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 To demonstrate the role of computed tomography (CT) to evaluate post-operative anatomy and normal changes after Whipple procedure (WP).  To acquire.

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Presentation on theme: " To demonstrate the role of computed tomography (CT) to evaluate post-operative anatomy and normal changes after Whipple procedure (WP).  To acquire."— Presentation transcript:

1  To demonstrate the role of computed tomography (CT) to evaluate post-operative anatomy and normal changes after Whipple procedure (WP).  To acquire basic knowledge and comprehension of the surgical technique of Whipple procedure.  List the common complications we had found along 3 years and describe the different appearance of them after WP.  To identify and describe signs of recurrent neoplasm according to the postoperative time in each case.  To follow up the appearance changes of different structures after a Whipple procedure beyond a month.

2  Whipple procedure is the most often treatment for the pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which is a devastating disease (with a 3-year survival rate of approximately 2%). However, patients with small tumors (< 2 cm) limited to the head of the pancreas who undergo Whipple procedure have substantially improved rates of survival (30% at 5 years).  CT examination of patients who have undergone a Whipple procedure is complex.  Interpretation of the CT scans depends on an understanding of the normal postoperative appearance, potential complications, and patterns of recurrent disease.

3 RESECTION OF:  Pancreas head and the uncinate process  Gallbladder and the common bile duct  Duodenum  Subtotal gastrectomy and the pylorus

4 ANASTOMOSES : 1.Pancreatojejunostomy (Termino-Lateral):  Join remanent pancreas (the body) with the jejunum proximal (which follows to the Treiz). 2.Biliojejunostomy (termino-lateral):  Join remaining bile duct (common hepatic duct) with the same jejunum which follows after pancreatojejunostomy.  This loop of jejunum, is called biliopancreatic loop.

5 3.Gastrojejunostomy (Termino-Lateral):  Join remanent gastric with a loop of jejunum, which has been brought up to the left upper quadrant crossing the transverse mesocolon. This loop of jejunum is called alimentary loop. 4.Enteroenteric Anastomosis (Latero-Lateral):  Join both, biliopancreatic loop and alimentary loop, which coming from right and left upper quadrants. This join is located in mesogastric area (inferior and posterior to the transverse colon).

6 3º LYNPHADENECTOMY 2º COMMON BILE DUCT SECTION 1º GALLBLADDER RESECTION 4º SUBTOTAL GASTRECTOMY 5º PANCREAS SECTION AB B H E F G D C I J A: Gallbladder B: Surgical bed of gallbladder C: Common Bile Duct (both ends) D: Portal Vein E: Aorta Artery F: Inferior Cava Vein G: Proximal Gastric Pouch H: Distal Gastric Pouch Resected I: Body of the pancreas J: Head of the pancreas K: Wirsung duct

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