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8 th Graders Welcome! 1. Row Leaders: Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Graders Welcome! 1. Row Leaders: Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Graders Welcome! 1. Row Leaders: Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!

2 A Quick Reminder: Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task.

3 1. Write your agenda 2. Warm-up (A.L. #3)* 3. Group Tree-Map* ◦ Each person will do one tree map (A.L. #2)* 4. Class Tree Map* ◦ Copy all into your tree map (A.L. #2) cont…* 5. Review last test. Objective: In their Tree Maps, SWBAT find literary devices in “Raymond’s Run.” HW: Study for test tomorrow. This is the last time that I will push the test. Make sure that you study. A.L.: 2.) “Raymond’s Run” Lit. Dev. TM 3/14 3.) Commonly Misused Words 3/15 8 th Grade Agenda 3-15-11 Tuesday

4 Assignment Log #3 3.) Commonly Misused Words 3/15 *Copy down the following sentences and use the correct word in the brackets. 1. That boy smells [bad, badly]. 2. The [effects, affects] of the tsunami in Japan were devastating. 3. Don’t worry, I [already, all ready] cleaned my room. 4. I did all of my homework [accept, except] my math homework. 5. That girl did not have [a, an] ounce of courage. 6. Sasha fell out of the tree, but she is [all right, alright].

5 Assignment Log #2 2.) “Raymond’s Run” Lit. Dev. TM 3/14 “Raymond’s Run” 4-Simile 2-Metaphor 5-Hyperbole 1-Dialect 3-Personification 6-Senses *Find at least 4 sentences that demonstrate these literary devices. *Group 6: Make sure to write the sentence AND the sense to which the sentence appeals. *Remember to put the page number for EACH sentence! 1.Find at least 4 sentences that demonstrate these literary devices. 2.Group 6: Make sure to write the sentence AND the sense to which the sentence appeals. 3.Remember to put the page number for EACH sentence! 1.Find at least 4 sentences that demonstrate these literary devices. 2.Group 6: Make sure to write the sentence AND the sense to which the sentence appeals. 3.Remember to put the page number for EACH sentence!

6 Winding Down *Class is almost over, so it is time to: 1. Recap: Did you accomplish this objective?  Objective: In their Tree Maps, SWBAT find literary devices in “Raymond’s Run.” 2. Remain in your seats. 3. Pass folders with your A.L. packets inside to the front of your row. 4. Take out agenda to be checked. 5. When you are dismissed, row leaders please put the folders away.

7 Materials needed 1. Holt Literature and Language Arts books 2. 1 long pc. butcher paper. 3. 24 pcs. large construction paper. 4. Graded student work

8 State Standards 3.6 Identify significant literary devices (e.g., metaphor, symbolism, dialect, irony) that define a writer's style and use those elements to interpret the work. 1.0Write and speak with a command of standard English conventions appropriate to grade level.

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