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Have you come across children who struggle with attention, reading, math, writing or coordination? It could be due to learning and attention issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Have you come across children who struggle with attention, reading, math, writing or coordination? It could be due to learning and attention issues."— Presentation transcript:


2 Have you come across children who struggle with attention, reading, math, writing or coordination? It could be due to learning and attention issues.

3 SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY The person with specific learning disability is one who has average or above-average intelligence, without any sensory problems (like blindness or hearing impairment) and yet struggles to keep up with people of the same age in learning and regular functioning.

4 TYPES OF S.LD DYSLEXIADYSGRAPHIADYSCALCULIA DYSLEXIA Difficulty in reading DYSGRAPHIA Difficulty in writing DYSCALCULIA Difficulty with calculations

5 A severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability in one or more of the following areas:-  Listening comprehension  Written expression  Basic reading skill  Reading comprehension  Mathematical calculation  Math reasoning


7 Typical mistakes in reading and writing ( Typical mistakes in reading and writing (DYSLEXIA, DYSGRAPHIA)  Often confuses between the letters b,d, p,q, u,n, w,m. Reads or writes ‘dog as god’, ‘was as saw’, ‘from’ and ‘form’, ‘beutifull’ for ‘beautiful’.  Guess the word from the first letter of the word, e.g. ‘Always as away’  Loses place on a page while reading.  Reads very slowly, without expression and no punctuations.  Reads word by word thus missing the meaning.  Commonly used words are also read, spelt and written wrong.

8 Typical mistakes in reading and writing ( Typical mistakes in reading and writing (DYSLEXIA, DYSGRAPHIA)  Omits letters in spellings, e.g. Becaus, pleas, daugter, thouh.  Omits words while reading and writing.  Adds letters to spellings, e.g. Transferr, claoud, roaer, discusse.  Adds words while reading and writing.  Spells words phonetically, e.g. ‘Tox’ for ‘talks’, ‘rite’ for ‘write’, ‘desided’ for ‘decided’.  Confuses between vowels, e.g. ’man’ for ‘men’, ’hant’ for hunt’, ‘furniture’ for ‘furniture’.

9 Typical mistakes in writing ( Typical mistakes in writing (DYSGRAPHIA)  Writes very slowly hence books incomplete.  May hold pencil awkwardly.  Writing is a laborious task for them and they avoid it.  Poor spacing, no margins.  Cannot write on unruled paper.  In primary classes writing on the line is also difficult.  The child is unable to automatically remember and master the sequence of muscle motor movements needed in writing.

10 Typical mistakes in Mathematics ( Typical mistakes in Mathematics (DYSCALCULIA)  Counts on finger.  Abstract thinking is poor.  Reads 13 for 31.  Mixes Symbols [+ & x, - & =]  Difficulty with learning to tell time.  Doesn’t understand place value.

11 Classroom detection  When the teacher notices any of the above problems  If the teacher observes Poor concentration  Weak foundation in any subject.  For exam fear/fever.

12 What you can do?  Take notes on the types of errors the child makes  How often they occur  Where you've noticed them.  Keep copies of her work and  Results from group tests.  Show these to the counselor

13 TREATMENT  Teaching skills & organizations.  Explaining  Accommodating.  Compensating (tape recorder, calculator, computer, videos)


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