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Encoding Storage Retrieval Forgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Encoding Storage Retrieval Forgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Encoding Storage Retrieval Forgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

2 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

3 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory EncodingStorageRetrieval

4 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Fraction of red lights missed 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 No cell phone With cell phone Encoding Getting information into memory Divided Attention and Driving Performance

5 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Is the word written in capital letters? Structural EncodingPhonemic EncodingSemantic Encoding Yes Does the word rhyme with weight? Yes Would the word fit in the sentence: “He met a ______ on the street?” Yes

6 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Visual Imagery Juggler Truth Word Imagery ?

7 Sensory Memory Short-term Memory Long-term Memory EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

8 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

9 Sensory Memory EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory 12 39 6 Short-term Memory (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234… Rehearsal

10 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory FBINBCCIAIBM Chunking

11 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Episodic Buffer Prepares short-term memory information for long-term memory (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234… Phonological Loop Visuospatial Sketchpad Central Executive System 50% Studying 25% Phone 25% TV (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234… Phonological Loop Visuospatial Sketchpad Central Executive System 50% Studying 25% Phone 25% TV (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234 (111) 555-1234… Phonological Loop Central Executive System 50% Studying 25% Phone 25% TV Visuospatial Sketchpad Episodic Buffer Prepares short-term memory information for long-term memory

12 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Unlimited capacity store Sensory MemoryShort-term Memory Long-term Memory

13 Flashbulb Memories Do you remember where you were when this occurred? EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

14 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

15 Fire Engine Red Fire Truck House Ambulance Orange Green Yellow Violets Flowers Roses Sunrises Sunsets Clouds Cherries Apples Pears Bus Car Street Vehicle EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

16 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

17 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Retrieval Cues Word Definition Favoritism shown or patronage granted by persons in high office to relatives or close friends Retrieval Cue 1: Begins with “N” Retrieval Cue 2: Ends in –ism Retrieval Cue 3: First syllables rhymes with pep

18 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

19 Reality Monitoring The process of deciding whether memories are based on external or internal sources

20 Source Monitoring The process of making inferences about the origins of memories EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

21 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Forgetting is Adaptive Hermann Ebbinghaus Nonsense Syllables BAFXOF CLPMEQ AYIVIR Retention of Nonsense Syllables Retention Interval 20 min60 min9 hours1 day2 days5 days31 days Retention (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 90 70 100

22 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Three Measures of Retention: Recall Measure Recognition Measure Retention Measure

23 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory The Difficulty of a Recognition Test Can Vary Which is the correct answer? The fourth president of the United States was: a.Thomas Jefferson b.James Monroe c.John Quincy Adams d.James Madison The Difficulty of a Recognition Test Can Vary Which is the correct answer? The fourth president of the United States was: a.Jimmy Carter b.John F. Kennedy c.Harry Truman d.James Madison

24 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Ineffective Encoding Memories never stored due to lack of attention

25 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory SynonymsAntonymsUnrelated Adjectives Nonsense Syllables NumbersNone Decreasing Interference 5 Mean Number of Test Items Recalled Type of Interfering Material 0 1 2 3 4

26 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Encoding Specificity Principle Value of a cue depends on how well it corresponds to the memory code formed during encoding

27 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Transfer-appropriate processing Occurs when the initial processing of information is similar to the type of processing required by the subsequent measure of retention

28 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Repressed Memory Sigmund Freud

29 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Skeptics of Repressed Memory Theory Do not think individuals are lying on purpose Therapists’ may ask leading questions until the patient inadvertently creates a false memory Countless studies show that it is easy to create false memories Some court cases discredit existence of repressed memories Misinformation effect, source monitoring, and other researched areas show us that memory is not as reliable as many of us think Supporters of Repressed Memory Theory Abuse is more common than we think Repression is a natural response to trauma Lab research on implanting memories cannot be compared to emotional events like sexual abuse No direct and empirical evidence

30 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Long-term Potentiation Neurogenesis

31 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Anterograde Amnesia Memory Loss Onset of Amnesia Retrograde Amnesia Time Memory Loss

32 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Prefrontal Cortex Amygdal Cerebellum Cerebral Cortex Hippocampus

33 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Memory Declarative Memory System (Factual Information) Nondeclarative Memory System (Actions, Perceptual Motor Skills, Conditioned Reflexes, Emotional Memories) Example: Riding a bike Handle Bars Pedals Spokes

34 The Brain and Memory EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory

35 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Semantic Memory System (General Knowledge, Stored Undated) Example: Lincoln Gave Gettysburg Address Episodic Memory System (Dated Recollections of Personal Experiences) Example: First Kiss Memory Declarative Memory System (Factual Information)

36 EncodingStorageRetrievalForgetting Physiology of Memory Systems and Types of Memory Prospective Memory Retrospective Memory The Present PastFuture

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