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CIG Business Meeting December 15, 2009 - Welcome; GWP (Olson) - CIG Proposal to NSF (Buffett) - Our incoming director (Kellogg) - Our outgoing director.

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Presentation on theme: "CIG Business Meeting December 15, 2009 - Welcome; GWP (Olson) - CIG Proposal to NSF (Buffett) - Our incoming director (Kellogg) - Our outgoing director."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 2009 - Welcome; GWP (Olson) - CIG Proposal to NSF (Buffett) - Our incoming director (Kellogg) - Our outgoing director (Gurnis) - Working group chairs (5 minutes ea): - Long term tectonics - Short term tectonics - Mantle convection - Magma migration - Seismology - Dynamo - Discussion/Q&A Agenda Items

2 Executive Committee Peter Olson, Chair, (Sept. 2010), Johns Hopkins Bill Appelbe, (Sept. 2011), Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing (VPAC), Australia Alan Levander, (Sept. 2010), Rice University Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, (Sept. 2010), University College, London Marc Parmentier, (Sept. 2012), Brown University Michael Aivazis, Ex officio Michael Gurnis, Ex officio Louise Kellogg, Ex officio 2

3 Science Steering Committee Wolfgang Bangerth, (Sept. 2011), Texas A&M Magali Billen, (Sept. 2012), University of California, Davis Bruce Buffett, (Sept. 2010), UC Berkeley Andy Freed, (Sept. 2011), Purdue Omar Ghattas, (Sept. 2010), University of Texas at Austin Garrett Ito, (Sept. 2012), University of Hawaii Luc Lavier, (Sept. 2011), University of Texas at Austin Jeroen Tromp, (Sept. 2010), Princeton Peter Olson, (Sept. 2010), Johns Hopkins, Ex officio \3

4 Geodynamics White Paper 10 Grand Challenge Problems in Geodynamics Writers: David Bercovici Lucy Flesch Bruce Buffett Rick Carlson Diana Valencia Jason Phipps Morgan Mousumi Roy Peter Olson For NRC/NSF “New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences” Comments, additions, suggestions, all welcome CIG INPUT NEEDED to identify key instrumentation and facilities !!! Send to: Draft:


6 Chronology of Events 12/16/08 Proposal writing committee announced at Business Meeting 12/15/08 SSC committee posts “Vision for CIG-II” for comment 03/30/09 Two-day Workshop on “Opportunities & Challenges in Computational Geophysics”, Pasadena, CA 04/01/09 PWC meets to review input and begin writing 05/05/09 Draft proposal distributed for community input 07/08/09 Proposal submitted to NSF 02/15/09 Solicit one-page abstracts on work enabled by CIG

7 Overview Administrative Issues i)Maintain centralized team of software developers ii)Enable specialized development through subcontracts iii)Shift location of CIG to UC Davis Science Issues i)Explore problems at interface of disciplines ii)Emphasis on interactions of the Earth’s subsystems iii)Identify and exploit overlapping interest

8 Overview Figure 1 from Proposal

9 Science Questions Science Questions Organized by Scale Global Scale i) Mantle dynamics ii) Core dynamics Plate-Boundary Scale i) Lithospheric tectonics ii) Fault system dynamics Integration with Observations i) seismic imaging ii) inverse problems

10 Emerging Methodologies Adaptive Mesh Refinement Adjoints & Inversion Multiphysics Coupling Scientific Visualization Promote reliance on existing packages using proven technology

11 Proposed Development Ongoing Development 1. Maintain CitcomS - more equations of state, improve solver, add adjoint capability 2. Maintain Gale - increase flexibility of meshing and boundary conditions - interface to surface process codes - linking of deformation to regional-scale seismic imaging 3. Continue development of PyLith - achieve goal of resolving entire seismic cycle

12 Proposed Development New Development 1. Plate Tectonic/Mantle Dynamics - new code development based on deal.II - adds AMR, adjoints, melting model, flexible geometry 2. Lithospheric Tectonics & Surface Processes - new code built from same components as mantle dynamics - improved flexibility of model components - new strategies for tracking damage/plastic failure 3. Magma Dynamics - integrated into mantle dynamics/lithospheric tectonics code

