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TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PORTAL Casey Spires Eastern Kentucky University.

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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PORTAL Casey Spires Eastern Kentucky University."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PORTAL Casey Spires Eastern Kentucky University

2 2 OUTLINE Key Terms Key Terms Cont. Motivation Motivation Cont. Introduction Problem Statement Proposed Solution Results Video References Conclusion Future Work Acknowledgements

3 KEY TERMS ASP.NET a framework for building website and apps using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. SQL- Structured Query Language C#- Object Oriented Language base on C++ with elements from Visual Basic and Java. (Microsoft Proprietary Language) Bootstrap- Open source Collection of tools for creating web sites. 3

4 KEY TERMS CONT. RestfulAPI- Software that allows two application program to interact with each other and share data. 4

5 5 MOTIVATION My motivation for doing this involved my recent employment at the Training Resource Center Eric Poynter the Technology Resource Manager was in need of a solution to collect Dell Service Tags and the Names associated with those tags.

6 MOTIVATION CONT. Programming is not just learning, if you approach it from the standpoint of learning you will not get far. Programming is about solving a problem. 6

7 7 INTRODUCTION Normally if Eric were to want to know the status of a particular staff members computer. He would need to locate the staff member and their computer. This is a troublesome problem and having a central repository for information would greatly improve productivity.

8 8 PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem being addressed is how can client computers be registered on a large scale with little to no effort?

9 9 ASSUMPTIONS This build will exist on the internal network only. This is for administrative purposes Those who access this site will be management or technology interns.

10 10 PROPOSED SOLUTION In order to solve the Training Resource Centers problem, I designed a web application in ASP.NET as well as a SQL database to store client data.

11 11 RESULTS My final product was an interactive web application which communicate with a local web server which then passed on data to a SQL server.

12 12

13 REFERENCES Fritz, J., & Liberty, J. (2013, September 19). One ASP.Net From Scratch [Video file]. Retrieved from Patel, J. (2013, September 28). How to Insert data into database in asp net [Video file]. Retrieved from Banas, D. (2014, September 5). PHP MySQL Tutorial [Video file]. Retrieved from Nirosh. (n.d.). Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and More - CodeProject. Retrieved from Object-Oriented-Programming-Concep Object-Oriented-Programming-Concep ProgrammingKnowledge. (2013, December 8). ASP.NET Tutorial 1- Introduction and Creating Your First ASP.NET Web Site [Video file]. Retrieved from W3Schools. (n.d.). SQL Tutorial. Retrieved from Friedman, V. (2008, January 31). 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing Magazine. Retrieved from effective-web-design/ effective-web-design/ Anderson, R. (2015, October 17). Creating a Connection String and Working with SQL Server LocalDB | The ASP.NET Site. Retrieved from 13

14 14 CONCLUSIONS I feel as though I have handled this project as best I could considering my changes throughout the semester. Given my new skills in time management and development I feel I could do this again on a larger scale.

15 15 FUTURE WORK Currently I am working on a RestfulAPI that will communicate warranty information from dell to the website. I am also working on a RFID project that will allow for resource checkout to be fully functional

16 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge my Manger Eric Poynter for helping to improve my skills as a developer and professional. I would also like to acknowledge my fiancé Rose Hay for helping believing in me regardless of what I do. 16

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