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A World of Literature (Chapter 6 – pp. 264-337). Introduction to Literature Literary genres –Fiction Novels, short stories, science fiction, fantasy,

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Presentation on theme: "A World of Literature (Chapter 6 – pp. 264-337). Introduction to Literature Literary genres –Fiction Novels, short stories, science fiction, fantasy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A World of Literature (Chapter 6 – pp. 264-337)

2 Introduction to Literature Literary genres –Fiction Novels, short stories, science fiction, fantasy, crime… –Drama Theatre, film, television, puppetry, sketches … –Poetry Sonnets, songs, narrative poetry, free verse, limericks…

3 Plot vs Theme “What’s it about?” –i.e. “what happens in the story?” “what does the excitement depend on?” = PLOT –i.e “what issues does the story deal with?” “what does the story have to say about life?” = THEMES

4 Plot = conflict Protagonist: the character at the centre of action Antagonist: the opponent of the protagonist Exposition → Rising suspense → Climax → Falling suspense → Resolution

5 Theme Often reflected in title The conflict of the plot often reflects deeper thematic conflict May be many themes

6 Point of view Third-person objective Third-person limited Third-person omniscient First-person

7 Reliable vs unreliable narrator Reliable narrator –Reflects the author’s viewpoint –Plays with an open hand for the reader Unreliable narrator –May be misinformed, prejudiced, motivated by self-interest –May purposely withhold information or insights –Irony…

8 Irony The author purposely creates a discrepancy between what is and what appears to be The reader sees the world as if from a distance, with comic or tragic effect. Requires an alert reader

9 Characterisation Direct or indirect Flat or round characters Static or dynamic characters

10 Setting Geographical setting –where the action takes place Time –when the action takes place Social environment –social class, expressed in speech, lifestyle, values etc.

11 Poetry analysis The title –What is its connection to the poem itself? The speaker/voice in the poem –Is it the poet? Or another, neutral voice? What is going on? –Is there a story? Or a feeling or impression? Diction –What effect does the language have? Literary devices –Metaphors, similes, symbols…

12 Poetry analysis Tone –What attitude is expressed? Sound effects –Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration… Structure –Stanzas, other breaks in the text Free verse –Structure, layout, repetition… Theme –What is the poem really about?

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