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FOSSIL FUEL REGULATIONS By: Kaylie Black Period 4 5/27/15.

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Presentation on theme: "FOSSIL FUEL REGULATIONS By: Kaylie Black Period 4 5/27/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOSSIL FUEL REGULATIONS By: Kaylie Black Period 4 5/27/15

2 GOVERNING ENTITY The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -Regina (Gina) McCarthy: President

3 WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? The use of fossil fuels is causing much pollution and several problems in our atmosphere, and we have very few regulations on fossil fuels to help save it.

4 Without fossil fuels we wouldn't be able to do many of the things that we need to or enjoy doing everyday. The United States gets 84% of its total energy from fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas we wouldn't have cars, airplanes or even as much energy as we do today. We depend on fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, power industry and manufacturing, and provide us with electricity. Although, fossil fuels are the main backbone of the industrialization, they have contributed to the burden of environmental pollution significantly WHY ARE FOSSIL FUELS IMPORTANT?

5 FOSSIL FUEL IMPACTS- The atmosphere is trapping up to 25% more of the sun’s radiation due to annual increases in greenhouse gas emissions, although the atmoshpere already abaorbs a ton f greenhouse gases naturally. Human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning of coal and oil Damage to land from coal mining and to miners from black lung disease Environmental degradation caused by global warming, acid rain, and water pollution

6 FOSSIL FUEL IMPACTS CONTINUED- National security costs, such as protecting foreign sources of oil. Air quality deterioration Oil spills

7 SOLUTIONS- Turn off lights, computers, televisions, video games and other electrical equipment when you're not using them. Buy equipment that uses less electricity, including lights, air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators and washing machines. To help cut down on air pollution from cars, you can consolidate driving trips, carpool or take public transportation, such as buses and trains. You could also when possible, consider walking or biking instead of driving. So come help save our atmosphere! Turn off those lights, start walking, and stop using so many fossil fuels

8 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Fossil fuels." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 5th ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2014. Science in Context. Web. 2 June 2015. "Fossil Fuels." Animal Sciences. Ed. Allan B. Cobb. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. Science in Context. Web. 2 June 2015. "Fossil Fuels." World of Biology. Gale, 1999. Science in Context. Web. 2 June 2015. "Fossil Fuels." Earth Sciences for Students. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. Science in Context. Web. 2 June 2015.

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