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Video Why am I showing you this clip?. What do you think today’s lesson is all about?

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Presentation on theme: "Video Why am I showing you this clip?. What do you think today’s lesson is all about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Why am I showing you this clip?

2 What do you think today’s lesson is all about?

3 Learning Outcomes (SOME) A grade – Able to evaluate exam criteria to achieve an A grade essay and be able to design a mark scheme. (MOST) B grade – Able to assess exam answers and use good exam structure. (ALL) C grade – Able to explain essay structure and use connectives to link paragraphs together.

4 STARTER: 5 Minutes To write the start of your essay to the following exam question: Exam question: With reference to examples, describe and explain the benefits rebranding can bring to an area.(10 Marks)

5 HBL: To write an A Grade essay under timed conditions to the following question: For a named urban area you have studied, what fieldwork and research would you undertake to evaluate the success of rebranding. (15 Marks)

6 Activity 1: Where do you need to improve? Fill out your Progress Self assessment table using the traffic light colours.

7 Activity 2 - Connectives speed challenge! Write as many connectives you can think of in 30 seconds.

8 Connectives are signposts for listing several points: Firstly To start with To begin with My first point Secondly Next Furthermore In addition Thirdly Adding to this Also Further to this Moreover Finally I would also like to make the point that On top of According to One could also consider Finally To end with To finish Lastly To sum up In conclusion

9 Progress Check Now go back to your starter exam answer and edit so that you now use connectives. You can start to plan your next paragraph with a connective.

10 Activity 3: Gap Fill Read through the essay to fill in the gaps. You can discuss with the person next to you if you get stuck!

11 Progress Check Now go back to your starter exam answer and edit so that you now use lots of keywords. You can start to plan your next paragraph with lots of keywords.

12 Activity 4: Mark scheme Criteria Levelled (3 levels for 10marks, 4 levels for 15marks) LevelCriteria Description 3/4

13 Activity 4: Mark scheme Criteria Levelled (3 levels for 10marks, 4 levels for 15marks) LevelCriteria Description 3/4 A clear response. Well structured. Good use of geographical terminology. Written language errors are rare.

14 Activity 5: Improvements Now, go back to the gap fill essay and work out did it achieve the top level? WHAT LEVEL WOULD YOU GIVE IT? WWW: EBI:

15 Activity 6: ESSAY PLANNING (In groups) Exam question: For a named urban area you have studied, what fieldwork and research would you undertake to evaluate the success of rebranding. (15 Marks) TASK: Create a plan on the ‘Essay Planning Help Sheet’ to formulate the an A grade essay.

16 Activity 6: ESSAY PLANNING Example paragraph Sentence Starters: To begin with, I will collect secondary data by carrying out some research on the internet. I will firstly visit the government run website. In addition to collecting information on population change I will collect data on… To back up this research on unemployment change I will also visit another website called to collect crime statistics….

17 HBL: To write an A Grade essay under timed conditions to the following question: 1.For a named urban area you have studied, what fieldwork and research would you undertake to evaluate the success of rebranding. (15 Marks)

18 STARTER REVISITED Now write the next paragraph of your essay to the following exam question: Exam question: With reference to examples, describe and explain the benefits rebranding can bring to an area.(10 Marks)

19 PEER ASSESMENT/ PROGRESS CHECK! Please read your partners starter answer the exam question and tick the ‘Peer assessment/progress check’ form.

20 PLENARY PROGRESS CHECK! Please colour code how you feel about the statements on the progress check now.

21 Learning Outcomes (SOME) A grade – Able to evaluate exam criteria to achieve an A grade essay and be able to design a mark scheme. (MOST) B grade – Able to assess exam answers and use good exam structure. (ALL) C grade – Able to explain essay structure and use connectives to link paragraphs together.

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