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Direct Practice with Children and Families – Parenting Grandchildren Funded by Master’s Advanced Curriculum Project Grant University of Texas at Arlington.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Practice with Children and Families – Parenting Grandchildren Funded by Master’s Advanced Curriculum Project Grant University of Texas at Arlington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Practice with Children and Families – Parenting Grandchildren Funded by Master’s Advanced Curriculum Project Grant University of Texas at Arlington The development of this learning module was made possible through a Gero Innovations Grant from the CSWE Gero-Ed Center’s Master’s Advanced Curriculum (MAC) Project and the John A. Hartford Foundation.

2 Definition of the Issue  Issue: Grandparents parenting grandchildren  Defined: Grandparents who provide regular care to grandchildren either formally (court orders, personal decision) or informally (grandchild lives with the grandparent or spends a regular portion of his day with the grandparent) (Jendrek, 1994).

3 Grandparents raising Grandchildren - National Data  More than 6 million children are being raised by grandparents or other relatives; 2.5 million children are in households without parents present  2.4 million grandparents report being responsible for grandchildren  71% grandparents are under age 60  19% grandparents live in poverty U.S. Census Bureau Table DP-2. Profile Selected Social Characteristics: 2000.

4 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - National Data by Race  47% grandparents are White  29% grandparents are African-American  17% grandparents are Hispanic/Latino  3% grandparents are Asian  2% grandparents are American Indian or Alaskan Native U.S. Census Bureau Table DP-2. Profile Selected Social Characteristics: 2000

5 Grandparents raising Grandchildren - Texas Data  448,439 children live in grandparent-headed households (7.6% of all children in the state)  Of these, 244,100 are living with grandparent or other relative without either parent present  257,074 grandparents report being responsible for their grandchildren living with them  25,347 in Houston  15,075 in San Antonio  15,019 in Dallas U.S. Census Bureau Table DP-2. Profile Selected Social Characteristics: 2000 Texas: A State Fact Sheet for Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children, October 2008. Retrieved from

6 Grandparents raising Grandchildren Texas Data by Race  42% grandparents are Hispanic/Latino  35% grandparents are White  21% grandparents are African American  1% grandparents are Asian  74% grandparents are under the age of 60  21% grandparents live in poverty U.S. Census Bureau Table DP-2. Profile Selected Social Characteristics: 2000

7 Circumstances Leading to Parenting Grandchildren  Substance abuse  Teenage pregnancy  Death of parent  Divorce  Unemployment

8 Circumstances Leading to Parenting Grandchildren  Neglect  Incarceration  Child abuse  Illness and disease: HIV/AIDS, disability

9 Challenges and Concerns  Employment and Childcare  Legal  Financial  Health  Housing  Children with Special Needs

10 Consequences  Social and Lifestyle Changes  Disruptive family life  Poverty  Health  Depression  Physical health  Legal Ambiguity

11 Class Discussion  Examples  View and discuss film, Big Mama  Case studies to discuss concerns of parenting grandchildren and the roles of the social worker

12 Roles of Social Worker  Assessment  Use a life-span developmental perspective  Assessment content:  mental health: grief, stress, depression  physical health  assessing home and ability to care for child(ren)  social contacts and isolation  financial

13 Roles of Social Worker  Advocacy  Education  Time management  Child care  Child rearing

14 Roles of the Social Worker  Support  Local support group  Counseling  Case management

15 References  AARP. (October 2008). Fact Sheet- Texas.  Jendrek, M. P. (1993). Grandparents who parent their grandchildren: Effects on lifestyle. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55, 609-621.  Jendrek, M. P. (1994). Grandparents who parent their grandchildren: Circumstances and decisions. The Gerontologist, 34(2), 206-216.  Karp, N. (1996). Legal problems of grandparents and other kinship caregivers. Generations, 20(1), 57-60.  Minkler, M., & Roe, K. M. (1996). Grandparents as surrogate parents. Generations, 20(1), 34-38.

16 References  Murphy, S. Y., Hunter, A. G., & Johnson, D. J. (2008). Transforming caregiving: African American custodial grandmothers and the child welfare system. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 35(2), 67-89.  Pruchno, R. A., & Johnson, K.W. (1996). Research on grandparenting: Review of current studies and future needs. Generations, 20, 65-70.  Thomas, J. L., Sperry, L., & Yarbrough, M. S. (2000). Grandparents as parents: Research findings and policy recommendations. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 31(1), 3-22.  U.S. Census Bureau Table DP-2. Profile Selected Social Characteristics: 2000.

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