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STATISTICAL TESTS USING SPSS Dimitrios Tselios/ 14-01-2012 Example tests “Discovering statistics using SPSS”, Andy Field.

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1 STATISTICAL TESTS USING SPSS Dimitrios Tselios/ 14-01-2012 Example tests “Discovering statistics using SPSS”, Andy Field

2 Categorical Data (1)- chapter 10 Chi-square statistic (analyzing two categorical data) r : number of groups of the first categorical variable c : number of groups of the second categorical variable df=(r-1)(c-1) example if r=2, c=2 => df=1 from A4 table => if df=1 then critical value =3.84 (p=0.05) =6.83 (p=0.01) Fisher’s exact test for small sample (expected frequencies in each cell must be greater than 5) Fisher’s test overcomes the problem of small samples.

3 Categorical Data (2) The likehood ratio (A better approximation) (It is preferred when samples are small. This statistic will be roughly the same as Pearson’s chi-square for large samples) Yate’s correction (reduces a Type I error) (It is used when you bare a 2 x 2 contingency table (i.e. two categorical variables with two categories). Assumptions of the chi-square test Independence of data The expected frequencies should be greater than 5.

4 Categorical Data (3) Doing chi-square on SPSS Example from Andy Field’s book Weight Cases Data -> Weight Cases ->Weight Cases by Frequency Variable Running the analysis Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics-> Crosstabs ->Select Row and Column variable ->Click Statistics. Output For the chi-square test Crosstabulation Chi-square Test (table)

5 Categorical Data (4) Reporting the results of chi-square test Example : There is a significant association between the type of training and whether or not cats would dance Others statistics for categorical data Chi-square as regression Loglinear analysis

6 Correlation (1)- chapter 6 Covariance (not a standardized measure) Standardization and the correlation coefficient standardized covariance -> correlation coefficient (Pearson correlation coefficient) Caution The third-variable problem Direction of causality

7 Correlation (2) Bivariate Correlation - Analyze-> Correlate Bivariate … Example file: Exam anxiety.sav Assumptions of Pearson’s r -Data are interval -Normally distributed Using R2 for interpretation Spearman’s correlation coefficient (It is non-parametric statistic) Analyze-> Correlate-> Bivariate…-> Check Spearman’s rho.

8 Correlation (3) Kendall’s tau (non-parametric) (many scores have the same rank) How to report correlation coefficient Example : There was a significant relationship between the number of adverts watched and the number of packets of sweets purchased [r=0.87, p(one-tailed)<0.05]

9 Regression Analysis (1)- chapter 7 An introduction to regression (prediction) outcome variable from one predictor variable (simple) outcome variable from several predictor variables (multiple) outcome i =(model)+error i Doing simple regression on SPSS (Simple) (Example file: Record 1.Sav) Analyze-> Regression -> Linear - Select Dependent variable and Independent Variable - Click OK

10 Regression Analysis (2) Interpreting a Simple regression Model Summary: R- this value represents the simple correlation, R 2 is the quantity of the independent variable can account of the variation in the dependent variable. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), F F-ratio, Sig. Interpretation: The regression model overall predicts the dependent variable significantly well.

11 Regression Analysis (3) Model parameters Because t for each coefficient has p<0.001 then we conclude that b0 and b1 are different from 0 and consequently advertising budget makes a significant contribution (p<0.001) to predicting record sales. Model of prediction: record sales i = b 0 + b 1 advertising budget i = =134.14 + (0.096 advertising budget i )

12 Regression Analysis (4) How to do multiple regression using SPSS (Methods : Hierarchical, Forced entry, Stepwise methods) Analyze-> Regression-> Linear Select Dependent variable and Independent Variables Select Method (default : Enter or Hierarchical) Statistics (several options like outliers) Interpreting multiple regression [ F = 67,733, df=2, p<0.001 ]

13 Regression Analysis (5) Because for the constant b 0 [ t = 0.191, p > 0.05 ] then we assert that the predicting model does not work.

14 One way ANOVA on SPSS Running one-way ANOVA on SPSS (Example file: Viagra.sav) Analyze-> Compare Means-> One-Way ANOVA… Reporting results from one-way independent ANOVA There was a significant effect of Viagra on levels of libido, [ F(2,12) =5.12, p < 0.05, ω =.60 ] There was a significant linear trend, [ F(1,12) = 9.97, p < 0.01, ω =.62 ], indicating that as the dose of Viagra increased, libido increased proportionately.

15 Cronbach’s a test (1) Check the reliability of the questionnaire Actually, it validates the scale of the questionnaire Groups of questions An example Analyze  Scale  Reliability Analysis… Select the questions of the group

16 Cronbach’s a test (2) Reverse-phrased items Scale if item deleted a>0.8 How to report: The fear of computers, fear of statistics, and fear of math of subscales of the SAQ all had high reliabilities, all Cronbach’s a=0.82. However, the fact of negative peer evaluation subscale had reliability, Cronbach’s a=0.57.

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