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Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you write the letter on the orange bar in place of the question mark –Now drag the orange bar on top of the correct option so it sits exactly over the top - now when you click through the onscreen animation, the correct answer will appear to be illuminated –View the next slide to see how it should look

2 $1,000,000 Example of how it looks when complete, click on-screen show to view the animations B - correct answer A - answer C - answer D - answer B - correct answer


4 Who wants to be a Millionaire? Hosted by Mr. E

5 Confident?

6 The Prizes 1 - $100 2 - $200 3 - $500 4 - $1,000 5 - $2,000 6 - $4,000 7 - $8,000 8 - $16,000 9 - $32,000 10 - $64,000 11 - $125,000 12 - $250,000 13 - $500,000 14 - $1,000,000

7 Lifelines “Phone a friend” Ask the audience 50/50 Individual-3 strikes

8 $100 The continent on which humans originated was B - North America A - Asia C - Africa D - Europe C - Africa

9 $200 The rise of farming took place in the B - Neolithic Era A - Palaeolithic Era C - Iron Age D - Bronze Age B - Neolithic Era

10 $500 Which of the following was NOT a river valley civilization? B - Mesopotamia A - Egypt C - India D - Greece

11 $1,000 Believed people were evil and needed strict laws to discipline? B - Buddhism A - Confucianism C - Legalism D - Daoism C - Legalism

12 $2,000 Term for rule by a few? Sparta is an example. B - monarchy A - oligarchy C - aristocracy D - democracy A - oligarchy

13 $4,000 Term for a Greek city-state? B - Parthenon A - polis C - acropolis D - agora A - polis

14 $8,000 Pre-history is the period of time before ___________. B - people A - writing C - civilization D - farming A - writing

15 $16,000 Sumerian writing was called? B - pictographic A - hieroglyphics C - ziggurat D - cuneiform

16 $32,000 Which of the following invented the first alphabet? B - Babylonians A - Phoenicians C - Persians D - Assyrians A - Phoenicians

17 $64,000 Which of the following was NOT the founder of a religion? B - Jesus Christ A - Siddharta Gautama C - Laozi D - Confucius

18 $125,000 The movie 300 illustrates the Battle of ___________. B - Thermopylae A - Persia C - Marathon D - Salamis B - Thermopylae

19 $250,000 Which of the following was born or alive FIRST? B – Shi Huangdi A – Julius Caesar C – Julius Caesar D – PericlesD - Pericles

20 $500,000 Which of the following does NOT belong? B – Xerxes A – Hannibal C – Philip D – Darius A – Hannibal

21 $1,000,000 In which year was Julius Caesar assassinated? B – 44 BCE A – 484 BCE C – 404 CE D – 44 CE B – 44 BCE

22 Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!

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