Staff Meetings  "What works for me" Campaign  Wellness Policy Development  Increased Agency Presence

16 SICK DAYS Q1Q2Q3Q4OACASGEN. POP. HEALTH CARE 1.6 excluding STD 1.5 excluding STD 1.8 excluding STD 1.7 Excluding STD 8.1714 2.2 Including STD 1.6 Including STD 3.12 including STD 3.16 Including STD

17  To date we are approximately 37% compliance with the BSC Indicators. We were targeting 75 % compliance. There are 3 training dates set aside for May/June with good attendance indicated. BULLYING MODULE  To be considered for Fall of 2012.

18 OUTCOME INDICATOR – 10% OF STAFF ARE PURSUING FORMAL CONTINUING EDUCATION  13 staff attending for Professional Development accounting for 12% of our FTE.

19  Wellness Presence and Achievement of Gold Healthy Workplace Award  Positive Labour-Management Relationships  Collective Bargaining Preparation re: PDT  Diversity and Anti Oppressive Practice Initiatives  Continued Departmental Development  AODA- initial implementation

20  Compliance with AODA  Re-launch of Short Term Sick Leave Policy and Program.  Implementation of Annual Survey’s related to HR portfolio (staff satisfaction, wellness, EAP)  Review staffing allocations and confirm agency benchmarks  Evaluate and further develop Wellness initiatives  Joint Job Evaluation

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