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STCE Annual Meeting 2012 Meridian Room, ROB, 31 May 2012 Summary of the Aerosol Workshop Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Satellite and Ground-based.

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Presentation on theme: "STCE Annual Meeting 2012 Meridian Room, ROB, 31 May 2012 Summary of the Aerosol Workshop Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Satellite and Ground-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 STCE Annual Meeting 2012 Meridian Room, ROB, 31 May 2012 Summary of the Aerosol Workshop Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Satellite and Ground-based Measurements presented by S. Kochenova

2 Aerosol Workshop 2 1.Nina Mateshvili et al. 2.Christine Bingen et al. 3.Nicolas Clerbaux et al. 4.Steven Dewitte 5.Alexander Mangold et al. 6.Sophie Vandenbussche et al. 7.Svetlana Kochenova et al. Date & Time: Date & Time: 24 May 2012, 9:15 – 13:30 Place: Place: Green Room, BIRA-IASB Number of participants: Number of participants: about 30 Presentations by: Many thanks to participants, STCE organizers, and supporting staff!

3 Structure of the Presentation 3 1.Short description of each presentation (1 slide per presentation) 2.Common points and problems, potential collaboration All presentations are available on the STCE Web site:

4 Aerosol retrieval from spectral measurements in twilight conditions: ground-based and satellite-based cases 4 Presentation 1 by Nina Mateshvili et al. The EarthMars - Sky brightness at 780 nm - Detection of minor eruptions - Separation of tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols - Requirement: clear sky conditions Nabro eruption, Eritrea Spectrometer at Tbilisi, Georgia The similar technique to separate AOD and surface albedo To continue: 20 June 2012, Poster at ATMOS-2012, Bruges, by S. Mateshvili

5 Stratospheric Aerosol Characterization: GOMOS and other activities 5 Presentation 2 by Christine Bingen, Charles Robert et al. AerGom Aerosol_CCI Goal: development of a new improved inversion processor for the retrieval of aerosol product Improvements: - better spectral parametarization; - all gases & aerosol retrieved simultaneously; - use of the full covariance matrix for errors; - additional radial inversion. Goal: Innovative retrieval scheme and improved aerosol products by taking maximum benefit of the combined information from all sensors (3D extinction, 2D AOD, 3D Angstrom coefficient, stratospheric contribution to SSA) MOSTRA model Goal: development of a 3D microphysical/transport Model for STRatospheric Aerosols To continue: 20 June 2012, Poster at ATMOS-2012, Bruges, by C. Bingen, C. Robert, et al.

6 Estimation of aerosol forcing based on AOD product and GERB solar fluxes 6 Presentation 3 by Nicolas Clerbaux & CM SAF & GERB teams The CM SAF Aerosol Datasets: The CM SAF Aerosol Datasets: Part of a large set of SEVIRI datasets with cloud products, surface radiation and albedo, all covering (2004-2011). CM-117: aerosol optical depth CM-118 : direct aerosol radiative effect Daily and monthly means Delivery Readiness Review in Sept. 2012 Documents due 20 August: –ATBD –Validation Report –Product User Manual –Dataset Generation Capability Description Document CM-118 (SEVIRI AOD & GERB high- resolution TOA solar fluxes as input) CM-117 (AOD at 0.55  m) - SEVIRI channels (0.6, 0.8 & 1.6  m) - CM SAF cloud mask - Surface wind speed - LUTs for 6 aerosol models

7 Climate monitoring with Earth Radiation Budget measurements 7 Presentation 4 Reflected Solar: Reflected Thermal: La Nino & El Nino (cooling & warming in the Pacific ocean) by Steven Dewitte Main change: strengthening of La Nina –Consistent with 'break' in global warming. Faint warming in the Arctic, related to ice melting? To continue: 6 June 2012, Presentation at RMI by S. Dewitte

8 Atmospheric Composition Measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station 8 Presentation 5 by Alexander Mangold et al. 23 May 2012 To continue: 13 June 2012, Presentation at RMI by A. Mangold – physical, optical aerosol properties  impact on climate – air mass origins – possible trends – evolution total atmospheric ozone – UV climatology – aerosol–cloud–interaction – validation of satellite data / models Why Antarctica ? – very remote and isolated  background conditions – very few in-situ measurement sites – Antarctica important for global climate Feb 2012: 5 aerosol instruments first time simultaneously

