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OBJECTIVES & AGENDA Workshop on Challenges and Strategies in Improving Labour Statistics in Africa Bamako, Mali 22 - 24 November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVES & AGENDA Workshop on Challenges and Strategies in Improving Labour Statistics in Africa Bamako, Mali 22 - 24 November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVES & AGENDA Workshop on Challenges and Strategies in Improving Labour Statistics in Africa Bamako, Mali 22 - 24 November 2010

2 BACKGROUND Conf. of African Ministers of Fin., Plan. & Econ. Dev. held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in 2006 affirmed key role of employment in poverty reduction and national development; Concern that employment has not been embedded in national dev. strategies, commonly referred to as PRSPs in many African countries; Special needs of vulnerable groups in society were also recognized, including increasing employment opportunities for women, youth, people living with disabilities, internally displaced persons, refugees and returnees.

3 BACKGROUND Child labour is very widespread; particularly in agriculture, livestock, herding and mining; Need for NSS in Africa to increase availability of accurate, timely and policy-relevant data on employment and related indicators; Building consensus on concepts and definitions related to employment; Carefully defining and refining methods for collecting data on each category of employment;

4 BACKGROUND Measuring and profiling the informal sector, which covers a wide range of labour market activities and which provides many job opportunities.

5 BACKGROUND StatCom-Africa, held in January 2008 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a number of WG were created including one on the Measurement of the Informal Sector and Employment; The main objective of the Group is to come up with a strategy for the harmonisation of definitions and methodologies on the measurement of the informal sector and employment within the region.


7 Global Objective To enhance the capacity of African countries to collect, process, analyze and disseminate employment statistics in a regular way (preferably on an annual basis) in support of their development initiatives including the PRSPs and the MDGs

8 Specific objectives To identify issues and constraints faced by African countries in the production and dissemination of employment statistics; To review current practices in the area in terms of definitions, concepts, norms etc…

9 Specific objectives To identify methods for collecting data on employment; To draw guidelines for collecting employment statistics from surveys and/or administrative sources;

10 Specific objectives To propose guidelines of the work plan for the StatCom-Africa’s Working Group on the informal sector; and To exchange best practices in the area of employment statistics.

11 Expected outcomes Improved capacity of African countries and organizations on the production and use of employment statistics at national level; Regular production of an employment balance sheet by main activities, mode of production (informal, formal), rural/urban, sex and age groups;

12 Expected outcomes Information and experience shared among participants from African countries and organizations; and Improved capacity of African countries to implement the action plan of the StatCom-Africa Working Group on the Informal Sector Satellite account.


14 FIRST DAY AFTER MORNING COFFEE BREAK SESSION III: Decent Work  The Decent Work measurement framework and sources of data (Monica Castillo, ILO Department of Statistics)  Institutional capacity, processes and outcomes in measuring Decent Work: Tanzania case study (Tite Habiyakare, ILO-Pretoria)  Prise en compte des indicateurs du travail décent dans les enquêtes sur l’emploi et le secteur informel (Afristat)

15 FIRST DAY AFTER LUNCH SESSION IV: Measuring Decent Work through PHCs  Measurement of economically active population through population censuses, MDG Goal 1, and the 2010 Round of Censuses in Africa (Erlinda Go, UNSD)  Country cases (Sudan, Niger)

16 FIRST DAY AFTER AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK SESSION V: Measuring Decent Work through Labour Force Surveys  Overview of survey arrangements, planning and topic coverage (Elisa Benes, ILO Department of Statistics)  Prise en compte des indicateurs du travail décent dans les enquêtes sur l’emploi et le secteur informel (Afristat)  Country Cases (South Africa, Liberia, Mali) ON NEXT DAY

17 SECOND DAY AFTER MORNING COFFEE BREAK SESSION VI: Measuring Child Labour  Concepts & Definitions (Yacouba Diallo, ILO/IPEC)  National child labour surveys and data collection issues (Yacouba Diallo, ILO/IPEC)  Country Cases (Rwanda, Cameroun) AFTER LUNCH

18 SECOND DAY AFTER AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK SESSION VII: Classification of Occupations  Overview of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) (David Hunter, ILO Department of Statistics)  Data collection and coding (David Hunter, ILO Department of Statistics)

19 SECOND DAY AFTER AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK SESSION VII: Classification of Occupations  Réflexion sur les questions relatives au champ national de l’enquête sur l’emploi et le secteur informel : prise en compte des activités du milieu rural et de la saisonnalité des emplois et des activités  Country cases (Tunisie, Uganda)NEXT DAY

20 THIRD DAY AFTER MORNING COFFEE BREAK SESSION VIII: Employment balance Sheet  Overview of Concepts and Definitions, Method of Elaboration of Labour Input Matrix (Osbert/ACS)  Country cases (Maroc) AFTER LUNCH

21 THIRD DAY AFTER AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK SESSION IX: Way forward  Panel StatCom-Africa Work Plan (ACS/AFRISTAT/ILO)  Conclusions/Recommendations  Official Closing


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