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Logical framework to structure the EDPRS A quick overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Logical framework to structure the EDPRS A quick overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logical framework to structure the EDPRS A quick overview

2 Hierarchy of objectives IndicatorSource of verification Assumptions Goal PurposeFrom purpose to goal Output1From output to purpose Output2From output to purpose … General format of Logframe

3 Logical framework to structure the EDPRS  One overall logframe for Growth and Poverty Reduction  This logframe will provide the context in which sectoral logframes will be developed

4 Hierarchy of objectivesIndicatorSource of verif Assumpti ons Goal Achieve Vision 2020 Purpose To guarantee the well being of the population by promoting growth and reducing poverty within an environment of good governance during the EDPRS period GDP growth rate % of population below poverty line … Output 1 To ensure and promote the health status of the population of Rwanda, by providing quality preventative, curative, promotional and rehabilitative services Maternal mortality Child mortality Infant mortality Child malnutrition HIV prevalence …… Output 2 To enhance Rwanda's human resource through the development of a learning society and provision of knowledge and skills Net enrolment Youth literacy Average Literacy …… … (Total of 11 outputs, 1 for each of the sectors) ……… Overall lograme for Growth and Poverty Reduction

5 Specific sector logical frameworks  Several nested logframes for each of the 11 sectors to be included in the EDPRS  The hierarchy of objectives from the overall logframe are shifted up one level for the sector logframes  (Purpose become goal, output becomes purpose)

6 Hierarchy of objectivesIndicatorSoVAssump. Goal Achieve progress in growth and poverty reduction during EDPRS period Purpose To ensure and promote the health status of the population of Rwanda, by providing quality preventative, curative, promotional and rehabilitative services Maternal mortality Child mortality Infant mortality Child malnutrition HIV prevalence …… Output 1 Availability of human resources improved % of health facilities meeting minimum staffing norms doctor to population ratio nurse to population ratio % of midwives assigned to rural areas …… Output 2 Availability of drugs, vaccines and consumables improved average number of out-of-stock days of essential drugs in health centres % of health facilities with all vaccines available …… Output 3 Geographical access to health services expanded ………… …… Output 4 … ……… Lograme for the Health sector

7 Plan for elaboration of logframes  Development of overall logframe for Growth and Poverty Reduction Responsibility of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Group Building on high-level objectives identified by individual sectors Workshop on Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd September  Sector logframes to be developed in workshops for individual SWGs Series of workshops to be organised between September 25 th and October 11th

8 Proposed Schedule for logframe training Week 1 Sep 25 th - 29 th Week 2 Oct 2 nd – 6th Week 3 Oct 9 th – 13th Justice Decentralisation & Citizen Empowerment Social Protection Agriculture Infrastructure Private sector Water and sanitation Environment and land use Health Education Note: The cross cutting issues working group has to sent representatives to each of these workshops Week 0 Sep 21 st – 23 rd Growth and Poverty Reduction

9 Plan for elaboration of logframes (cont.)  Logframe workshops to be followed up by focus on Monitoring and Evaluation (columns 2 and 3 of logframes) 2 nd half of October and November.

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