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2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop Session one. Part two Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the releases (Apr. 2015-Feb. 2016) of the RDA Toolkit Charlene.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop Session one. Part two Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the releases (Apr. 2015-Feb. 2016) of the RDA Toolkit Charlene."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop Session one. Part two Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the releases (Apr. 2015-Feb. 2016) of the RDA Toolkit Charlene Chou March 28 th, 2016 1

2 Agenda Highlights Series access points Majorly recommendations from PCC Series Policy Task Group Its related documentation (PCC SCT Series Training Manual), which not covered by the sessions on RDA updates and NACO updates Other topics Divided by chapter numbers Documentation--the RDA & CJK materials wiki, what’s new?what’s new? Changes in the LC-PCC Policy Statements Feb. 2016 Oct. 2015 Aug. 2015 Apr. 2015 NACO Series Training. Revised Dec. 2015 Session 7-session 13 2

3 Chapter 2: Identifying manifestations and items 3

4 2.12--Simplified policy for supplements and special numbers to serials (Dec. 2015) New: Treat a supplement or a special number to a serial as a series Examples 490 1_ $a Supplement to Word ; $v monograph number 3 490 1_ $a Special number of Malaysian journal of tropical geography 490 1_ $a Journal of ultrastructure research. Supplement ; $v 7 490 1_ $a Supplemento all'Annuario statistico italiano Old: Comparison with LCRI 21.30G. Related works—Unnumbered supplement or special number to a serial Examples 730 0_ $a Malaysian journal of tropical geography. $p Special number. 730 0_ $a Annuario statistico italiano. $p Supplement. 730 0_ $a Actualités-Service. $n No 306 (Supplement 2). 4

5 2.12--Simplified policy for supplements and special numbers to serials (2) (Dec. 2015) Selected Issues of Periodicals Published Separately New: Several publishers (e.g., Haworth Press, Pergamon Press) publish separate hardcover or softcover editions of selected issues of their periodicals. Do not consider such a separately published issue to constitute an integral part of the periodical, i.e., do not consider it an analyzable issue of the periodical. In the bibliographic record for the separately published issue, give the pertinent information as a note, not as a series statement. Example 500 $a Published also as v. 17, no. 1/2, 1993 of the Cataloging and classification quarterly. (give as a note, not as a series statement) Old (LCRI 21.30G): 730 0_ $a Cataloging & classification quarterly. Recommendations Read the rest of LC-PCC PS for 2.12—Series Statement Series or phrases, Republication, Series title grammatically connected to title of resource Get more detailed instructions from the PCC Series Training Manual, Session 11: Analyzed Special Numbers and SupplementsPCC Series Training Manual, Session 11: Analyzed Special Numbers and Supplements 5

6 2.12--Simplified policy for supplements and special numbers to serials (3) (Dec. 2015) PCC Series Training Manual, Session 11: Analyzed Special Numbers and Supplements When is a SAR created for supplements or special number? LC-PCC PS 2.12 addresses whether supplements and special numbers should be treated as series and makes a distinction between numbered supplements (on the one hand) and special numbers and unnumbered supplements (on the other hand). Numbered supplements to serials –SAR created Unnumbered supplements and special numbers to serials – no SAR created Email response from the PCC Series TF, co-chair: “The LC-PCC PS 2.12 “Supplements and special numbers to serials” is correct. There is no longer a major distinction between numbered and unnumbered supplements and special issues to serials; they can both be treated as series. The information in Session 11, unfortunately, is out of synch. We somehow missed the discrepancies when we last reviewed Session 11. We will revise Session 11 and have it re-posted as soon as we can.” Do not follow these instructions till this session will be revised 6

7 2.12--Simplified policy for supplements and special numbers to serials (4) (Dec. 2015) PCC Series Training Manual, Section 11: Analyzed Special Numbers and Supplements Recording a series statement for a numbered supplement in the bibliographic record Relevant rules: 6.1.3,, 1.6,, & LC-PCC PS Location of title elment on the manifestation In a different source (title of the supplement vs. the larger resource): its own supplement title [] Example Supplement to Journal of ancient civilization Same source (title of the supplement vs. the larger resource): supplement as a subdivision of the larger resource Example 490 0_ $a Asian languages and cultures. Supplement [see,] Authorized access points for numbered supplement series Revelant rules:, (serials and integrating resources) SAR example 130 _0 $a Supplement to Journal of ancient civilizations 430 _0 $a Journal of ancient civilizations. $p Supplement [Variant access point (VAP) is optional but helpful for user in this case. See RDA] 7