9 Retrieval of desert dust aerosols vertical profiles from IASI measurements in the TIR atmospheric window 9 Presentation 6 by Sophie Vandenbussche et al. To continue: 21 June 2012, Presentation at ATMOS-2012, Bruges, by S. VandenbusscheChallenges: - Refractive index - Assumptions on particle size distribution - Low sensitivity to the altitude of aerosols - Desert surface emissivity Results over ocean: NIGHT CALIOP ext coeff at 1.064 µm Results over desert:

10 VLIDORT and Linearized MIE for the retrieval of aerosol parameters 10 by Svetlana Kochenova et al. Language: Fortran 90 Created by: Created by: R. Spurr, RT solutions ( VLIDORT 2.5: VLIDORT 2.5: to solve advanced atmospheric RT + BRDF (any planet) Linearized MIE (& T-MATRIX): Linearized MIE (& T-MATRIX): to facilitate the retrieval of such aerosol parameters as refractive index, particle size distribution, axes ratio (before you have to run RT twice) Presentation 7 Slope depends on both concentration and radius! (radius fixed to 15  m) IASI ice cloud (Iceland, 15/04/2010) To continue: 7 August 2012, Poster at IRS-2012, Berlin, by S. Kochenova

11 Common Points and Potential Collaboration 11 New approach this year the presentations were followed by informal discussions during the lunch time the possibility to form small groups of people with common interests

12 Earth and Mars common points 12 1. Surface-atmosphere coupling - N. Clerbaux, S. Vandenbussche: better results over ocean (for the Earth) SEVIRI: anisotropic surface in VIS & NIR IASI: Surface emissivity modelling in thermal IR - A. Lyapustin (MODIS team, NASA): modelling of bright surfaces (for the Earth) - N. Mateshvili: measurements in twilight conditions help to separate dust and albedo contribution in the measured reflectance (for Mars) 2. Aerosol modeling/observation - The modelling of non-spherical particles have been proven to be necessary on the Earth, but not on Mars (use of T-MATRIX) - The GOMOS measuring technique is stellar occultation  applicable to Mars Capelle et al., IASI-2 Conference

13 Radiative Forcing and Climate 13 At BIRA-IASB, we would like to do more work (and collaborate with RMI) on aerosol radiative forcing and its influence on climate, e.g., - by using IASI AOD product from S. Vandenbussche et al. - by using the GOMOS AOD product from C. Bingen et al.

14 Synergy between different instruments 14 1. Synergy between instruments monitoring volcanic aerosols (example by N. Mateshvili) The Nabro eruption, Erithrea, June 13, 2011. MIPAS detected volcanic ash provided by Sabine Griessbach Ground-based spectrometer installed in Tbilisi, Georgia 2. Combination of different instruments for better retrieval of aerosols ( C. Bingen et al. ) - Optical particle counting: Deshler’s campaigns (Antarctica, Australia, Bresil, France, etc.) - Historical data sets (SAGE II, SAGE III, POAM, etc.) - Recent and ongoing experiments: OSIRIS, CALIPSO, SCHIAMACHY 3. Synergy between IASI and SEVIRI ( collaboration between BIRA-IASB and RMI ) Possible: to compare with IASI

15 Atmospheric RT (ASIMUT-VLIDORT) 15 1. LIDORT 3.3 and VLIDORT 2.5 (F77) provided by Dr. R. Spurr, RT Solutions, Cambridge, MA, USA 2. SPHER and T-MATRIX provided by Dr. M. Mishchenko, NASA GISS, New York, USA 3. ASIMUT provided by Dr. A.C. Vandaele et al., BIRA-IASB, Belgium - gas absorption (line-by-line & continua) - instrument convolution/apodisation - OEM (Rodgers) advanced RT + surface BRDF advanced RT with pol. + BRDF aerosols 1. VLIDORT can perfectly function as LIDORT with NSTOKES = 1 2. Incorporation of VLIDORT F90 and Linearized MIE (T-MATRIX) in the ASIMUT- VLIDORT package. 3. Comparison of our RT codes (the Earth, Mars, used for IASI, SEVIRI) for “difficult” cases (large SZA, VZA, heavy aerosol loads)

16 Thank You! 16 Thank you very much for your attention! Questions?.. The work of S. Kochenova is funded by STCE within the framework of the ‘Radiative Transfer’ project, PI M. De Mazière.

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