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Career and Technology Studies Awareness Sessions.

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1 Career and Technology Studies Awareness Sessions

2 Career and Technology Studies Awareness Sessions presented by Gloria Perrin Fred Smith Mike Dumanski …………….…. Project Manager Norma Clark ………………… Project Consultant Peter Gallagher …………….. Project Consultant John Nedd …………………… Project Consultant Program Development and Standards

3 Career and Technology Studies Vision CTS engages students in learning opportunities to discover their interests in practical and purposeful ways. Program Development and Standards

4 New Features Revised Content More Focus Clusters Pathways Post Secondary Credentials More Resources Enhanced Access In-Service Professional Development Coming Soon

5 Clusters provide an organizational tool to guide career exploration and planning, to focus teaching and learning, and to link education with relevant real-world experiential activities in specific areas. Program Development and Standards

6 TMT Trades, Manufacturing and Transportation ( 2009 ) BIT Business, Administration, Finance and Information Technology ( 2009 ) HRH Health, Recreation and Human Services ( 2010 ) MDC Media Design and Communication Arts ( 2010 ) NAT Natural Resources ( 2010 ) Program Development and Standards Cluster Occupational Areas

7 Program Development and Standards CTS Student Compass

8 A pathway is a sequence of CTS courses that are connected to competencies specific to an occupational designation or a desired career path. Program Development and Standards

9 Specialized skill pathways can provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitude for employment or further education. These pathways can be customized to meet student, school, or community program needs. Examples Sports Medicine Floral Design Equine Studies Program Development and Standards Specialized Pathways

10 Credentialed pathways can provide students with post-secondary and/or business and industry credentials or articulation. Examples Health Care Aide Computer Repair Technician First period Apprenticeship Welder Program Development and Standards Credentialed Pathways

11 Program Development and Standards Credentialed Pathways (Computer Science)

12 Program Development and Standards

13 Scope and Sequence Click Here

14 Using the information provided and the template, create a Pathways High School Program. “Prepare the student for the path, not the path for the student.” Create Your Own Pathways High School Program

15 Students can create their own personal pathway in a variety of ways. “Prepare the student for the path, not the path for the student.” Program Development and Standards Create Your Own Pathway

16 Find the following draft documents are available on the Alberta Education Website: - Philosophy and Rationale - Scope and Sequence Draft CTS courses Visit: Program Development and Standards Draft Program of Studies

17 1997 Version Grey areas in current program of studies are required by law to be taught by teachers. Program Development and Standards

18 1997 Version Grey areas in current program of studies are required by law to be taught by teachers. Only the GO’s are required by law. Program Development and Standards

19 1997 Version SO’s are not legally required to be covered to meet the GO’s. The SO’s have been set up according to various concepts. This will not be in new format. Program Development and Standards

20 New Version Every outcome is now legally required to be taught and measured. 1. - GO 1.1 - SO 1.1.1 - Sub SO - e.g., list Program Development and Standards

21  Students and teachers, through projects, extend and enhance competencies developed in the pathways to contexts that are personally relevant.  The project courses may not be delivered as stand-alone courses, nor may they be combined with core courses.  The context of instruction for this course is determined by the other courses in this cluster to which it is linked. Project courses are limited to the courses with the same prefix as the courses to which they are linked. There are five intermediate courses and five advanced courses available. Program Development and Standards NEW Project Courses (vs the OLD CTR Project Courses)

22  This course must be linked to other advanced CTS courses from within the pathway.  Equipment varies according to project.  All projects whether teacher or student lead, must include a course outline or student proposal.  Project courses cannot exceed a ratio of two CTS courses, one of which must be an intermediate or advanced courses to one project course. Program Development and Standards NEW Project Courses

23 Designed to provide guidance in choosing a high school program. Program Development and Standards Scope and Sequence Designed to facilitate 3 methods for programming: 1. Exploration 2. Special Skills 3. Credentialed

24 Program Development and Standards Scope and Sequence click here spx spx spx

25  BIT - Business, Administration, Finance and Information Technology  TMT - Trades, Manufacturing and Transportation  Scope and sequence  Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced levels x Program Development and Standards CTS High School Program

26 Program Development and Standards click here Click Click Here

27 Any Questions? Comments? Recommendations? 780-422-4124

28 Mike.Dumanski@gov.ab.ca780-422-4124 Thank You

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