8—Clarification of sources for series statement (Aug. 2015) Sources for main series and subseries For main series and subseries, use a source that has both titles (see RDA Other Sources for series statement “Sources within the resource itself” include those with formal statements (such as on a back cover) or informal statements (such as within the text of a preface). “Sources within the resource itself” do not include pre-publication cataloging data (such as CIP data) printed in the resource; treat such data as a source outside the resource (see LC-PCC PS for Prefer from other sources outside the resource (such as a publisher website) over information from CIP data. Enclose a series statement taken from outside the resource (including one from CIP data) in square brackets. If considered important for identification, explain in a note the source of the series statement (See RDA 2.17.11) Example 490 0_ $a [No stone unturned] ; $v [v. 1] 500 $a Series from publisher's website, viewed Oct. 3, 2014. Series statement not present in resource during the CIP process LC practice: If the series statement appears only on the CIP data sheet or the ECIP data view at galley stage, do not transcribe this information as a series statement; do not contact CIP staff or the publisher. 8

9 2.12.9 &—Series numbering (when different forms of numbers are found) & sources for series numbering (Aug. 2015) 2.12.9. Numbering within series Different forms of series numbering LC/PCC practice :if there are different forms of the series numbering within the resource, transcribe (in order of preference): a. the form on the same source as the series title proper; b. a form that includes a caption; c. any form chosen by the cataloger, if a. and b. do not apply.—new statement on sources for series numbering [same as series statement] LC/PCC practice: apply these guidelines to both main series and subseries numbering: Prefer information about series numbering from other sources outside the resource (such as a publisher website, or inference from the numbering of other analytics in the series) over information from CIP data. Enclose series numbering taken from outside the resource (including that from CIP data) in square brackets. If considered important for identification, explain in a note the source of the series numbering or any numbering irregularities Example 490 0_ $a Methods in molecular biology, $x 1940-1626 ; $v [volume 919] 500 $a Series numbering supplied by cataloger based on other volumes in the series. 9

10 LC-PCC PS for —Adding reference for making optional series access points for series/multi-parts lacking analyzable titles (Feb. 2016) If considered important for identification or access, provide an appropriate series authorized access point for the part to ensure that a search for a component part of the series retrieves this part (see PS for 6.27) Example A monographic series volume 245 00 $a Studies in gypsy lore. $n Volume 25. No 490 But 830 0 $a Studies in gypsy lore ; $v v. 25. (shows optional series access point) A multipart monograph volume 245 00 $a Encyclopedia of electrochemistry. $n Volume 11, $p Index Notes: Earlier volumes had titles sufficient to identify the resource, e.g., title of volume 1: Thermodynamics and electrified interfaces 10

11 2.4.2—Added info to indicate that statement of responsibility not transcribed in 245 $c can be given in a note (after core element is met) (Apr. 2015) LC/PCC practice for core element For monographs, only the first recorded statement of responsibility relating to title proper is required, but catalogers are encouraged to transcribe (or record in a note) any other statements of responsibility that aid in resource discovery, identification, and selection. For serials, statement of responsibility relating to the title proper is not required. Usage of variant names appearing in a statement of responsibility on later issues may be recorded in MARC field 550, or in MARC 4xx fields in authority records. For rare materials Generally transcribe all statements of responsibility relating to title proper appearing on the source of information … 11

12 Chapter 6: Identifying works and expressions 12

13 LC-PCC PS for the preferred title for series (Aug. 2015, Oct. 2015, Feb. 2016) New series authority record—PCC practice for series authorities: When creating a new series authority record, evidence for series title and numbering designation should be taken from the earliest available part or from an LC-PCC bibliographic record for the earliest available part with a description that conforms to RDA. Existing series authority records—PCC practice for series authorities: If the title found on the resource differs from the form found in the existing authority record, consider whether it is a major title change (see RDA or a minor title change (see RDA If the change is minor, record title found on the resource as a variant title (see PS 6.27.4 Variation in the title proper that are not “major” changes) unless there is strong evidence that the form found on the resource should be the preferred title (for example, if the resource represents an earlier part in the series than the one that was used as the basis for the preferred title when the authority record was created). If the SAR does not contain a citation for the series title and information about the title used as the preferred title is not available, do not revise the 1XX form. For series numbering practice, see PS 24.6. 13

14 LC-PCC PS for— Recording form of work (synchronized practice to DCM Z1 380) in work-level series authority records (Feb. 2016) Catalogers may record form of work in work-level series authority records using MARC field 380. Prefer using terms from a controlled vocabulary such as LCSH, LCGFT, or MeSH. Additional forms may also be recorded as appropriate (e.g., Novels). Example 380 _ _ $a Series (Publications) $2 lcsh 380 _ _ $a Monographic series $2 lcsh 380 _ _ $a Multipart monograph 380 _ _ $a Series-like phrase 380 _ _ $a Multipart monograph 380 _ _ $a Novels $a Fantasy fiction $2 lcgft PCC SCT Series training manual: example 380 _ _ $a Series (Publications) $a Monographic series $2 lcsh 380 _ _ $a Series (Publications) $2 lcsh 380 _ _ $a Multipart monograph 14

