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VOCABULARY WEEK ONE Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead. asinine The phone solicitor asked so many ASININE questions that I finally hung up.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY WEEK ONE Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead. asinine The phone solicitor asked so many ASININE questions that I finally hung up."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY WEEK ONE Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead

2 asinine The phone solicitor asked so many ASININE questions that I finally hung up.

3 asinine Pronounced: AS ih nine Part of speech: adjective Definition: Silly; stupid

4 dolt The frustrated teacher said he had a class full of DOLTS.

5 dolt Pronounced: DOHLT Part of speech: noun Definition: a stupid person

6 draconian Judge McNamara handed down a DRACONIAN sentence to the defendant, sixty days for littering.

7 draconian Pronounced: dray KOH nee un Part of speech: adjective Definition: hard, severe, cruel

8 efface To assure that he left no clues, the thief EFFACED his fingerprints from the stolen car.

9 efface Pronounced: uh FACE Part of speech: verb Definition: to rub away

10 feign Elizabeth FEIGNED illness in order to stay home from school the day of her final exam in math.

11 feign Pronounced: fayn Part of speech: verb Definition: to give a false appearance; to pretend

12 indolence Christopher may get by in high school, but college professors will never put up with such INDOLENCE.

13 indolence Pronounced: IN doh lents Part of speech: adjective Definition: lazy

14 panache It was evident by the woman’s PANACHE that she was a member of the royal family.

15 panache Pronounced: pa NASH Part of speech: noun Definition: Dashing elegance of manner or style

16 peccadillo Bob couldn’t believe he could be punished for the PECCADILLO of not cleaning his room at boarding school.

17 peccadillo Pronounced: pek ah DIL oh Part of speech: noun Definition: a slight or trifling sin; a minor offense

18 quaff I offered her a sip, but she QUAFFED the entire soda.

19 quaff Pronounced: kwaf Part of speech: verb Definition: to drink heartily

20 respite Although Ed believed he had escaped punishment, when the dean came to get him he realized he had only gotten a RESPITE.

21 respite Pronounced: RES pit Part of speech: noun Definition: Delay; postpone; a brief interval of rest

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