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1 GEMS Tool Kit: Guides 1.Quick Reference: Key concepts and strategies: -Gender, sex -Gender equality, discrimination -Principles for successful gender.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GEMS Tool Kit: Guides 1.Quick Reference: Key concepts and strategies: -Gender, sex -Gender equality, discrimination -Principles for successful gender."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GEMS Tool Kit: Guides 1.Quick Reference: Key concepts and strategies: -Gender, sex -Gender equality, discrimination -Principles for successful gender action -Gender mainstreaming -Gender analysis -Planning of gender specific action -Main strategies:  what to do  how to do it I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

2 2 GEMS Tool Kit: Guides 2.Suggested contents of the GEMS info package 3.GEMS clauses in TORs and Excols General -ILO vision and approaches -ILO statements on gender equality promotion Specific -Research and Prodocs -Project implementation and workshops 4.Example GEMS clauses in invitation letters -Official ILO meetings -Other ILO supported events I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

3 3 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 5.One-page Summary: Is gender included in the design of ILO proposals? - Overall gender-responsiveness of the unit which prepared the proposal - Planning - Problem identification - Objectives, indicators and outputs - Implementation, monitoring and evaluation I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

4 4 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 6.Summary: Do you use GEMS strategies in ILO action? - What to do - How to do it 7.Gender capacity of organizations: How does your Unit or Partner Organization deal with gender equality promotion? - Analysis within the organization - Representation and participation - Integration of gender perspective I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

5 5 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 8.Do you use GEMS in job descriptions and recruitment procedures? - Content of the job description - Gender sensitive language in the job description -Measurement of gender expertise in the selection procedure -Proper contracts observing fundamental labour standards and maternity protection I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

6 6 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 9.Do you use GEMS in the design of ILO meetings and training workshops? - Preparation - Implementation -Reporting I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

7 7 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 10.Do you use GEMS in media products? - Is a gender message included - Are data broken down by sex -Are gender inequalities addressed -Images:  Number of men/women  Stereotyped or non-stereotyped portrayal of men, women, boys and girls I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

8 8 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 11.Is Gender included in your technical cooperation project design: - Problem analysis - Strategies -Target Groups -Institutional framework -Objectives -Outputs and Activities -Indicators -Planning, monitoring and evaluation -Inputs I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

9 9 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 12.Is gender included in your research design?  Preparation of research - Design of a research TOR - Selecting the research team - Early warning signs of labour exploitation and gender inequalities  Conducting gender analysis in the research - Data collection - Division of labour - Decision making - Gender-specific needs, constraints and opportunities I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

10 10 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 13.Do you use gender mainstreaming in your budgets? - Are resources allocated for gender - Are gender-specific inputs realistic compared to outputs I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

11 11 GEMS Tool Kit: Checklists 14.Other tools can be developed upon requests: For example: Brief on Key Equality Conventions and Recommendations: 100: Equal pay for work of equal value 111: Non-discrimination 156: Workers with family responsibilities 182: Worst forms of child labour 183: Maternity protection Other tools? I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

12 12 Thank you I:\NH\GEMstrat\GEMStoolkit.ppt

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