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FACE, Title I, and your Elementary School Kim Jacobs and Sherry Walker FACE National Center for Family Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "FACE, Title I, and your Elementary School Kim Jacobs and Sherry Walker FACE National Center for Family Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACE, Title I, and your Elementary School Kim Jacobs and Sherry Walker FACE National Center for Family Literacy

2 What if your school had a program that would… 0 Bring children to school ready to learn? 0 Identify educational and developmental delays before kindergarten? 0 Reduce IEPs? 0 Engage parents to be supporters of their children’s education? 0 Provide better academic achievement for children beyond their preschool years? 0 Increase students attendance?

3 What if your school had a program that would… 0 Decrease negative behavior in the classroom? 0 Get more homework back from students? 0 Reduce crime, delinquency, and arrests? 0 Produce more high school graduates with higher paying jobs?

4 Well, guess what? You have this program.

5 FACE Family and Child Education

6 Why Preschool? 0 High/Scope Perry Preschool Project 0 1962-1967 – children ages 3 and 4 0 Preschool/no preschool comparison 0 At age 40, data gathered revealed: 0 Better school achievement at age 14 0 Did more homework at age 15 0 More likely to graduate high school 0 Higher earnings 0 More likely to hold a job 0 Had committed fewer crimes

7 High/Scope Approach in FACE 0 Close attention paid to: 0 Children’s learning environment 0 Children’s daily routine 0 Active learning 0 Play 0 Appropriate adult-child interactions 0 Appropriate instructional practices based on children’s interests 0 Child choice 0 Authentic assessment

8 FACE Early Childhood Standards Goal: To prepare preschool children for kindergarten with standards aligned with state preschool and elementary standards. 7 Domains: Language & Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social-Emotional Development, Physical, Creative Arts 0 Accountability Mapping 0 Intentional Lesson Planning 0 Alignment with High/Scope Key Developmental Indicators 0 Alignment with Work Sampling Assessment System

9 FACE IMPACT Study 0 25% of children in FACE identified for special needs, vs. 14% of non-FACE children 0 FACE reduces the need for school age special education by 50% for children indentified prior to Kindergarten 0 K teachers report that FACE children receiving special education as having average or above average preparation for Kindergarten 0 FACE program increases parent participation in elementary school FACE IMPACT Study 2006

10 FACE Annual Evaluation 0 Eighty percent of parents indicate that FACE participation has a large impact on increasing their child’s interest in learning. 0 Almost three-fourths of parents report that FACE participation has a large impact on increasing their child's interest in reading. 0 Almost all FACE parents who have K-5 children (93%) attend classroom or school events, compared with 81% of parents nationally who do so. FACE Evaluation 2009

11 FACE Annual Evaluation 0 Nationwide, only 60% of parents volunteer in the classroom or school or participate on school committees, compared with 75% of FACE parents who do so. FACE Evaluation 2009

12 FACE is…. …a family literacy program. So, what about those parents? Added benefit.

13 Why Parent Involvement? Why involve parents for student’s academic achievement?

14 AYP …because parents’ engagement in children’s learning equals academic success.

15 The Research Says…. 0 High levels of parent involvement impact student achievement

16 Henderson & Mapp A research synthesis concludes that “the evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and throughout life. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” Henderson & Mapp, 2002, A New Wave of Evidence

17 The work of Joyce Epstein Levels of Parent Involvement 0 Parenting 0 Communicating 0 Volunteering 0 Learning at Home 0 Decision Making 0 Collaborating with the Community School, Family and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools (2001)

18 Senechal-Research Synthesis Goal: To assess the causal role of parent involvement in children’s literacy development, grades K-3 THE FINDINGS: 0 Parent involvement does have a positive effect on children’s reading acquisition. 0 Types of parent involvement 0 Parents read to children 0 Parents listened to their child read 0 Parents taught their child specific literacy skills 0 Having parents teach specific literacy skills was two times more effective than parents listening to their child read and six times more effective than encouraging parents to read to their child.

19 The FACE approach to Dialogic Reading Parents + Teachers + Strategies = Successful Children Preschool children made gains in expressive language.