15 LC-PCC PS for, & (new statements) (Aug. 2015) PS for—Recording place of origin of the work PCC practice for series authorities: Record place of origin of the work in a series authority record using MARC tag 370 whenever it has been used as a place of origin of the work qualifier to the authorized access point and is also the actual place of origin of the work, not merely the place of publication of the manifestation (the latter being transcription that goes in MARC field 643) 370 $g Tokyo (Japan) $2 naf PS for—Recording other distinguishing characteristic of works PCC practice for series authorities: Record other distinguishing characteristic of the work in MARC field 381 when it is used as an addition in the authorized access point for a series. 381 Selections [100 1_ $a … $t Works. $k Selections] PS for—Recording other distinguishing characteristics of expressions PCC practice for series authorities: Record other distinguishing characteristic of the expression in MARC field 381 when it is used as an addition in the authorized access point for a series. 381 Yumani Shobō $2 naf 15

16 LC-PCC PS for 6.27—Main series and subseries (Feb. 2016) Main series is unnumbered Do not give a separate authorized access point for the main series unless the main series has already appeared by itself on other publications. Instead, give one series authorized access point for the main series/subseries combination. Example 490 1_ $a University publications series. The social sciences ; $v number 4 830 _0 $a University publications series. $p Social sciences ; $v no. 4. 490 1_ $a Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought. Translation series 830 _0 $a Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought. 830 _0 $a Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought. $p Translation series. [Notes: Main series has appeared by itself on other publications] 16

17 LC-PCC PS for 6.27—Main series and subseries (2) Give two series authorized access points: one for the main series and one for the main series/subseries combination. Example 490 1_ $a Biblioteca de arte hispánico ; $v 8. $a Artes aplicadas ; $v 1 830 _0 $a Biblioteca de arte hispánico ; $v 8. 830 _0 $a Biblioteca de arte hispánico. $p Artes aplicadas ; $v 1. Hierarchy of numbered and unnumbered main series/subseries If a hierarchy of main series and multiple subseries is involved and only some are numbered, treat each according to the numbering status of the main series. 17

18 LC-PCC PS for 6.27—One or several series authorized access points—Changing in numbering (Oct. 2015) If separate series authority records for numbered and unnumbered versions of the same series are encountered in the database, cancel the record with the qualifier (usually “(Unnumbered)” but occasionally “(Numbered)”) and merge useful information from it into the remaining record following the normal NACO procedures for duplicates. Also consider that a single series exists if a numbered series begins a new sequence of numbering either with or without wording such as “new series.” (See RDA When distinguishing between two series with different content but the same preferred title, avoid using the terms "numbered" or "unnumbered" as qualifiers. (See RDA Example: Ming jia han mo (Unnumbered) Ningen no kagaku sōsho (Unnumbered) NHK haiku (Unnumbered) 18

19 LC-PCC PS for 6.27—One or several series authorized access points—Different carrier/media types (Oct. 2015) Different carrier/media types For the following variations, consider that a single series exists, unless there is evidence showing that they are in fact separate series: 1.If the media type varies or changes within the series 2.If the carrier type varies or changes within the series 3.If all parts of the series are each published in two or more media or carrier types. If warranted, add information on the authority record or records explaining the variation. Database maintenance: If separate series authority records are encountered in the database for versions of the same series that have different media or carrier types, retain only one of the records and cancel the remaining ones. Merge useful information from the cancelled records into the remaining record following the normal NACO procedures for duplicates. Related revised PS including,, 24.6 and 25.0 19

20—New statement for “Named individual works of art” (previously PS (Apr. 2015) Titles from reference sources LC/PCC practice: Use as the preferred title the title found in English-language reference sources (including books and articles written about a work of art). If the title is not found in English-language reference sources, use other reference sources. Generally avoid a reference source that routinely uses one language for all titles. If the evidence is inconclusive, use (in this order of preference) the title found in: encyclopedias or dictionaries, indexes, a catalogue raisonne for the artist, catalogs issued by the body owning the work of art Consider making name/title (or title, if responsibility for the work is unknown) variant access points from titles not chosen as the preferred title, and other appropriate variant access points. Example 100 0_ $a Leonardo, $c da Vinci, $d 1452-1519. $t Mona Lisa 400 0_ $a Leonardo, $c da Vinci, $d 1452-1519. $t Gioconda 20