13 Proposed Development New Development 4. Fault System Dynamics - identified challenges in achieving resolution and scalability 5. Seismic Imaging - emphasis on regional forward and inverse problems - integration with regional geodynamic models - future needs can be met with development of SpecFem

14 Proposed Development

15 Leadership Transition Michael Gurnis, outgoing Director Louise Kellogg, incoming Director 15

16 16 Computational Infrastructure in Geodynamics: A virtual organization for geodynamics Established 5 years ago as a member-governed organization Funded by an NSF cooperative agreement to Caltech 55 participating institutions: 45 US member institutions and 10 foreign affiliates. 3 new US members and 1 foreign affiliate joined this fall. Governed by an Executive Committee, with input from a Science Steering Committee, and 6 working groups. 47 people from 36 institutions current serve on CIG committees and working groups. Louise Kellogg, Director-designate University of California, Davis

17 17 Transition to UC Davis Proposal submitted to NSF Geoinformatics - July 2009 Funding anticipated to start in early 2010 Preparation for transition is underway led by Director, Director-Designate, EC, and SSC. CIG’s new home at UC Davis: Located in proximity to Computer Science, Geology, and Applied Math, with meeting rooms and administrative staff. IT support includes computing and networking resources and staff who are expert in parallel computing on clusters. Geophysical/computational visualization through the KeckCAVES. UC Davis’s strong affiliation with LLNL and LBL provides access to additional computational experts.

18 CIG Long-Term Tectonics Working Group: ‘State of the Group’ Report Fall AGU, 2009 Group Members: Todd Ehlers, co-lead (U. Tübingen, Germany) Mousumi Roy, co-lead (U. New Mexico) Thorsten Becker (U. South California) Noah Fay (U. Arizona) Dennis Harry (Colorado State U., former co-lead) Ritske Huismans (Bergen U., Norway) Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni (UCL, UK) Dietmar Muller (U. Sidney, Australia) Patrice Rey (U. Sidney, Australia) Jolante van Wijke (U. Houston) With Valuable Input From: Louis Moresi (Monash U, Australia) Steve Quenette (VPAC, Australia)

19 LTT Workgroup Activities This Past Year March 2009: CIG-II meeting identified problems and achievements within the work group (well attended) August 2009: ‘Developer’ meeting: provided more in-depth training on GALE (well attended, including VPAC and L. Moresi). Fall 2009 -> 0 Ma: Walter and VPAC initiated a re-integration of GALE into underworld (will provide increased compatibility with underworld functionality). November 2009: Submission of GALE short course proposal for the GSA 2010 meeting. Will cover basics of GALE use, as well as (hopefully) user modification of GALE. September-December 2009: Increased activity on LTT email list serve - appears to be increased use/interest in GALE.

20 Activities Proposed in CIG-II Outstanding Scientific Problems Addressed: Fluids: What role do magmatic and hydrous fluids play in controlling lithospheric deformation? Rheology: What is the rheologic structure of the lithosphere? Memory: How does structural ‘memory’ associated with previous deformation influence modern deformation? Interconnections: To what degree are climate, tectonics, and surface processes coupled?

21 Activities Proposed in CIG-II (continued) Future Directions of the LTT Workgroup in CIG-II: Increase functionality and portability, for example: addition of magma migration. implement more general boundary conditions interface for coupling with surface process models Coupling with other CIG codes, for example: coupling with seismic imaging (SPECFEM). Improve the numerics: Add AMR to improve fault localization, allow for fluid transport. Education/Outreach: Continue offering short courses, provide ‘advanced user’ training for code modification.

22 LTT Example I Magma Injection & Faulting G. Ito & M. Behn See also Behn and Ito G 3 and Ito and Behn G 3, 2008.

23 LTT Example II Shear Band Formation & Intrusions After J. Van Wijk et al., In Press EPSL

24 Example III: Surface Processes & Faulting Cruz et al., In Prep or Review

25 Example IV: Surface Processes & GALE courtesy Steve Quenette & VPAC

26 Example IV: Surface Processes - Transient Erosion Ehlers unpublished: modified CASCADE model (Braun & Sambridge 1997) Work in progress with L. Moresi and S. Quenette to couple with GALE/Underworld.

