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Main Chart Types Key Skill (for everyday use). Key Skills – Requirement examples General classroom data for learners and people passing through your classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Chart Types Key Skill (for everyday use). Key Skills – Requirement examples General classroom data for learners and people passing through your classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Chart Types Key Skill (for everyday use)

2 Key Skills – Requirement examples General classroom data for learners and people passing through your classroom School displays and events Contributions for school communications and websites INSET training days Support for Inspection data Support for professional articles/assignments/dissertation …

3 Objectives Reminder of basic types of visual representation To manually create a correlation graph Be able to make commentary about it (Put a quantitative value to the relationship)

4 Main Types

5 Scatter Graph Paired Data Test ScoreAttendance (%) 5076 4574 6590 5682 2470 2568 6180 A strong positive correlation. This supports the idea that good attendance does lead to improved results. The reverse is also true that poor attendance can result in lower scores. Title Axis Labels Crosses Line of best fit

6 Improved line of Best Fit The mean of both parts of the data can be calculated Score = 46.6, Attendance = 77.1 % The line of best fit will always pass through this point (46.6, 77.1)

7 For display! X X X X X X

8 Example - Your Educational Research Minutes spent reading per day 203040506070 Minutes taken to read three pages 2.492.412.382.141.972.03 As part of your Master’s level dissertation you are investigating time spent reading and speed of reading. You wish to show this data visually in your published work. Draw the scatter graph and describe the correlation.

9 Further examples Minutes spent reading per day 203040506070 Minutes taken to read three pages 2.492.412.382.141.972.03 Teacher ABCDEFG Open Questions 52253012334515 Closed Questions 520183817831 Q 1: The data represents monitoring of 7 teachers and the style of questioning in lessons. Again part of your dissertation research. Draw the Scatter diagram and write conclusions. Q2: You are preparing a lesson for your class and wish to check the data actually does show a strong relationship to reinforce your learning objective; “Older trees have wider trunks” You are going to ask your class to measure trees in the school grounds where the dates of planting are recorded on commemorative plaques. Can you do the exercise? Oak 1AshCherryOak 2YewPearRowan Age (years) 415865122010 Approx width (cm) 5201258192415


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