21 Chapter 24: General guidelines on recording relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items 21

22 24.6—Adding new sections on series numbering practices (Aug. 2015) Numbering of part See RDA 2.12 and associated PS for information about series statements I. Deprecation of the distinction between numbered and unnumbered series Both are now treated as a single series and use the same authorized access piont J. Nonconsecutive numbering and bibliographic access points If a series authorized access point associated with a resource has nonconsecutive numbering, record the numbering of all parts giving nonconsecutive numbers in separate 8XX fields instead of in a single 8XX field. Do not use the “etc.” technique. For legacy data where the numbering is given in one field, the cataloger is encouraged to create separate 8XX fields each with one number or series of consecutive numbers. Example 830 _0 $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 1-3. 830 _0 $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 5. 830 _0 $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 7. 22

23—New statement—Recording numbering of parts for series access points (Aug. 2015) Recording numbering of parts PCC practice (for the numbering form in bibliographic 8xx field and authority 642) Record numerals in series numbering in the authorized access point as Arabic numerals. Abbreviate terms used as part of the numbering as instructed in RDA Appendix B. Substitute one form of abbreviation with the prescribed abbreviation. If Appendix B does not provide an abbreviation in the language of the series, base the caption for the authorized access point on the form found on the resource; prefer the abbreviated form if the resource has both an abbreviated and spelled-out form. When upgrading SARs from AACR2 to RDA, do not change the numbering pattern or caption practice in the MARC field 642, unless it’s clearly wrong, esp. when the series has a chronological designation in addition to the numeric designation. If there is an actual change from one numbering sequence to another numbering sequence, add an additional MARC field 642. Follow the established numbering in access points for new bibliographic records as well, even if does not agree with the transcription. Example From series authority record: 642 $a no. 150 From bibliographic record 490 1_ $a Aperture $x 0003-6420 ; $v no. 211 (Summer 2013) 830 _0 $a Aperture (San Francisco, Calif.) ; $v no. 211. $x 0003-6420 For SARs being established for the first time under RDA, include both the numbering and chronology in the 642. Be certain not to confuse a chronological designation with a publishing date. 490 1_ $a … ; $v Volume 1 (2014) 830 _0 $a … ; $v v. 1 (2014) 23

24 Summary of new and revised series-related LC-PCC Policy Statements (PCCLIST, emailed on 2/5/2016 & 2/19/2016) Significant changes 2.12.9 (more than one form of numbering) 24.6.I (both numbered and unnumbered series are now treated a single series, same SAR) 24.6.J (record non-consecutive numbering in separate bib 8xx fields rather than etc. or,) (record in the pattern as Arabic numerals in bib 8xx and authority 642; not in 490) Series –related changes in PSs Changes in media type of multipart monograph (2015-10) Variation in media type (2015-10) Titles of parts, sections, and supplements (2015-12) 2.12 Series statement (2015-12) Series statement: sources of information (2015-08) 2.12.9 Numbering within series: different forms of series numbering (2015-08) Series numbering: sources of information (2015-08) Choosing the preferred title for series (2015-08/2015-10) Recording form of work (2015-08/2015-12) Recording date of work (2015-08) Recording place of origin of the work (2015-08) 24

25 Summary of new and revised series-related LC-PCC Policy Statements (2) (PCCLIST, 2/5/2016 &2/19/2016) Series –related changes in PSs Recording other distinguishing characteristics of the work (2015-08) Recording language of expression (2015-08) Recording other distinguishing characteristics of expressions (2015-08) 6.27 Authorized Access Points for Series: One or Several Series Authorized Access Points (2015-10) Additions to Access Points Representing Works (2015-10) 24.6 Numbering of part (2015-08/2015-10) Recording numbering of parts (2015-08) 25.0 Authorized access points for series: one or several series authorized access points (2015-10) DCM Z1 Note: a number of series-related sections were updated merely to change AACR2 language to RDA language (and references) Introduction: should an SAR be made? How many SARs should be made? 64x Series treatment: PCC participants may now add AAPs for any series …, even if the LC decision given in the SAR—not to trace 643 Series place and publisher/issuing body: When more than 2 changes … either give all the changes in separate 643 fields or use only one 643 field belonging to the volume cited in the first 670 field and give a 667 note. 667 Nonpublic general note Notes on the publisher/issuing body 667 $a Publisher varies [for more than two changes of publisher] Notes on the handling of series-like phrase 667 $a Give as a quoted note, including the number, e.g., AAI no. 85-41. 25

26 Appendix M Relationship Designators: Subject Relationships New statement for new RDA Appendix LC practice/PCC practice: The relationship designators found in M.2.2-M.2.5, if used, are recorded in $i of a 7xx added entry field or a 7xx linking entry field, or incorporated into a note. If applying LCSH, the optional use of these relationship designators does not replace any applicable LCSH subject access fields (e.g. a 6xx heading for a work in a bibliographic record that represents a commentary on that work). 26

27 Thank you! Q & A Group discussion 27

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