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Core Muscles Strengthening Exercises By Dr.Hardik Patel Head Of Department(Physiotherapy) Fortis Hiranandani Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Core Muscles Strengthening Exercises By Dr.Hardik Patel Head Of Department(Physiotherapy) Fortis Hiranandani Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Muscles Strengthening Exercises By Dr.Hardik Patel Head Of Department(Physiotherapy) Fortis Hiranandani Hospital

2 CORE SET 1. Standard Crunch - Think about a string attached to your belly button & running through your body pulling your stomach towards the floor.

3 2. Knee-up crunches - Focus on keeping the small of your back against the floor even throughout the range of motion. SLOOOW. :)

4 3. Hip lifts - Keep your legs straight and don't let them rock back as your lift your hips. YES - I'm pushing down w/ my hands so I could hold this forever for the camera, but you should put your palms facing up! :) These are tough... don't speed through them.

5 4. Oblique crunches - You should feel your ribs pressing pinching into your side. Try not to fold forward, but rather bend up trying to get your elbow to touch your feet.

6 5. Side Plank Dips - Keep your body in a straight line (one plane) and keep the movement smooth and slow. Your hips should just touch (but not rest on!) the ground.

7 6. Oblique Leg Extensions - This not only works your obliques, but should also engage your piriformis & hip flexor as well. Don't let your leg touch the ground, and when the leg is fully extended your butt should be tightly squeezed rotating your leg out ever so slightly (this is the piriformis part).

8 7. Supermans - Each side counts as 1/2 of a rep. Your stomach muscles should be engaged when you lift up. Think about your arm and leg not only being pulled up, but also out. Hold it at the top for 2 seconds.

9 8. Bridged Leg Lifts - Each leg counts as 1/2 of a rep. Keep your butt down. You don't need to lift your legs super high.

10 9. Pushups - Keep your head raised and looking forward, and your body in a perfect horizontal plane. Your elbows should bend back, not out to the side.

11 10, 11, 12. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6, but do the other side. 13. Heel Touches - Each heel touch counts as 1/2 of a rep. Keep your shoulder blades off the ground, remember to breathe, and make sure your feet are far enough away from you that you have to really reach to touch the heel.

12 14. Bicycle Crunches - Each leg counts as 1/2 of a rep. Each twist w/ leg extension should take you long enough to say "one one thousand" to yourself, no faster. Try to keep your shoulder blades off the ground.

13 15. Half Up Twists - Sit up, put your hands on top of your knees and then lean back until your arms are straight. Cross your arms in front of you (each hand holding an elbow) and start twisting! Each side counts as 1/2 of a rep.

14 Questions


16 Computer & Desk Stretches Approximately 4 Minutes Sitting at a computer for long periods often causes neck and shoulder stiffness and occasionally lower back pain. Do these stretches every hour or throughout the day, or whenever you feel stiff. Photocopy this and keep it in a drawer. Also, be sure to get up and walk around the office whenever you think of it. You’ll feel better!

17 Overview

18 3

19 2

20 1

21 Action !

22 1-1

23 1 Once more!

24 1-2

25 Stand up!

26 2

27 3-left side

28 3 Do it on the right side!

29 3-right side

30 4

31 5-1

32 5-2

33 5-3

34 6-right arm & hand

35 6 Turn the other side!

36 6-left arm & hand

37 7

38 8

39 Sit down and raise the left hand!

40 9-right up & left down

41 9 Turn the other side!

42 9-right down & left up

43 9 Raise and cross the left leg!

44 10-left arm & leg

45 10 Turn the other side!

46 10-right arm & leg

47 11-1

48 11 Once more!

49 11-2

50 12

51 The End. Continue Again?! Or Press “ESC” to Stop.

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