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Information Studies The discipline of the future Andrew Dillon School of Information The University of Texas at Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Studies The discipline of the future Andrew Dillon School of Information The University of Texas at Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Studies The discipline of the future Andrew Dillon School of Information The University of Texas at Austin

2 What is the field of Information? o A discipline that investigates the properties and behavior of information: o the forces governing the flow of information, o the means of providing optimum accessibility and usability. o the origination, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, interpretation, transmission, transformation, and utilization of information. o It is both a science: o theories and data on information properties and behaviors, o and field of practice, o develops services and products.

3 Information? o Two components o Representation o Book o Web site o Algorithm o Tape o Means of decoding o Intelligent perceiver o With necessary tools 1st phase 2nd phase

4 The legacy of our field o Representation trumps decoding o Phase 2 insufficiently acknowledged o Need to extend our studies to human meaning o But phase 2 is irrelevant without phase 1

5 What our graduates do o Librarianship o Public, academic, special o Information architects o Usability and user experience analysts o Archivists and records managers o School media specialists o Preservation managers, o Conservators o Information officers, managers o And other, as yet unnamed, careers

6 Commonalities o Focus on the user o Without the human element, information is a meaningless concept o User and social advocacy o Human-centered design o Information as a common need o Part of the information lifecycle o From creation, through use to preservation

7 Distinctions? o Emphasis on one or more stages of the lifecycle o E.g. archives or school media o Interest in technology o E.g. media design or conservation o Area of application o Business, academia, public sector

8 Major issues in information o Designing for usability and utility o Preservation for shifting media o Overcoming a digital divide o Improving accessibility o Education and role of information professionals o Information policy, literacy, privacy and access

9 Larger picture o Bifurcation of information schools o Danger of deskilling o Need to consider IS role in academy o Breaking down barriers o What is uniquely ours?

10 Where we should be o Engaged across disciplines o At the center of information policy and discussions o Applying our values where they have impact o It’s more than a title, our profession is a way of operating

11 How we get there: o Acceptance of change o Embracing debate o Willingness to engage o Outward focus on issues of importance

12 Conclusions o Information technology without human values is worthless o The focus of information studies is people, not artifacts o Libraries are more than collections o Our field is the hub, not a spoke!the hub

13 UT’s Knowledge Gateway o "The university is setting the goal of providing a digital Knowledge Gateway to all Texans. We will provide access for every citizen, via a personalized Internet window, into the resources of our libraries, collections, museums and much more.” o President Faulkner March 2002

14 Final pieces of advice o Take a chance on classes o Explore the university o Be flexible in your studies o Mix and engage with each other o Attend iForum and seminars o Talk to the faculty

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