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By Chris. Name the threatened bird that is unique to North America. It is the national symbol of the United States. One of the largest nests on record.

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Presentation on theme: "By Chris. Name the threatened bird that is unique to North America. It is the national symbol of the United States. One of the largest nests on record."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Chris


3 Name the threatened bird that is unique to North America. It is the national symbol of the United States. One of the largest nests on record of this bird weighed more than two tons.

4 What mammal is considered the most dangerous to humans, especially in urban areas when it comes to the transmission of diseases? In the late 1800s, doctors in China noticed that this mammal showed similar plague symptoms to people.

5 What mammal has been wiped out in parts of the world because farmers kill them to prevent them from eating their livestock? The average pack size of this mammal ranges from 8-9.

6 This reptile is the heaviest lizard on earth. The saliva from this reptile has over 50 strains of bacteria. If its prey is struck by this creature, it will usually die within 24 hours.

7 Name the snake that can reach 18 feet in length. It is the longest venomous snake in the world. They mostly live in the rain forests and plains of India and southern China.

8 If a predator snags this fish before it inflates, they will experience a foul taste and risk death. There are enough toxins in one of these fish that can kill 30 adult humans and there is no antidote.

9 This bird was once endangered in the United States. Their population has made a comeback because of bans on the use of DDT and similar pesticides. They can dive at a speed of 200 miles an hour.

10 This bird can flap its wings 400 times a minute travelling at a speed as fast as 55 miles an hour. When fishing, they can dive 200 feet under water. They usually become mate for life. Both parents take care of the single egg that is laid by the female.

11 This mammal has a nose with 22 fingers on it. This creature is virtually blind and relies on its tentacles to explore its world. Their tentacles are covered with over 25,000 sensory receptors. When they come into contact with potential food, they can determine if it is edible within a quarter of a second.

12 This mammal is similar to manatees. It is related to the elephant even though it is not similar in appearance or behavior. They are usually hunted for their oil, skin, meat, bones and teeth. Some speculate that this mammal inspired ancient tales about mermaids.

13 This primitive mammal lays eggs. It is related to the platypus. It is so rare that no scientist has ever seen one alive. It is thought to live on the mountain peak of Cyclops in New Guinea.

14 Many people native to Madagascar consider this animal an “omen of ill luck.” Because of this belief, they are sometimes killed on sight. They have a bushy tail that is larger than their body. They spend their lives in trees, avoiding coming down to the ground. They are nocturnal.

15 This reptile is also known as the “giant one-horned chameleon” because of their large size and small horn that sticks out from the front of their nose. The small horn that protrudes from the front of their snouts distinguishes them from their “bizarre-looking cousins.”

16 This bird, native to new Guinea, was almost wiped out during the 1880s and 1890s because of overhunting. The birds were being used to decorate hats. Up to 50,000 skins were exported each year. This bird was finally protected in 1920.

17 This animal is the world’s largest fresh water fish. It has a large mouth with no teeth. It can grow to a weight of 650 pounds and almost 10 feet in length.

18 This animal was recently discovered carrying coconut shells bigger than their 3-inch wide bodies. They use them for protection or deception from predators.

19 Bald Eagle

20 Rats

21 Wolf

22 Komodo Dragon

23 King Cobra

24 Pufferfish

25 Peregrine Falcons

26 Atlantic Puffin

27 Star Nosed Mole

28 Dugong

29 Echidna

30 Aye-Aye

31 Meller Chameleons

32 Bird of Paradise

33 Mekong Giant Catfish

34 Octopus

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