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by Mr. JP Salimäki Area Sales Manager

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1 by Mr. JP Salimäki Area Sales Manager 26.9.2008
Newest technologies and possibilities in peeling process of smaller dimension logs by Mr. JP Salimäki Area Sales Manager

2 From blocks to Plywood

3 Smart Peel Technology

4 Maximized performance:
The Raute Formula Maximized performance: (recovery + productivity + quality) x capacity = profitable panel production

5 Raw material flow (Example)
Process Phase Recovery volume m 3 /a Logs (over bark) 115% - less bark Debarked logs 100% less cutting loss Peeler blocks 95% less round up less cores less spur less clipping 95.000 Green veneer 65% 65.000 How to utilize side products? Fuel for burning Particle Board etc. Pulp Bark ~15% ( m3/a) Other side products ~35% ( m3/a) Cooking: Equalize desity variation Knots shoft (high speed possible, knives last better) Better surface (less tear-out, when gross grain peel) Possible to use sharper knives ( deg.) Possible to use negative pitch angle = small , ”tilted” cracks = strong veneer = less glue consumption high temperature boils resin out

6 Profitability elements
Peeling Plywood quality Wood recovery Glue savings Production of Plw XY Centering of Block LVL Smart Peel lathe Rotary clipper Green stacker

7 Peeling Recovery Productivity Quality Capacity Smart Peel

8 Prepare your wood properly
Clean logs from bark and dirt Conditioning improves veneer quality Trim and cross cut log to optimum peeler block length Feed fresh cut blocks to peeling Cooking: Equalize desity variation Knots shoft (high speed possible, knives last better) Better surface (less tear-out, when gross grain peel) Possible to use sharper knives ( deg.) Possible to use negative pitch angle = small , ”tilted” cracks = strong veneer = less glue consumption high temperature boils resin out

9 Process importance Log handling is an important logistical and preparative operation that ensures a mills’s trouble free production Well prepared peeler blocks contribute to best recovery and veneer quality Different raw materials require an individual approach when designing the wood flow from log yard to peeling Heavy duty equipment suit best for all challanges By-products such as bark and wood residuals need to be handled optimally in all lines

10 Veneer Recovery Smart Scan XY block centering + laser curtain

11 Veneer recovery Maximized recovery Maximized value Minimized randoms
Critical for profitable small block peeling Maximized value Highest value veneer is on block surface Minimized randoms 50 % of randoms will be lost later in production

12 Smart Peel maximizes productivity
Features of small diameter peeling line: Smart Peel lathe deck Clipping trash gate Catch up tray system Moisture grading Stacking by grade

13 Annual Productivity ? % Line Calendar year 8760 h.
100 % Planned standstills Disturbances Calendar year 8760 h. Production at max. performance rate Materialized loading Time Raw material? - ? Small standstills? Operator? Setups? ? %

14 Productivity by proper moisture grading
Moisture has a major impact of productivity and quality Moisture grading before drying ensures more consistent drying, reduces drying time and reduces redry Clipping veneer according to moisture content saves raw material and downstream manufacturing costs

15 Productivity in stacking
Non-stop stacking Stacking by moisture grades veneer sizes Stacks prepared for drying

16 Smart Peel makes highest quality veneer
Optimal Peeling Geometry Precise thickness control Optimal lathe checks Consistent peeling

17 Smart Peel Capacity Rapid block sequencing Automatic round-up control
Minimum good wood-to-good wood time Non-stop clipping and stacking High-speed synchronized operation

18 Non-stop functions to increase capacity
Clipping trash gate eliminates carriage retract after round-up Eliminates leading edge taper Reduces good-wood-to-good-wood time Reduces random and trash handling

19 Operator ergonomics and efficiency
Joystick controls for charger and lathe All basic functions without changing the grip Touch screen “heart of process control” Offset setting Peeling program download and saving Peeling and clipping speeds MIS input Easy to use Always in operator’s language

20 Conclusions Raw material recovery is maximized with Raute Smart Peel concept All line solutions are taylorized to enhance productivity Raute’s product family enables numerous different solutions to meet the customers’ overall requirements World wide expertise in peeling different wood species Raute’s proven formula for the profitable production of wood products recovery quality productivity x capacity = profitable production

21 Thank You!

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