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 Number of employees: 12  Pool of freelancers: about 20.

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2  Number of employees: 12  Pool of freelancers: about 20

3 Head Make-up and Wigs: 1 (fixed hours contract)  management and creative designer  alignment with costume designer  quality control  production-budgets  scheduling working hours  make-up planning performances Assistant of head: 1 (90%) (fixed hours contract)  secretarial support head and other staff  arranges appointments e.g. wig fittings

4 First hairdressers/make-up artists: 4 (4 flexible hours contract)  responsible for 3 productions per season  general workshop work  make-up of principals during performances Front men hairdresser/make-up artist: 4 (3 flexible hours contract,1 fixed hours contract)  general workshop work  make-up during performances  assist first hairdressers/make-up artists Hairdressers/make-up artists: 2 (flexible hours contract)  make wigs  make-up during performances

5  The Make-up and Wigs department resorts under the director of the Costume/Make-up and Wigs department  Number of opera productions per season: approx. 11  Number of ballet productions per season: approx. 11  One year is divided in 13 periods of 4 weeks, each period contains 152 working hours  Working hours of the employees are scheduled at least a month in advance.  The distribution of the productions among the first hairdressers depends on who matches best with the style, language and character of the designer and the nature of the production.  Of each production a make-up “bible” is made, with photographs and descriptions of the make-up, wigs and hairstyle. The bible is made by the assistant head with the information from the responsible first hairdresser/make-up artist

6  The workshop is located on the 4 th floor of the theatre. It has a separate room for special effects. Inflammable products are stored in a fireproof cupboard in the workshop and the stock of inflammable products is stored in an especially constructed room  There are two make-up rooms, one for principals (ground floor near stage entrance) with 4 - 6 seats. Another one for the chorus and the extras (basement) with 10 - 13 seats  Each make-up artist has his/her own make-up case containing a selection of preferred make-up articles and brands (such as Kryolan, Indio, Mac, Dior, Numeric Proof,….)



9  The annual budget is made 1 year in advance by the Head. Material and hours (staff + freelancers) are budgeted per production. The production budgets are then assigned by the management. Every quarter an update is required  As soon as the costume designers have presented their designs, a more detailed budget can be made. Depending on the hours needed to make the production, decisions are made concerning outsourcing part of the work hours calculation for a production (including performances):  large production: approx. 2700 hours  medium production: approx. 2000 hours  small production: approx. 100-1500 hours  production of 1 wig in workshop: 50-70 hours.

10  principals are scheduled maximum 2 hours before the start of a performance.  chorus arrives maximum 1 hour before entrance on stage (freelance chorus and extras can be scheduled earlier).  Max. 4 make-up artists for principals. Make-up planning is based on the quality of the make-up artist and the match with the principal  0 to 14 make-up artists for chorus and extras Make-up time principals  Woman – classical and wig or hair: 45 minutes  Man – classical simple: 10-15 minutes  Man – character and wig: 20-30 minutes Make-up time chorus  Man – classical: 10 minutes  Woman beauty and wig: 20 minutes



13  wigs made in the workshop are handknotted and mostly made with natural European hair  Wigs are stored individually on hooks, by number in cupboards in the corridors, they hang on rails. The cupboards have airing-holes to keep the wigs fresh.  There is a wig database of all 2800 wigs in our computer which enables us to search for wigs by number, name or production. At this moment a new database is constructed.





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