27 Example V: GALE in the classroom (UNM, Univ. Houston) courtesy Mousumi Roy Text Strike Slip Faulting Normal Faulting, weak lower crust

28 Short-Term Crustal Dynamics Working Group Brad Aagaard

29 2009 Activities Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation workshop, June 22–26, 2009, Colorado School of Mines 8th annual workshop, sponsored by CIG, SCEC, NSF, NASA 60 participants Mixture of science talks and tutorials PyLith (Aagaard, Williams, Knepley) Parallel, 2-D and 3-D finite-element code for modeling crustal deformation associated with earthquake faulting and elastic and/or viscoelastic rheologies 1 feature release + 2 bugfix releases in last 12 months Version 1.4.0 released Jul 1, 2009 Power-law viscoelastic bulk rheology Automatic nondimensionalization of parameters Time-dependent boundary conditions Under-the-hood improvements (Pyrex → SWIG) ∼ 200 downloads per quarter and growing

30 PyLith Development Aagaard, Williams, Knepley, and Somala Version 1.5 (Spring 2010) Fault friction (50% complete) Large deformations (100% complete) Drucker-Prager elastoplastic bulk rheology (5% complete) Optimized solver for explicit time-stepping (80% complete) Laplacian preconditioner (10% complete) Improvements to manual (5% complete) Expand discussion of governing equations and implementation Reorganize tutorials Long-term Development Multi-scale: Coupling between interseismic and seismic scales Multi-physics: Integration with heat float and fluid flow

31 31 2010 Activities Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation workshop, June 14–18, 2009, Colorado School of Mines Seeking funding from same sponsors Number of attendees ( ∼ 60) limited by meeting facility Tutorials: Day 1 (beginners), Day 2 (intermediate) Science talks and discussion: Days 3–5 Strengthen ties to longer-term deformation (SCEC CDM & LAD) Collect semi-analytic codes for simple problems Centralize dissemination of useful codes for simple problems Efficient tools for problems that don’t need PyLith Useful for benchmarking codes for complex problems Benchmark crustal deformation codes Continue to define benchmark suite as capabilities expand Using CIGMA to quantify errors and differences

32 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 2009 CIG Activities in Mantle Convection

33 Community-Driven activities: Working groups On compressible mantle convection (King, van Keken, Tan, Zhong, …). On development of 1-D analytical codes (Becker, O’Neil, Steinberger and others). Since the objectives for Mantle Convection within CIG have largely been meet, we’ll probably need a new Mantle Convection working (structure) group.

34 Mantle Convection Codes: Available at CIG CitcomS (3D spherical convection: compressibility, thermochemical, and non- Newtonian rheology, …) Latest release version 3.0.3 in September, 2008 CitcomCU (3D Cartesian and regional spherical) Latest release version 1.0.2 in May, 2007. Ellipsis3d (3D Cartesian) Latest release version 1.0.2 in April, 2007. ConMan (2D Cartesian) Latest release in September, 2008.


36 CitcomS Newest release: v3.1.1 (Jul 2009) Allowing tracers in global model with nprocx,nprocy > 2 better load balancing allowing higher resolution CBF topography Self gravitation geoid ~10% speed up

37 CitcomS + SPECFEM_GLOBE Linkage through CIG Seismology Web Portal CitcomS outputs Vp, Vs, ρ upload Vp, Vs, ρ to the portal choose mesh/resolution/length of seismogram, submit job download seismograms

38 CitcomCU Newest release: v1.0.3 (Nov 2009) Allowing models using more than 100 CPUs Scripts to convert model result to VTK format Example input files for benchmarks (Busse et al. 1993) Several bug fixes