20 Toyota Family Learning Programs When families are involved in children’s education: 0 Students’ attendance increases 0 Student’s negative class behavior decreases 0 More homework returns to school

21 Six Strategies to Increase Schools’ Capacities for Parent Involvement* 0 Set the climate 0 Communicate 0 Develop relationships 0 Provide information 0 Engage in learning 0 Develop leaders/mentors *Derived from current knowledge, research, and practice: National Center for Family Literacy, 2006

22 Parent Involvement and AYP Elementary and Secondary Education Act PL 107- 110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 1118, makes direct connections to: Climate Communication Relationships Information/Strategies Learning Leaders/Mentors

23 Implications for Educators 0 Need to know the techniques and strategies that are most effective for working with parents 0 Need to know how to best engage parents 0 Training parents to work with teachers 0 And preparing teachers to work with parents

24 FACE and Title I 0 FACE supports your Title programs 0 Include FACE in your School Wide Title I Program Plan.

25 What is the Purpose of Title 1? 0 To ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

26 This Can Be Accomplished By… 0 meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation's highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;

27 0 significantly elevating the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development; 0 affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.

28 Major Factors of Parent Involvement 0 Three major factors of parental involvement in the education of their children: Parents’ beliefs about what is important, necessary and permissible for them to do with and on behalf of their children; The extent to which parents believe that they can have a positive influence on their children’s education; and Parents’ perceptions that their children and school want them to be involved.

29 School and District Leadership 0 The strongest and most consistent predictors of parent involvement at school and at home are the specific school programs and teacher practices that encourage parent involvement at school and guide parents in how to help their children at home. 0 School initiated activities to help parents change the home environment can have a strong influence on children’s school performance. 0 Parents need specific information on how to help and what to do.

30 Student achievement improves when parents are enabled to play four key roles in their children's learning: 0 As teachers, parents create a home environment that promotes learning, reinforces what is being taught at school, and develops the life skills children need to become responsible adults. 0 As supporters, parents contribute their knowledge and skills to the school, enriching the curriculum, and providing extra services and support to students.

31 0 As advocates, parents help children negotiate the system and receive fair treatment, and work to make the system more responsive to all families. 0 As decision-makers, parents serve on advisory councils, curriculum committees, and management teams, participating in joint problem-solving at every level.

32 What are some of the obstacles to involvement for schools and families? 0 Teachers often lack the time and opportunity to work on family involvement; 0 They see it as an additional task added to their already long list of responsibilities ; 0 School activities to develop and maintain partnerships with families decline with each grade level; 0 Teachers often think that low-income parents and single parents will not or cannot spend as much time helping their children at home as do middle-class parents with more education and leisure time.

33 0 Many families do not feel welcome in schools, especially those who speak a language other than English. 0 Other parents have bad experiences in school and feel unsure about the value of their contribution. 0 Some schools require families to conform to school practices rather than training educators to accommodate the cultures of or to incorporate the views of parents and 0 Some families simply lack the resources, especially time, to be involved.

34 0 In the past several years however, the term family engagement has emerged in the research to expand the categories of adults responsible for the lives of children and to understand that engaging families means to provide specific educational information so that they may support and become a real partner in their children's learning.

35 Parent Involvement vs. Family Engagement 0 In the past, the terms parent involvement and family engagement have been considered interchangeable. 0 Both of these terms are meant to describe the relationships that are necessary between families and their children and families and schools in support of the educational and academic lives of children, as opposed to other definitions of involvement that connote volunteerism or a family role in the operation or governance of a school.

36 What Makes A School Successful? 0 Common Characteristics of High Performing Schools: Clear and Shared Focus High Standards and Expectations Effective School Leadership High Levels of Collaboration and Communication Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Aligned with Standards Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Focused Professional Development Supportive Learning Environment High Levels of Community and Parent Involvement

37 0 Effective School Correlates: Safe and orderly environment Climate of high expectations for success Instructional leadership Clear and focused mission Opportunity to learn and student time on task Frequent monitoring of student progress Home-school relations

38 How does FACE support your school? 0 FACE program supports your school in several areas: Parental Involvement, Transition, School Readiness and Family Literacy. Title 1 funds can be used for all of these areas, including Professional Development and support the FACE program as well. The investment to your school in utilizing and supporting a FACE program through Title programs is allowable.

39 Your Schoolwide Title Plan 0 Your schoolwide Title I program funding can be used to support travel and professional development for a FACE program as long as that is part of your schoolwide plan. 0 If you included your FACE program as part of your schoolwide Title I plan, you would have addressed how the school would coordinate its various programs and funds required to support the activities you identified to “upgrade the entire education program” – the purpose of a schoolwide Title I program.

40 How does FACE become part of the Schoolwide Title Plan? As the school begins planning for next year’s schoolwide Title I program, they should consider coordinating and including activities of FACE in the schoolwide Title plan. All programs/areas in the school should be represented during the overall school planning and improvement process of designing a schoolwide Title plan.

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