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What is a biome? Large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups that adapt to that particular environment. Climate and geography are very.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a biome? Large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups that adapt to that particular environment. Climate and geography are very."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a biome? Large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups that adapt to that particular environment. Climate and geography are very important to define the biome in a region.

3 There are different types of biomes, for example: Tundra Taiga Savanna Desert Rainforest Deciduous Forest

4 Tundra

5 Location and Climate from Tundra Located in the Northern Hemisphere. Small tundra in Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere. Always covered with snow and ice. In summer, the climate never gets any warmer than 45°or 50°F.

6 Tundra Plants Bearberry Caribous Moss

7 Tundra animals Artic Fox Polar Bear

8 Taiga

9 Location and Climate from Taiga Located near the top of the world (North America, Asia), just below the tundra biome. Winters in Taiga are very cold with only snowfall. The summers are warm, rainy, and humid.

10 Plants Jack Pine Balsam Fir

11 Animals Red Fox Bobcat

12 Savanna

13 Location and Climate from Savanna Found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Few Rainfalls, no forests. Warm Climate, wet and dry.

14 Plants Manketti Tree Baobab

15 Animals Lion Koala Bear

16 Desert

17 Location and Climate from Desert There are hot and dry deserts and cold deserts. Temperature ranges from -2 to 26°a year. Location: North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

18 Plants Saguaro Cactus Desert Ironwood

19 Animals Desert Tortoise Javelina

20 Rainforest

21 Location and Climate from Rainforest The tropical rainforest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth. Three largest rainforests--the American, the African, and the Asian. Rainy weather, temperature between 20 to 35°C.

22 Plants Bengal Bamboo Kapok Tree

23 Animals Chimpanzee Orangutan

24 Deciduous Forest

25 Location and Climate from Deciduous Forest Found in the eastern half of North America, middle of Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. Changing climate because of the wind and the location near the ocean. Four seasons Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

26 Plants Lady Fern White Birch

27 Animals American Black Bear Coyote

28 The End By: Pilar Rodríguez and Sebastián Rojas.

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