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LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006

2 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 2 26 April 2006 Outline  Official and supported  Web Page:  LARP Document Management: LARP Docs  Web-based communications: Webex Time permitting  Delineations  Descriptions  Demonstrations

3 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 3 26 April 2006 Memo Sent on Web & Docs (12/16/05)  Jean Slaughter, John Konc and EM  Approved by Steve Peggs, Vladimir Shiltsev and others  Conclusions/recommendations of that note  Everyone in LARP should use DocDB.  (Plone) should be the official LARP web site. We suggest that two or three people at each LARP institution be identified as the “managers”/”reviewers” for this site (these are Plone terms), and that these people be responsible for developing and maintaining the web site. JC and EM volunteer to fill this role at Fermilab.  The April collaboration meeting at LBL should be managed by the LARP DocDB. All speakers should upload their talks to the DocDB prior to giving the talk. The session chair will simply click on the uploaded talk on the DocDB agenda.  LARP management should declare support of these recommendations.

4 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 4 26 April 2006 Document Management  “LARP Docs” Document database  This web site issues a certificate –You and your browser must accept these Username and password protected –We all share a single username/password  Support Officially supported by Fermilab –Eric Vaandering, Vanderbilt U.; Independent contractor Available from –Lookup “DocDB”  Widely accepted at Fermilab  Thousands of documents stored in 15 DocDB instances

5 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 5 26 April 2006 Discussion: LARP Docs  Smashing success at Fermilab  BTeV: 4000+ documents  Accelerator Division: 2249 and counting ∴ Anyone can be taught how to use DocDB  LARPDocs: 165 and counting  Features  Any type of file  Versioning  Access control  Event management  Not an EDMS  But do we need EDM?

6 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 6 26 April 2006 DocDB Instructions (From web)  Entering or Updating a Document  Getting more help  What do you want to do?  Preparing your document for upload Multiple file uploads Archive uploads  Upload methods  Filling in the form  Advanced options  Special Cases  Documents for events  Conference talks and proceedings  Publications in refereed journals  Preferences and E- mail Notification  Setting preferences  Setting e-mail notification  Advanced Users  Referring to your document and its files  Referring to groups of documents  Final Words  Archive vs. Catalog  What is a document?  Notes on file formats

7 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 7 26 April 2006  BTeV  Genesis of it all  FOCUS  CMS Pixel  CMS Simulation  Demo ILC DocDB  EPP small experiment DocDB  LARP  Accelerator Div  Computing Div  LPC (part of the CD DocDB)  USCMS Computing (part of the CD DocDB)  Open Science Grid  Minos  MINERvA  NOVA

8 Demonstration of LARPDocs Database: Finding a document Adding a document


10 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 10 26 April 2006 Event Management  LARP Docs database: “Events”  Documents are stored in LARP Docs Same versioning, access control, etc.  What you plan for the agenda and the live agenda are the same thing  Clean & smooth electronic presentations  Management of  Agenda Anyone can/may do it, but should be “convener” or session chair No need to keep agenda externally  Talks/documents The speaker is responsible for maintaining the integrity of his/her document

11 Demonstration of Event Management in DocDB: Adding your document Changing an agenda


13 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 13 26 April 2006 Web Pages  web site  Uses Plone A widespread wiki implementation  Jump point for all other web sites  Anyone can modify the content/layout You have your own username/password  There are lots of LARP web sites  LBNL  BNL  Fermilab AD & TD  SLAC ?

14 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 14 26 April 2006 Discussion: Plone  Plone is a very general tool  Can do document management But missing some necessary “document management” features, like –Document versioning Complex searches  Some Plone features require user training E.g., search by author  Many people can manipulate the Plone site  Everyone probably will not learn the manipulations.

15 Demonstration of


17 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 17 26 April 2006 (Time Permitting) Webex

18 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 18 26 April 2006 Webex  Fermilab has license for using Webex  BNL was looking at Pay-as-you-go  Really, really easy and effective  100% compatible with PC/Internet Explorer Active X  ~98% compatible with Mac or with Firefox Java  You should try the live, online demo  ~30 minutes 

19 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 19 26 April 2006 Conclusions/Summary  Document and event management   Main LARP web site is  Someone from each lab should work ~2 hours/month to keep it up to date.  Webex  Try it, you’ll like it

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