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Members Forum 6 th February 2016 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation.

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Presentation on theme: "Members Forum 6 th February 2016 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members Forum 6 th February 2016 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation

2 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

3 Safety SMS – Member Statement Compliance – if you are an ASC Member and you intend to operate form Gawler, compliance is essential Recently reported that we had 144 Members who hadn’t signed off – currently about 80 Overriding excuses are, “didn’t know about it” or “oh yeah, just haven’t got around to it” Walking the talk – adopting safe operating procedures Event Safety Officer Common interest group events are welcome at Gawler – with consent from the ASC Safety must be #1 priority Expectation is that each event will have a nominated Event Safety Officer

4 Safety (cont) Walking the talk – adopting safe operating procedures Runway incursions Incident reporting has shown repeated issues with untimely runway incursions by taxiing aircraft Pilots call crossing runway, but are not always checking that it is clear before proceeding Aircraft on final approach Aircraft on take off roll Radio calls are just the start See – look and avoid Advice is one way – communication is a two way process

5 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

6 Member Protection Policy Insurance Currently our insurers have applied a “Molestation Exclusion Clause” – we are not covered for any liability associated with molestation of people under 18 years of age Cover to assist with legal costs is available provided we adopt certain practices to lift the exclusion Responsible club officers will need a National Police Check The above people will need to indicate to say they have received the Club’s policy and have understood it New members will be required to sign that they are aware of the policy The information will be made available to all members Work in progress, but let’s start now!!

7 Member Protection Policy (cont) Child safe environments It’s not just about compliance Our mindset can be that we do it to tick a box, or it can be that we are committed to looking after others Our philosophical approach will determine our operational approach to children It’s not all about you Learning about child protection is not accusing you of doing anything It’s not about accusing anyone of anything It’s about protecting those who are vulnerable That’s our kids! Members and visitors

8 Member Protection Policy (cont) Child safe environments What difference can I make? Simply caring and being committed Knowing what to do if something doesn’t seem right What do I do? I have a concern but haven’t heard or seen anything as yet? If someone has told me something? If I have seen something? A child tells me something?

9 Member Protection Policy (cont) Child safe environments If they see an issue, what stops people from doing something? It’s not my business…. It’s too late…. I don’t want to cause trouble…. The system won’t do anything about it anyway…. I don’t believe what I have been told....

10 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

11 ASC Communication Channels Legal situation The Club has a responsibility to communicate with its Members Each Member has a responsibility to be easily contactable by the Club Our official method of communication In the old days – Cloudbase Now – via ASC Announce The problems Some Members have unsubscribed Some members “junk” any email communication from ASC Confusion about the purpose of ASC Members and ASC Announce Do what you like with ASC Members – any member can post information, but it should relate directly to the ASC It is essential that you receive and read communication from ASC Announce – only Club Officers have access A possible way forward yet to be considered by Committee Changing the name of ASC Annouce to Official ASC Post an email explaining: The Club’s responsibility The Member's responsibility Do not “junk” official communication from the ASC

12 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

13 Promotions & Marketing Group Role of the Group – purpose / reporting Group composition Current initiatives Aero Jumble Membership New Member’s welcome letter Resignation surveys Publicity – promotion banners and signage ASC club apparel Membership packages Facebook Gliding Advanced Payment Scheme

14 Promotions & Marketing Group (cont) Future initiatives Grants Publicity / promotion - broad media scope AEF documentation enhancement Gift voucher Memorabilia School based recreational flying – Gliding and LSA ASC membership suggestion

15 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

16 Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension The current deck is popular and well used But it is easily congested Difficult to effectively utilise for social functions The Committee has given in principle support to enhancing the deck area Approximately double the size Reduce congestion around the entrance to the clubhouse Relocate the barbecue to the deck area Improve access to the kitchen

17 Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension (cont)

18 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

19 Some Important Dates 03/03/2016 – CASA AvSafety Seminar – 6:30pm 12-14/03/2016 – ASC March Gliding Competition 19/03/2016 – GFA Safety Seminar – 9:00am 25-28/03/2016 – ASC Gliding Easter Regatta 7-8/05/2016 – GFA Airworthiness Course, theory 21-25/05/2016 – GFA Airworthiness Course, practical 16-24/07/2016 – ASC Flinders Expedition

20 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

21 Gawler Airfield Lease Current lease expires 30/06/2018 We are working towards a long term lease There have been a number of meetings where The LRC CEO has indicated support The LRC Director of Governance has indicated support The Mayor has indicated support Where to from here? The bureaucratic process is a slow one Meeting with the CEO scheduled for early March 2016

22 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

23 Airspace Nothing new to report Compliance is essential Safety Maintaining good relations We need to be seen as responsible airspace users Repeated infringements won’t assist with our airfield tenure Any Questions?

24 Agenda Safety Member Protection Policies ASC Communication Channels Promotions & Marketing Group Proposed Clubhouse Deck Extension Some Important Dates Gawler Airfield Lease Airspace Open Discussion

25 ?

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