39 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 200939 Workshops Geodynamics of the Lithosphere and Deep Earth, or GLADE Venue: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in La Jolla, California, from July 26-29, 2010. SSC Approved Co-Sponsoring of Workshop The organizing committee :John Hernlund & Dave Stegman (co-chairs); Steve Cande, Alessandro Forte, Allen McNamara, Leigh Royden & Shijie Zhong

40 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 200940 Being developed as a collaboration between U. Texas, Caltech, & Colorado and Funded by the NSF PetaApps Program Rhea is a parallel, adaptive-mesh finite-element-based mantle convection solver Builds on the ALPS framework for the adaptive solution of partial differential equations. The management and distribution of the elements is handled by the forest-of-octree library p4est. The solution of the pre-conditioned Stokes equation is handled with Algebraic Multi-Grid (AMG) Strong scaling of the energy equation and the AMR is almost perfect out to 62K processors Weak Scaling of the Stokes equation is reasonably good (for example efficiency on 16,384 cores is about 25% compared to 1 core) A open source version of p4est and Rhea will be available 2010 Rhea

41 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 200941 Rhea

42 CIG Business Meeting December 15, 200942 Future Plans for Mantle Convection Maintain CitcomS. Add multiple realistic equations of state to existing compressible-thermo chemical code. Add new Dave May pre-conditioners (CitcomSX uses PETSc). New code for very high resolution locally, such as plate boundaries (AMR), full inverse capabilities, very robust solvers, and linkage to multi-physics Rhea would be an interim solution Develop new code based on deal.II which will be enhanced with Rhea technology (such as p4est) Long-term tectonic and Magma will based on the same approach. All of the physics and capabilities of long-term and magma will be embedded, self-consistently with this approach. Cartesian and spherical versions

43 Magma Dynamics Marc Spiegelman

44 Magma Dynamics The Magma Dynamics Demonstration Suite: (MADDs): Components  High resolution Stokes problem for Ridge geometries with resolved pressures  Constant porosity melt flow benchmark  2-D/3-D Solitary wave benchmark code  Isoviscous ridge model with forced adiabatic melting Two existing implementations at CIG  stgMADDs: CIG/VPAC collaboration, same code base as Gale  MADDs-FP: FEniCS/PETSc hybrid codes for “Flexible Programming” in magma dynamics Other partial implementations in COMSOL, deal.ii

45 MADDs-FP MADDs 1&2 MADDs 5a Features: FEniCS form compiler for PDE based code generation (easily include new processes/formulations) PETSc access to full range of advanced solvers/preconditioners e.g (AMG FieldSplit/GMRES) Semi-Lagrangian advection on fully unstructured meshes MADDs 4

46 Future directions Full integration with the next generation AMR Solid Flow codes (MC,LTT) likely deal.ii MADDs-FP will continue as part of a MARGINS sponsored project (seeking post-doc) and be released through CIG  More general thermodynamics for reactive fluid flow  Geochemical transport Regional modeling toolkit Requires detailed technical discussion across CIG Expand MD-working group Fluid migration Nicaragua subduction Zone (Spiegelman, van Keken, Hacker) 3-D AMR Ridge Stokes Calculation Deal.ii (Bangerth, 2009, pers comm)

47 Seismology Working Group Compiled by Alan Levander

48 CIG Seismology Working Group New Additions & Updates Flexwin: for windowing seismograms Seismic_CPML: 2D and 3D FD codes SPECFEM2D with adjoint capabilities SPECFEM3D_GLOBE New SPECFEM3D in 2010 Integration of CitcomS and SPECFEM to produce synthetic seismograms from CitcomS outputs

49 CIG Seismology Working Group Downloads of FLEXWIN, MINEOS, SEISMIC_CPML, SPECFEM1/2/3 & SPECFEM_GLOBE accounted for ~40% of CIG downloads in 4 th quarter 2009. We are discussing having large US participation at a QUEST workshop in Sardinia in September 2010. [QUEST is a recently funded European seismic imaging initiative that is a follow on to SPICE. CIG/IRIS/SPICE held a joint workshop in Jackson, New Hampshire in 2007].

50 Geodynamo Bruce Buffett Current status of community

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