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Slide 1: MDG progress by region….  Africa is off track on all seven MDGs  South Asia is off-track on 6 goals: gender equality, universal primary completion,

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1: MDG progress by region….  Africa is off track on all seven MDGs  South Asia is off-track on 6 goals: gender equality, universal primary completion,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1: MDG progress by region….  Africa is off track on all seven MDGs  South Asia is off-track on 6 goals: gender equality, universal primary completion, child mortality, maternal mortality, communicable diseases and sanitation. It is on-track on water supply.  MENA is off-track on six goals – all except maternal mortality  Europe and Central Asia is off track on four goals – child mortality, maternal mortality, communicable diseases, and sanitation  LAC is off-track on child mortality, maternal mortality and communicable diseases  East Asia and Pacific are off track on child mortality, maternal mortality and communicable diseases.

2 Slide 2: Slow MDG progress means human suffering  Each week, 200,000 children under 5 die of preventable diseases  Each week, 100,000 people are infected with HIV and over 50,000 die from AIDS  Each week, 10,000 women die giving birth  1 child in 4 globally does not complete primary school, and in Africa almost half do not  The first MDG target to fall due – gender equity in primary and secondary education by 2005 – will be missed

3 Slide 3: ODA is rising…

4 Slide 4: ODA for Health and Education are increasing, but…

5 Slide 5: But the quality of donor aid is a major issue… Commitments are volatile -- making it risky to hire new health workers…

6 Slide 6: …or tied to other uses, making it impossible to hire teachers or build schools 70% of all education ODA is technical assistance

7 Slide 7: Primary completion rates and spending

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